Install Anaconda under Linux-Centos7, conda installs virtual environment, cuda, cudnn

Reference article:

0 Reference URL

Pull down to the bottom, copy the link to download

Anaconda official website:

Anaconda Tsinghua mirror source: & amp;O=D
x86_64 means compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit systems. Right-click to copy the link, and use wget to download in linux.

1. Download

1Install and download instructions

yum install wget


At present, the download speed of the official website is higher than that of the mirror source of Tsinghua University, just download directly from the official website


2. Install

1Install instruction


2Input ENTER


3 Enter all the way

4 Enter yes


5Select path

Change to a path with more space


5.1 may report an error

There may be an error here, suggesting that bunzip2 cannot be found: line 353: bunzip2: command not found
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
Also use yum to install, the name is bzip2:

yum install -y bzip2

After the installation is complete, repeat the previous steps to install anaconda3

6 select no

It is recommended to enter no. If you choose yes, the environment variable is automatically added in the /root/.bashrc directory, which will automatically start the base environment when booting


7 Open profile file:

vi /etc/profile
input i

8Change environment variables

Hold down the shift key + : key, type wq, save the file and exit.

Add the following statement at the end of the file (the path needs to be changed according to your own installation location):

export PATH

9 Finally, use the following command to refresh the environment variables

source /etc/profile
echo $PATH

10 Enter and exit the environment command:

new version

conda activate # Enter the conda environment, if (base) appears, the installation is successful
conda deactivate # Exit the conda environment

old version

source activate # Enter the conda environment, if (base) appears, it means the installation is successful
source deactivate # Exit the conda environment

11 initialization:

conda init

12 Restart the xshell software

13 anaconda cancels the default startup base environment every time

After installing conda, cancel the base that appears before the command line, and cancel the basic environment that automatically activates conda every time you start

method one:

Every time you exit the base environment through conda deactivate on the command line and return to the system automatic environment

Method Two

1. By setting the auto_activate_base parameter to false:

conda config --set auto_activate_base false

2. If you want to enter, pass

conda activate base

3. If you regret it and still want to keep the base, you can restore it through

conda config --set auto_activate_base true

14 Install cuda and cudnn in the conda virtual environment

This article takes cuda10.1 as an example:
Install CUDA in the conda virtual environment:

conda install cudatoolkit=10.1 -c


conda install cudatoolkit=10.1

Install cudnn in the conda virtual environment:

conda install cudnn=7.6.5 -c


conda install cudnn=7.6.5

If the version is not written, the version will be automatically selected to match the cuda version:

conda install cudnn

The installation path here does not form a separate cuda folder, but is stored in the envs/your virtual environment/lib or include folder:
The figure below shows the path after installing CUDA and CUDNN.
The installation path here does not form a separate cuda folder, but is stored in the conda installation directory under the virtual environment lib and include folders under envs.

cd /data/anaconda3/envs/py38_insightface

15 Add CUDA to enter the environment variable

Multiple virtual environments only need to be added once

vim /etc/profile
export PATH
source /etc/profile

16 Restart the xshell software

3. Configure the python virtual environment that requires the version

1 Enter conda -V to view the version

conda -V

2 Create a Python3.7 environment

conda create --name python37 python==3.7.4

3 Activate the environment

conda activate python37

4 cancel Python3.7 environment

conda deactivate

5Delete an existing environment

conda remove --name python37 --all

6 View the existing environment

The different python environments installed by the user will be placed in the directory ~/anaconda/envs. You can run conda info -e in the command to view the installed environment. The currently activated environment will be displayed with an asterisk or brackets.

conda info -e

7Pip mirror source modification Try to use pip install to install the package, conda may fail the mirror source

~/.pip/pip.conf (if not, create a folder and file. Add “.” to the folder to indicate it is a hidden folder)
index-url =
trusted-host =

One-click setup

pip3 config set global.index-url

8anaconda mirror source modification

#Display what are the current conda data sources
conda config --show channels
#Add data source: For example, add anaconda image:
conda config --add channels
conda config --add channels
conda config --add channels
conda config --add channels
conda config --add channels
conda config --add channels

conda config --set show_channel_urls yes
#delete data source
conda config --remove channels
#Restore the default datasource
conda config --remove-key channels

9 commonly used conda commands:

Conda commonly used commands:
conda list to see which packages are installed.
conda env list or conda info -e to see which virtual environments currently exist
conda update conda Check to update the current conda

1) Check the installed packages in the current environment: conda list
2) Find package information: conda search XXXX (XXXX is the name of the package you are looking for)
3), install the package: conda install -n XXXX (environment name) XXXX (name of the package to be installed)
# If the environment name is not specified with -n, it will be installed in the current active environment
# You can also specify to install through a channel through -c
4), update the package: conda update -n XXXX (environment name) XXXX (name of the package to be updated)
5), delete package: conda remove -n XXXX (environment name) XXXX (package name to be updated)

10. Online upgrade

conda update -n base -c defaults conda

win10 installation, additional reference and configuration

Additional reference configuration for error reporting