static static + package and guide package + access rights + getter and setter + inheritance + super keyword + method rewriting + polymorphism

static static

The problem with this graph is how many people it will print as many times and what is the country

We can define it as a static variable at the beginning, so that later it will default to the Qing Dynasty for the country column.

And the content corresponding to static is shared. In line 22, we change the country of one of them to the Republic of China, and we will find that both of them have changed.

However, we do not recommend accessing the static content set through the object, that is,”Republic of China” should not be used as much as possible.

This is because static belongs to a class, try to access it through the class name.


  1. data sharing

  1. Belongs to a class, not an object

  1. takes precedence over object generation

generic constructor, static constructor

The process of creating an object (simple)

Print order:

  1. Static constructor 2. General constructor 3. Construction method -> Create object

Since the process of creating an object is after the static content is loaded, this cannot be used in static methods and static blocks

Static content is accessed using class commands

It is ok to call static things in static methods

Package and export package

Package: In fact, it is essentially a folder

You need to write package + package name in the code

Import package: import + package + class

This is the imported package package1

The third line of operation: import the imported package

No package needed:

  1. in your bag

  1. All content under java.lang does not need to import packages

Such as: String System.out.println

Access permissions

  1. public public access

  1. Default access rights, commonly used such as String name, can be accessed at will in your own package

  1. private private

We can find that there is no problem in calling after defining three kinds of permissions in our own package.

If it is used in other packages, an error will occur, and only public ones can be used

What about different classes under the same package?

Private does not work

In general, public and private are used the most

getters and setters

Useful: After the member variable is declared with private, it can protect the variable from random assignment

In human terms, when you want to use private-defined member variables in other packages or different classes in the same package, you can use the method of writing getters and setters.

The following is the class that defines private

The following are different classes in the same package

The following are in different packages

getter, get data from member variable

Setter, assign values to member variables, do some protection

Note: getters and setters can be automatically generated

Idea users can right-click on the blank space, select getter and setter in generate, and then select all to generate automatically.

The eclipse user will be warned after writing private, and can directly click to generate automatically according to the content of the prompt.


Inheritance: subclasses can automatically own everything except the parent class private

When x is a kind of y, x can inherit y

public class class extends parent class{

Role: Simplify code development

The subclass extends the parent class

The following as a parent class

The following as a subclass

The extended content is what is not in the parent class

The following is to write the main method as the entry to call the defined “parent class” (actually defined as a subclass, but the child inherits the parent’s business)

See the fifth line, it is actually a little bull monster (son) not a big bull monster (father)

The ninth line is defined in the bull monster, because it is a private type, so it is not available

The following are the output results: the output results of lines 6, 8, and 11 respectively

super keyword

super: content in the parent class

this: the content in the subclass

super and this are used to distinguish the same parts of the parent class and the subclass




Summary: There is no name in the subclass, so the name in the parent class will be borrowed

So, what happens when we define the name in the subclass and the parent class remains unchanged?

Summary: If there is a defined name in the subclass, the name defined in the subclass will be used as If not, the parent class will be considered.

So, how to use both parent class and child class?

We need to use the above super.

As shown in the figure, is used to represent the keyword of the parent class, so the parent class will be brought out.

In addition, super can also call the construction method in the parent class, which must be written in the first line of the subclass construction method. If the parent class has no parameters, it can be omitted, and it must be written if there are parameters.

For example, there is String a in the parentheses of hero in the fifth line of the first picture, and String a must also be in the parentheses of the tenth line in the second picture.

Override of method

Rewriting: subclass redefines the method provided by the parent class

Grammar: The methods declared by the subclass and the parent class are exactly the same

Overriding is also known as method overriding

The following first writes the method in the parent class and calls it in the subclass

Then we need to write a method in the subclass with the same syntax as the method in the parent class, the purpose is to verify the rewriting of the method

Without any changes in the parent class, the subclass is as follows

We can see that the method of the subclass is still used in the end, which is the rewriting of the method

If we want to use the methods in the parent class together, then we need to use the knowledge learned in the previous section

Just use super


Polymorphism: the same object can have multiple forms

Function: unify different data types, so that programmers have super scalability

Example: Write a code for a person to feed cats and dogs



people to feed

main method

Summary: We will find that every time we add a small animal, we need to add a new method of weieat to the person class. The operation is cumbersome and repetitive. If we use polymorphic knowledge, it will actually be very convenient.

Kittens and puppies inherit animal

People don’t need to feed them one by one, they just need to use the transferred animal type variable, and then find out which animal (cat or dog) it is, and execute the corresponding action

In the main method, because cats and dogs inherit animal, the subclass object can be assigned as the animal type, and then the action can be performed by humans (the eighth and ninth lines).

defined animal

little knowledge

  1. Assign the object of the subclass to the variable of the parent class —> upcast

  1. Assign the variables of the parent class to the variables of the subclass —> downcast

Downward transformation is risky and involves forced transformation

(type to be converted) variable

Object-oriented practice

Requirement: Choose and play among the three games of lol cs dnf

Analysis: Three classes need to be written, which are three games respectively, and then use the polymorphic knowledge in the previous section to classify them into the parent class game, then create a user person class to call them, and finally write a main method to create all object.







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