Git-Distributed version control system


Workspace: files in local directories (except hidden directories .git)

Repository: the hidden directory .git, including the temporary storage area, the first branch master, and the pointer HEA pointing to the master

  1. Common git commands

Right mouse button, select GitBash

git config --glabal "wcc" %Specify the user name for the warehouse%
git config --glabal "" %Specify the mailbox for the warehouse%
git config --list %Display current Git configuration%
git init %Create the current directory as a Git warehouse%
git init [project_name] %Create a new directory [project_name], and initialize it as a warehouse%
git add test.txt %Add the file test.txt to the temporary storage area%
git commit -m "Comment" % Submit the modification to the warehouse with a comment%
git commit -a %commit all changes%
git commit -v % display diff information when submitting%
git commit --amend %redo the last commit, if there is no change, it is used to rewrite the last commit information%
git status %Check if there are any uncommitted files%
git diff test.txt % View the modified content of the file test.txt%
git log %View file modification history%
git reset --hard HEAD^ % Roll back the files in the warehouse to the previous version%
git reset --hard HEAD^^ % Roll back the files in the warehouse to the previous 2 versions, and the number of ^ represents the number of rolled back versions%
git reset --hard HEAD~~100 % roll back the files in the warehouse to the last 100 versions%
git reset --hard xxx % roll back the files in the warehouse to the version with version number xxx%
git reflog %View version number%
cat test.txt %View file content%
git checkout --test.txt
% Abandon the modification of the file test.txt in the work area
%If the modification is not placed in the temporary storage area, the modification can be successfully undone, otherwise it cannot be undone
rm test.txt
%Delete the file test.txt, you can also delete the file directly in the directory
%After deleting the file, commit to submit the modification
% If not committed, you can checkout to restore the file

git rm test.txt %delete the file and put the modification into the temporary storage area%
git rm --cache test.txt %Stop tracking the file, but the file remains in the workspace%
git mv test.txt wcc.txt %Rename the file test.txt to wcc.txt, and put the modification into the temporary storage area%
git clone [URL] %Download a project and code history%
git pull % update, download the code and merge it, which is equivalent to fetch + merge%
git push %upload code and merge%
  1. Commit message format




add new features


fix bugs


Documentation comments


Code format (changes that do not affect operation)


Refactoring, optimization (no new features, no bug fixes)


performance optimization


increase test


Changes to the build process or accessibility tools


go back



  1. Resolve merge conflicts

The submitted code should be pull-commit-push

Strategy 1: Unload the entire project and pull the project again

git clone [URL]

Strategy 2: Roll back to the specified version, then pull-commit-push

①View the local historical version
$ git log % Press "q" to exit the log
② After finding the version number to roll back, right click to copy
$ git reset --hard xxx
$ git pull
$ git commit
$ git push
  1. Pull failed

Because of a merge conflict, I and others have modified the same file

①Copy one copy of your own code, that is, copy it to a txt file

② Undo your own modification

③Re-pull to pull the code

④ Re-modify, or overwrite the new code with your own code, and selectively retain the modification after comparison.