Blockchain hyperledger fabric deployment

One build development environment

1.1 Install Git

sudo apt-get install git

1.2 install curl

sudo apt-get install curl

1.3 Install docker

# install and check the version
sudo apt-get -y install docker-compose
docker --version
docker-compose --version
# Prompt, as long as you encounter docker-related errors in the future, first perform step 2.3.1
#1. Restart docker
sudo systemctl start docker
#Set docker to start when the system starts, optional
sudo systemctl enable docker
#2. Add the user to the docker group to ensure that it can be executed under the user command
sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
#3. Update user group
newgrp docker
# docker information
docker info
# Test docker, if an error is reported, see additional question 1 at the end of the article
docker run hello-world

1.4 Install go

Create a new directory, download, unzip

mkdir ~/download
cd ~/download
# download
# unzip
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.13.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Configuration Environment

mkdir $HOME/go
#Use vi to open ~./bashrc, configure environment variables
vi ~/.bashrc
# insert at the bottom
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
# Make the configured environment variables take effect
source ~/.bashrc
#Check if the configuration is correct
go version
# Configure goproxy environment variables to speed up domestic downloads
go env -w GOPROXY=

1.5 Install JQ

sudo apt-get install jq

Two installation instance, binary and docker image

2.1 Create a new directory and clone the fabric-samples warehouse

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
# Get fabric-samples source code
git clone

Select the appropriate version label, enter the directory, switch branches

cd fabric-samples
# You can choose the version yourself
git checkout release-2.2
#View version
git branch

2.2 Download docker image

Install the specified version of the Hyperledger Fabric platform-specific binary and configuration files into the /bin and /config directories under fabric-samples, and download the specified version of Hyperledger Fabric docker image

2.2.1 Configure mirror source

sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json
#Add the following code into it
"registry-mirrors": [""]
 # Ignore all version identifiers if you want the latest production release.
# curl -sSL | bash -s
# curl -sSL | bash -s -- <fabric_version> <fabric-ca_version> <thirdparty_version>
# If an error is reported, see additional question 2 at the end of the article
curl -sSL | bash -s -- 2.2.0 1.4.7 0.4.18
# If that doesn't work try the following
curl -sSL | bash -s 2.2.0 1.4.7 0.4.18

Note: The above curl is mainly to obtain a script file and execute it. There may be problems such as connection rejection or access, and network failure.

You can go to the fabric to download the source code.

  • Need to download zip (master branch) first
  • Then move the file fabric/scripts/ to the directory $HOME/go/src/, which is the virtual machine fabric-samples Table of contents
  • Execute the following command in the fabric-samples directory
    cat |bash -s


    2.2.2 Match the go version

Check the installed go version

go version
cd chaincode-go
sudo vi go.mod
# Enter the file and find that it is 1.14. Change it to 1.13 by yourself to match the go version you downloaded

2.2.3 Environment variable settings

vi ~/.bashrc
# Add the following variables
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/src/
# make it effective
source ~/.bashrc
# check success
fabric-ca-client version

Three use fabric test network

Arriving here shows that the environment has been deployed, and the next step is to use the test network. It should be noted that it is best to operate in a complete time period.

First enable debug mode

#Open debug mode

3.1 Launch test network

Enter test-network under fabric-samples, execute the following command to execute the script

./ up

After the execution is complete, we can see that we have created the sorting organization orderer, the peer0 node of the alliance member org1, the peer0 node of the alliance member org2, and the corresponding mirror image

3.2 Parts of the test network


docker ps -a

All organizations that are members of the Fabric network are called alliances. This test network has two alliance members org1 and 2, an organization orderer that maintains network sorting services, and each organization operates a peer node, and peer0 The peer node is the basic component of the fabric network. The most common peer node is the endorsement node. The peer node stores the blockchain account book for verification before the transaction.
3.3 Create a channel

Use ./ createChannel to create a channel between org1 and org2 and join their peer nodes, as follows:

  • Create a Channel, which is named mychannel by default
  • channel name restrictions
    • Contains only lowercase ASCII alphanumerics, dot “.” and dash “-“
    • less than 250 characters
    • starts with a letter
# 1. Do not enter a custom name channel, the default is mychannel
./ createChannel
# 2. Enter a custom name, you can create multiple channels with different names
./ createChannel -c channel1
./ createChannel -c channel2
# 3. You can also create a network to create channels together
./ up createChannel

My default channel name here

Execution complete display:

3.3 Start a chaincode on a channel

In the fabric, the chain code refers to the smart contract.
After the channel is created, start to deploy the chain code to interact with the channel ledger. The chain code contains the business logic of the assets on the blockchain ledger and is written in the go language. A network of applications run by members can invoke smart contracts on the ledger to create, change and transfer assets.
In order to ensure that the transaction is valid, the transaction created using the smart contract needs to be signed by multiple organizations before it can be submitted to the ledger, that is, endorsement, and the smart contract also defines the endorsement strategy, such as 2/3 of the members agree to pass, half of the members agree to pass, etc. .
After creating the channel, start the chaincode now

./ deployCC -ccn basic -ccp ../asset-transfer-basic/chaincode-go -ccl go

Chaincode started successfully

3.4 Interacting with the Internet , configure the peer command

All are executed under the test-network folder

3.4.1 Add the binary files under the bin file of fabric-samples to the CLI path:

export PATH=${PWD}/../bin:$PATH

3.4.2 Set FABRIC_CFG_PATH in the fabric-samples code base to point to the core.yaml file:

export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=$PWD/../config/

3.4.3 Set environment variables to allow users to operate peer CLI as org1:

# Environment variables for Org1

The #CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE and CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH environment variables point to the encryption material in Org1's organizations folder.
export CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/
export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/[email protected]/msp
export CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=localhost:7051

The CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE and CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH environment variables point to the ORG1 cryptographic material in the organizations folder.

3.4.4 Initialize ledger

Next, you can call the InitLedger method of chaincode (Go) to assign some initial assets on the ledger, and run the following command to initialize the ledger with some assets.

peer chaincode invoke -o localhost:7050 --ordererTLSHostnameOverride --tls --cafile ${PWD}/organizations/ordererOrganizations/ -C mychannel -n basic --peerAddresses localhost:7051 --tlsRootCertFiles ${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/ /ca.crt --peerAddresses localhost:9051 --tlsRootCertFiles ${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/ -c '{"function" :"InitLedger","Args":[]}'

3.4.5 Query ledger with CLI tools

peer chaincode query -C mychannel -n basic -c '{"Args":["GetAllAssets"]}'

Output after a successful query:
{"AppraisedValue":500,"Color":"green","ID":"asset3","Owner":"Jin Soo","Size":10},

account or change the owner of the asset (that is, a change operation in the database)

peer chaincode invoke -o localhost:7050 --ordererTLSHostnameOverride --tls --cafile ${PWD}/organizations/ordererOrganizations/ -C mychannel -n basic --peerAddresses localhost:7051 --tlsRootCertFiles ${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/ /ca.crt --peerAddresses localhost:9051 --tlsRootCertFiles ${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/ -c '{"function" :"TransferAsset","Args":["asset6","Christopher"]}'
Change results:
{"AppraisedValue":500,"Color":"green","ID":"asset3","Owner":"Jin Soo","Size":10},

It is found that the owner whose ID is asset6 has changed to Christopher.

3.4.6 We can query through the peer of org2, before we set the environment variable of org2

# Environment variables for Org2

export CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/
export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/[email protected]/msp
export CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=localhost:9051
peer chaincode query -C mychannel -n basic -c '{"Args":["ReadAsset","asset6"]}'

Query asset-transfer-basic chaincode running on mychannel

The result is the same as org1 and asset6 is transferred to the name Christopher’s people.

3.4.7 So far the test is completed, we close the network ./ down

./ down

3.5 Building a network with a certificate authority

Hyperledger Fabric uses public key infrastructure (PKI) to verify the actions of all network participants. Every node, network administrator, and transaction submitted by users needs to have a public certificate and private key to verify their identity. These identities must have a valid root of trust certificate issued by the organization that is a member of the network.
In the test network, uses the cryptogen tool to create these cryptographic materials before creating nodes.

Execute in the text-network directory

./ up -ca


You can see that the script starts three CAs, namely orderer, org1 and org2.

You can also take a look at org1’s MSP folder, which contains certificates and private keys for each identity:

tree organizations/peerOrganizations/[email protected]/
# The tree command is not installed by default. If there is no such command, follow the prompts to install it first

organizations/peerOrganizations/[email protected]/
└── msp
├── cacerts //root CA server certificate
│ └── localhost-7054-ca-org1.pem
├── config.yaml
├── IssuerPublicKey
├── IssuerRevocationPublicKey
├── keystore //private key of the node
│ └── 1018d5470ce399ed212639a454a80d1ea96592b01bed4c0560e11b65c34ed1b6_sk
├── signcerts
│ └── cert.pem //account certificate file
└── user

5 directories, 6 files

Close the network:

#Close the network
./ down