Spring Boot timing task dynamic management general solution

Programmer Zhuifeng 2023-05-20 22:00 Published in Hunan

Included in the collection #Spring Boot18

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1. Function description

The enhanced tool for SpringBoot’s timing tasks realizes the dynamic management of SpringBoot’s native timing tasks, fully compatible with the native @Scheduled annotation, and does not need to modify the original timing tasks

Second, quick use

Specific functions have been encapsulated into SpringBoot-starter plug-and-play


3. Implementation principle

1. Realization of dynamic management

(1) Introduction to configuration management

public class SuperScheduledConfig {
     * Thread pool for executing scheduled tasks
    private ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler;

     * The container for the relationship between the name of the scheduled task and the callback hook of the scheduled task
    private Map<String, ScheduledFuture> nameToScheduledFuture = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

     * The relation container between the name of the scheduled task and the logic that needs to be executed by the scheduled task
    private Map<String, Runnable> nameToRunnable = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

     * The container for the relationship between the name of the scheduled task and the source information of the scheduled task
    private Map<String, ScheduledSource> nameToScheduledSource = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
 /* Ordinary get/sets omitted */

(2) Use a post-processor to intercept SpringBoot’s original scheduled tasks

  • Implement the ApplicationContextAware interface to get the context of SpringBoot

  • Implement the BeanPostProcessor interface, mark this class as a post-processor, and the post-processor will be executed after each bean is instantiated

  • Use the @DependsOn annotation to force dependency on the SuperScheduledConfig class, and let SpringBoot instantiate the SuperScheduledConfig class before instantiating the SuperScheduledPostProcessor class

  • The main implementation logic is in the postProcessAfterInitialization() method

public class SuperScheduledPostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor, ApplicationContextAware {
    protected final Log logger = LogFactory. getLog(getClass());

    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

     * Operations before instantiating the bean
     * @param bean bean instance
     * @param beanName The name of the bean
    public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
        return bean;

     * Operation after instantiating the bean
     * @param bean bean instance
     * @param beanName The name of the bean
    public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean,
                                                 String beanName) throws BeansException {
        //1. Get the configuration manager
        SuperScheduledConfig superScheduledConfig = applicationContext.getBean(SuperScheduledConfig.class);

        //2. Get all the methods of the currently instantiated bean
        Method[] methods = bean.getClass().getDeclaredMethods();
        // Loop processing processes each method one by one
        if (methods. length > 0) {
            for (Method method : methods) {
             //3. Try to get the @Scheduled annotation on this method (SpringBoot's scheduled task annotation)
                Scheduled annotation = method. getAnnotation(Scheduled. class);
                //If the @Scheduled annotation cannot be obtained, skip this method
                if (annotation == null) {
                //4. Create the source attribute of the scheduled task
                //Create the source attribute of the scheduled task (used to record the configuration of the scheduled task, the original attribute on the annotation is recorded during initialization)
                ScheduledSource scheduledSource = new ScheduledSource(annotation, method, bean);
                //Detect the attributes obtained in the source attribute on the annotation
                if (!scheduledSource. check()) {
                    throw new SuperScheduledException("In " + beanName + "Bean" + method.getName() + "method annotation parameter error");
                //Generate the name (id) of the scheduled task, using beanName + "." + method name
                String name = beanName + "." + method. getName();
                //The source data will be stored in the configuration manager in the form of key-value, key: the name of the scheduled task value: source data
                superScheduledConfig.addScheduledSource(name, scheduledSource);
                try {
                 //5. Cancel the original SpringBoot scheduled task
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new SuperScheduledException("An error occurred while closing the original method " + beanName + method.getName() + "");
        //The last bean keeps the original return
        return bean;

     * Modify the original attribute of the annotation
     * @param annotation annotation instance object
     * @throws Exception
    private void clearOriginalScheduled(Scheduled annotation) throws Exception {
        changeAnnotationValue(annotation, "cron", Scheduled. CRON_DISABLED);
        changeAnnotationValue(annotation, "fixedDelay", -1L);
        changeAnnotationValue(annotation, "fixedDelayString", "");
        changeAnnotationValue(annotation, "fixedRate", -1L);
        changeAnnotationValue(annotation, "fixedRateString", "");
        changeAnnotationValue(annotation, "initialDelay", -1L);
        changeAnnotationValue(annotation, "initialDelayString", "");

     * Get the context of SpringBoot
     * @param applicationContext SpringBoot context
    public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
        this. applicationContext = applicationContext;

(3) Use ApplicationRunner to initialize a custom scheduled task runner

  • Implement the ApplicationContextAware interface to get the context of SpringBoot

  • Use the @DependsOn annotation to enforce dependency on the threadPoolTaskScheduler class

  • Implement the ApplicationRunner interface and run custom logic after all beans are initialized

  • The main implementation logic is in the run() method

public class SuperScheduledApplicationRunner implements ApplicationRunner, ApplicationContextAware {
    protected final Log logger = LogFactory. getLog(getClass());
    private DateTimeFormatter df = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
     * Timing task configuration manager
    private SuperScheduledConfig superScheduledConfig;
     * Timing task execution thread
    private ThreadPoolTaskScheduler threadPoolTaskScheduler;

    public void run(ApplicationArguments args) {
     //1. The scheduled task execution thread is cached in the scheduled task configuration manager
        //2. Get all scheduled task source data
        Map<String, ScheduledSource> nameToScheduledSource = superScheduledConfig.getNameToScheduledSource();
        //Process timing tasks one by one
        for (String name : nameToScheduledSource. keySet()) {
            //3. Get the scheduled task source data
            ScheduledSource scheduledSource = nameToScheduledSource. get(name);
            //4. Get all enhanced classes
            String[] baseStrengthenBeanNames = applicationContext.getBeanNamesForType(BaseStrengthen.class);
            //5. Create an execution controller
            SuperScheduledRunnable runnable = new SuperScheduledRunnable();
            //Configure the execution controller
            //6. Process the enhanced classes one by one (the implementation principle of the enhancer will be analyzed later)
            List<Point> points = new ArrayList<>(baseStrengthenBeanNames. length);
            for (String baseStrengthenBeanName : baseStrengthenBeanNames) {
             //7. Proxy the enhancer into point
                Object baseStrengthenBean = applicationContext. getBean(baseStrengthenBeanName);
                //Create proxy
                Point proxy = ProxyUtils.getInstance(Point.class, new RunnableBaseInterceptor(baseStrengthenBean, runnable));
                //8. All the points are connected together
                points. add(proxy);
   //Form the point into a call chain
            runnable. setChain(new Chain(points));
            //Encapsulate and cache the execution logic into the scheduled task configuration manager
            superScheduledConfig.addRunnable(name, runnable::invoke);
            try {
             //8. Start the scheduled task
                ScheduledFuture<?> schedule = ScheduledFutureFactory.create(threadPoolTaskScheduler
                        , scheduledSource, runnable::invoke);
                //Save the thread callback hook to the task configuration manager
                superScheduledConfig.addScheduledFuture(name, schedule);
                logger.info(df.format(LocalDateTime.now()) + "task" + name + "started...");

            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new SuperScheduledException("Task" + name + "failed to start, error message:" + e.getLocalizedMessage());

    public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
        this. applicationContext = applicationContext;

(4) Perform dynamic management

public class SuperScheduledManager {
    protected final Log logger = LogFactory. getLog(getClass());
    private DateTimeFormatter df = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

    private SuperScheduledConfig superScheduledConfig;

     * Modify the execution cycle of Scheduled
     * @param name scheduled name
     * @param cron cron expression
    public void setScheduledCron(String name, String cron) {
        // Terminate the original task
        //Create a new task
        ScheduledSource scheduledSource = superScheduledConfig.getScheduledSource(name);
        scheduledSource. clear();
        addScheduled(name, scheduledSource);

     * Modify Scheduled's fixedDelay
     * @param name scheduled name
     * @param fixedDelay How long after the last execution time point before executing
    public void setScheduledFixedDelay(String name, Long fixedDelay) {
        // Terminate the original task
        //Create a new task
        ScheduledSource scheduledSource = superScheduledConfig.getScheduledSource(name);
        scheduledSource. clear();
        addScheduled(name, scheduledSource);

     * Modify the fixedRate of Scheduled
     * @param name scheduled name
     * @param fixedRate how long to execute after the last execution
    public void setScheduledFixedRate(String name, Long fixedRate) {
        // Terminate the original task
        //Create a new task
        ScheduledSource scheduledSource = superScheduledConfig.getScheduledSource(name);
        scheduledSource. clear();
        addScheduled(name, scheduledSource);

     * Query all started Scheduled
    public List<String> getRunScheduledName() {
        Set<String> names = superScheduledConfig.getNameToScheduledFuture().keySet();
        return new ArrayList<>(names);

     * Query all Scheduled
    public List<String> getAllSuperScheduledName() {
        Set<String> names = superScheduledConfig.getNameToRunnable().keySet();
        return new ArrayList<>(names);

     * Terminate Scheduled
     * @param name scheduled name
    public void cancelScheduled(String name) {
        ScheduledFuture scheduledFuture = superScheduledConfig.getScheduledFuture(name);
        scheduledFuture. cancel(true);
        superScheduledConfig. removeScheduledFuture(name);
        logger.info(df.format(LocalDateTime.now()) + "task" + name + "terminated...");

     * Start Scheduled
     * @param name scheduled name
     * @param scheduledSource source information of scheduled task
    public void addScheduled(String name, ScheduledSource scheduledSource) {
        if (getRunScheduledName(). contains(name)) {
            throw new SuperScheduledException("Scheduled task" + name + "has already been started");
        if (!scheduledSource. check()) {
            throw new SuperScheduledException("Scheduled task" + name + "Source data content error");

        scheduledSource. refreshType();

        Runnable runnable = superScheduledConfig. getRunnable(name);
        ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler = superScheduledConfig. getTaskScheduler();

        ScheduledFuture<?> schedule = ScheduledFutureFactory. create(taskScheduler, scheduledSource, runnable);
        logger.info(df.format(LocalDateTime.now()) + "task" + name + "started...");

        superScheduledConfig.addScheduledSource(name, scheduledSource);
        superScheduledConfig.addScheduledFuture(name, schedule);

     * Start Scheduled with cron type
     * @param name scheduled name
     * @param cron cron expression
    public void addCronScheduled(String name, String cron) {
        ScheduledSource scheduledSource = new ScheduledSource();

        addScheduled(name, scheduledSource);

     * Start Scheduled with fixedDelay type
     * @param name scheduled name
     * @param fixedDelay How long after the last execution time point before executing
     * @param initialDelay The delay time of the first execution
    public void addFixedDelayScheduled(String name, Long fixedDelay, Long... initialDelay) {
        ScheduledSource scheduledSource = new ScheduledSource();
        if (initialDelay != null & amp; & amp; initialDelay. length == 1) {
        } else if (initialDelay != null & amp; & amp; initialDelay. length > 1) {
            throw new SuperScheduledException("The delay time of the first execution can only pass in one parameter");

        addScheduled(name, scheduledSource);

     * Start Scheduled with fixedRate type
     * @param name scheduled name
     * @param fixedRate how long to execute after the last execution
     * @param initialDelay The delay time of the first execution
    public void addFixedRateScheduled(String name, Long fixedRate, Long... initialDelay) {
        ScheduledSource scheduledSource = new ScheduledSource();
        if (initialDelay != null & amp; & amp; initialDelay. length == 1) {
        } else if (initialDelay != null & amp; & amp; initialDelay. length > 1) {
            throw new SuperScheduledException("The delay time of the first execution can only pass in one parameter");

        addScheduled(name, scheduledSource);

     * Execute a task manually
     * @param name scheduled name
    public void runScheduled(String name) {
        Runnable runnable = superScheduledConfig. getRunnable(name);
        runnable. run();

2. Enhanced interface implementation

The overall idea of the enhancer implementation is consistent with that of SpringAop, and the implementation is not as complicated as Aop

(1) Enhanced interface

public interface BaseStrengthen {
     * Pre-strengthening method
     * @param bean bean instance (or proxied bean)
     * @param method The method object to execute
     * @param args method parameters
    void before(Object bean, Method method, Object[] args);

     * Post reinforcement method
     * An exception will not be executed
     * Executed after the afterFinally method if no exception occurs
     * @param bean bean instance (or proxied bean)
     * @param method The method object to execute
     * @param args method parameters
    void after(Object bean, Method method, Object[] args);

     * Exception enhancement method
     * @param bean bean instance (or proxied bean)
     * @param method The method object to execute
     * @param args method parameters
    void exception(Object bean, Method method, Object[] args);

     * Finally strengthens the method, and it will be executed if an exception occurs
     * @param bean bean instance (or proxied bean)
     * @param method The method object to execute
     * @param args method parameters
    void afterFinally(Object bean, Method method, Object[] args);

(2) Proxy abstract class

public abstract class Point {
     * Timing task name
    private String superScheduledName;

     * Abstract execution method, implemented using proxy
     * @param runnable timed task executor
    public abstract Object invoke(SuperScheduledRunnable runnable);
    /* Ordinary get/sets omitted */

(3) Call chain class

public class Chain {
    private List<Point> list;
    private int index = -1;
     * Index incremented by 1
    public int incIndex() {
        return ++ index;

     * Index restore
    public void resetIndex() {
        this.index = -1;

(4) cglib dynamic proxy implementation

Use the cglib proxy enhancer to proxy all the enhancers into call chain nodes Point

public class RunnableBaseInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
     * Timing task executor
    private SuperScheduledRunnable runnable;
     * Timed task enhancement class
    private BaseStrengthen strengthen;

    public Object intercept(Object obj, Method method, Object[] args, MethodProxy methodProxy) throws Throwable {
        Object result;
        //If the invoke() method is executed
        if ("invoke".equals(method.getName())) {
         // pre-strengthening method
            strength.before(obj, method, args);
            try {
             //Call the invoke() method in the executor
                result = runnable. invoke();
            } catch (Exception e) {
             // exception enhancement method
                strength. exception(obj, method, args);
                throw new SuperScheduledException(strengthen.getClass() + "An error occurred during strengthening execution", e);
            } finally {
             //Finally strengthens the method, and it will be executed if an exception occurs
                strength.afterFinally(obj, method, args);
            // post reinforcement method
            strength after(obj, method, args);

        } else {
         // directly execute the method
            result = methodProxy.invokeSuper(obj, args);
        return result;

    public RunnableBaseInterceptor(Object object, SuperScheduledRunnable runnable) {
        this.runnable = runnable;
        if (BaseStrengthen. class. isAssignableFrom(object. getClass())) {
            this.strengthen = (BaseStrengthen) object;
        } else {
            throw new SuperScheduledException(object.getClass() + "object is not of type BaseStrengthen");

    public RunnableBaseInterceptor() {


(5) Timing task executor implementation

public class SuperScheduledRunnable {
     * original method
    private Method method;
     * The bean where the method is located
    private Object bean;
     * The call chain of the enhancer
    private Chain chain;

    public Object invoke() {
        Object result;
        //Increment the index by 1
        if (chain.incIndex() == chain.getList().size()) {
            //The enhanced methods in the call chain have all been executed
            try {
                // call chain index initialization
                chain. resetIndex();
                //Enhancers are all executed, execute the original method
                result = method. invoke(bean);
            } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
                throw new SuperScheduledException(e. getLocalizedMessage());
        } else {
            // Get the method enhancer after being proxied
            Point point = chain.getList().get(chain.getIndex());
            //Execute the enhancer proxy
            //In the enhancer proxy, the method executor will be called back to form a call chain, and the enhancers in the call chain will be run one by one
            result = point.invoke(this);
        return result;
    /* Ordinary get/sets omitted */

(6) Enhancer proxy logic

Code snippet in the com.gyx.superscheduled.core.SuperScheduledApplicationRunner class

//Create execution controller
SuperScheduledRunnable runnable = new SuperScheduledRunnable();
//The proxy object used to store the enhancer
List<Point> points = new ArrayList<>(baseStrengthenBeanNames. length);
//Loop through the beanName of all enhancers
for (String baseStrengthenBeanName : baseStrengthenBeanNames) {
 // Get the bean object of the enhancer
    Object baseStrengthenBean = applicationContext. getBean(baseStrengthenBeanName);
    //Proxy the enhancer into a Point node
    Point proxy = ProxyUtils.getInstance(Point.class, new RunnableBaseInterceptor(baseStrengthenBean, runnable));
    //The proxy object of the enhancer is cached in the list
    points. add(proxy);
// Generate a call chain from the collection of enhancer proxy instances
//Set the call chain in the execution controller
runnable.setChain(new Chain(points));

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