[Network Security] How to Counter Red Team “Hardware” Attacks


With the increasingly fierce confrontation between red and blue, the red team’s attack point has also involved many directions from the original web method, such as hardware attack.

The most notable hardware attack is Badusb. Talk about this stuff. Presumably everyone knows that there are a lot of production articles on the Internet.

Another way to burn BadUsb

There are indeed most of the BadUsb burning methods on the Internet, but they are all based on the burning of the arduino interface, but after my own research

Arduino can also be burned through command line parameters, as follows:

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Arduino\arduino_debug.exe --port COM port --upload the burned content file

For the file path, you can see the following figure. When saving the content, detailed information is given, and the suffix is ino. After the author compiles and tests with the command line, the path should be:


sketch_apr01a is the project file, and there must be a directory named sketch_apr01a in the upper layer

Code Analysis Process

In Windows sdk development, any window can receive messages and respond. Similarly, there will be corresponding messages and responses when BadUSB or U disk is inserted or pulled out.

The message used is: WM_DEVICECHANGE

(Notify an application of changes to a device or computer’s hardware configuration, receive messages via the WindowProc function)

The function prototype is as follows:

                              UINT message,
                                WPARAM wParam,

The third parameter wParam in WindowProc points to the event that occurs, and the value of this parameter can be found in the Dbt.h header file. Let’s talk about the macros we want to use, in Dbt.h:

DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL //Device insertion will respond
DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE //response when the device is pulled out

Code implements message response

First look at the WndProc function. The specific implementation is to respond to the message through a case

Add your own message response. When the following code is inserted into BadUSB, a pop-up window will display that the device is inserted.

case WM_DEVICECHANGE://Catch the message when the device changes
    case DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL://capture device inserted
      MessageBoxA(NULL, "device inserted", "test", NULL);
    case DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE://capture device eject
      MessageBoxA(NULL, "device unplugged", "test", NULL);

Here, when I plug in the BadUSB, the message is successfully captured and a window pops up.

Core code implementation

Since the message function will respond when the BadUSB is plugged in, let the message function execute the arduino command line and perform automatic programming. When the red team makes changes to BadUSB later, it will execute the code we burned

BadUSB will burn the content as follows, the setup function is the initialization function. When the BadUSB is plugged in, open Notepad and enter the string By: Met32. You can change it here… I wrote it here for the convenience of demonstration.

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

Keyboard.begin();//Start keyboard communication
delay(1000);//The delay is 1000 milliseconds, not too short, because the computer runs at different speeds every day
Keyboard.press(KEY_CAPS_LOCK); //Press the caps key Here we'd better write like this, otherwise most computers will have problems in the case of Chinese input
Keyboard.release(KEY_CAPS_LOCK); //Release the caps key
Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_GUI);//Press the logo key, which is the win key
Keyboard.press('r');//Press the r key
Keyboard.release(KEY_LEFT_GUI);//loose win key
Keyboard.release('r');//loose the r key
Keyboard.println("notepad");//Enter notepad to open Notepad
Keyboard.press(KEY_RETURN); //Press the Enter key
Keyboard.release(KEY_RETURN); //Release the Enter key
Keyboard.println(" By: Met32");//Enter the information we want to display
Keyboard.press(KEY_RETURN); //Press the Enter key
Keyboard.release(KEY_RETURN); //Release the Enter key
Keyboard.press(KEY_CAPS_LOCK); //Press the caps key
Keyboard.release(KEY_CAPS_LOCK); //Release the caps key We turn off the opened caps key again
Keyboard.end();//End keyboard communication


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


The entire implementation code of WndProc is as follows.

  int wmId, wmEvent;
  HDC hdc;

  switch (message)
  case WM_COMMAND:
    wmId = LOWORD(wParam);
    wmEvent = HIWORD(wParam);
    // Analysis menu selection:
    switch (wmId)
    case IDM_ABOUT:
      DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ABOUTBOX), hWnd, About);
    case IDM_EXIT:
      return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
  case WM_PAINT:
    hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
    // TODO: Add arbitrary drawing code here...
    EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);
  case WM_DESTROY:
    //code here
      system("C:\Users\Arduino\arduino_debug.exe --port COM5 --upload C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\sketch_apr01a\sketch_apr02a\sketch_apr02a.ino");
      MessageBoxA(NULL, "device unplugged", "test", NULL);
    return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
  return 0;

Usage process

Now let’s see the effect, when the BadUSB is plugged in, copy the burning content to the other party’s BadUSB by yourself.

Then exit the program, re-insert the BadUSB, and it will be displayed successfully, which proves that we have successfully burned to the other party’s BadUSB

Notes at the end

Don’t worry about the path of Arduino, because it’s all on your own machine, you can write it to death. The problem lies in the COM port. When the BadUSB is plugged in, we are not sure which port to use. Therefore, you can execute all the commonly used COM port numbers through a loop.

If you want to be more perfect, you can detect that the keyboard is disabled after the BadUSB is plugged in (forbid the other party’s code operation), and then execute our system command.


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