Modify the torndb library to rely on pymysql to adapt it to python3, a simpler class for operating databases.

1. Python’s MySQLdb and pymysql are two basic database operation packages. The installation of MySQLdb is very troublesome. If there is a c++ related environment, python3 cannot be installed.

Python3 generally installs pymysql. This package is highly replaceable with the MySQLdb package. As long as you learn the api of one library, the operation method of the other library is exactly the same, and you don’t need to learn a new api.

But both of these are low-level, and the flaw is that the public query method is not easy to use, because the execution is cursor.excute, but the result needs to be operated on the cursor twice, so in general, most people will perform the second operation. subpackage.

2. torndb is such a library. It does not require the caller to care about the database cursor. Each public method returns the result directly. This is also the goal of secondary packaging of the database under normal circumstances. With torndb, there is no need to suffer I forced myself to encapsulate the database operation, just like having useful requests, 70% of the scenarios do not need to encapsulate urllib anymore, and there are special cases, I performed a second encapsulation based on the Session class of requests to make it more Easy to use, after encapsulation, only a small amount of external code is required outside the class, and the result can be obtained by calling the encapsulated method.

3. The pain point is that torndb relies on MySQLdb, which is difficult to install, and there are several python syntaxes in python2, but pyhton3 is removed. The last official update was in 2014. It is estimated that the official does not plan to update to be compatible with py3.

I modified it to rely on pymysql, compatible with python3, and published it on the official website of pypi. You can use pip install torndb_for_python3 to install this package, or you can copy the following code yourself.

torndb_for_python3 is fully compatible with the torndb package, and the api is exactly the same. To use the torndb_for_python3 package, just go to Baidu to search for torndb.

The lines with #TODO comments in the following code are the lines that have been modified from the official code.

Code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2009 Facebook
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

"""A lightweight wrapper around MySQLdb.

Originally part of the Tornado framework. The tornado.database module
is slated for removal in Tornado 3.0, and it is now available separately
as torndb.
The official torndb needs to be matched with the MySQLdb package, which is mainly modified to match with pymysql. The lines with TODO comments are all modified on the official basis, in order to be compatible with the parameters of pymsql and compatible with python3


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, with_statement

import copy
import itertools
import logging
import os
import time
import pymysql # TODO need to install pymysql

pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb() # TODO Use monkey technology to replace the MySQLdb package with the pymsql package, so there is no need to replace MySQLdb with pymsql in the code. The main classes of pymsql and MySQLdb are ducks.

    import MySQLdb.constants
    import MySQLdb.converters
    import MySQLdb.cursors
except ImportError:
    # If MySQLdb isn't available this module won't actually be useable,
    # but we want it to at least be importable on,
    # which has limitations on third-party modules.
    if 'READTHEDOCS' in os.environ:
        MySQLdb = None

version = "0.3"
version_info = (0, 3, 0, 0)

class Connection(object):
    """A lightweight wrapper around MySQLdb DB-API connections.

    The main value we provide is wrapping rows in a dict/object so that
    columns can be accessed by name. Typical usage::

        db = torndb.Connection("localhost", "mydatabase")
        for article in db.query("SELECT * FROM articles"):
            print article.title

    Cursors are hidden by the implementation, but other than that, the methods
    are very similar to the DB-API.

    We explicitly set the timezone to UTC and assume the character encoding to
    UTF-8 (can be changed) on all connections to avoid time zone and encoding errors.

    The sql_mode parameter is set by default to "traditional", which "gives an error instead of a warning"
    ( However, it can be set to
    any other mode including blank (None) thereby explicitly clearing the SQL mode.

    def __init__(self, host, database, user=None, password=None,
                 max_idle_time=7 * 3600, connect_timeout=30, # TODO changed from 0 to 30, because pymsql must be greater than 0
                 time_zone="+0:00", charset="utf8", sql_mode="TRADITIONAL"): = host
        self. database = database
        self.max_idle_time = float(max_idle_time)

        args = dict(conv=CONVERSIONS, use_unicode=True, charset=charset,
                    db=database, init_command=('SET time_zone = "%s"' % time_zone),
                    connect_timeout=connect_timeout, sql_mode=sql_mode)
        if user is not None:
            args["user"] = user
        if password is not None:
            args["passwd"] = password

        # We accept a path to a MySQL socket file or a host(:port) string
        if "/" in host:
            args["unix_socket"] = host
            self.socket = None
            pair = host. split(":")
            if len(pair) == 2:
                args["host"] = pair[0]
                args["port"] = int(pair[1])
                args["host"] = host
                args["port"] = 3306

        self._db = None
        self._db_args = args
        self._last_use_time = time.time()
            self. reconnect()
        except Exception:
            logging.error("Cannot connect to MySQL on %s",,

    def __del__(self):
        self. close()

    def close(self):
        """Closes this database connection."""
        if getattr(self, "_db", None) is not None:
            self._db = None

    def reconnect(self):
        """Closes the existing database connection and re-opens it."""
        self. close()
        self._db = MySQLdb.connect(**self._db_args)

    def iter(self, query, *parameters, **kwparameters):
        """Returns an iterator for the given query and parameters."""
        cursor = MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor(self._db)
            self._execute(cursor, query, parameters, kwparameters)
            column_names = [d[0] for d in cursor.description]
            for row in cursor:
                yield Row(zip(column_names, row))
            cursor. close()

    def query(self, query, *parameters, **kwparameters):
        """Returns a row list for the given query and parameters."""
        cursor = self._cursor()
            self._execute(cursor, query, parameters, kwparameters)
            column_names = [d[0] for d in cursor.description]
            # return [Row(itertools.izip(column_names, row)) for row in cursor] # TODO modified this line
            return [Row(itertools.zip_longest(column_names, row)) for row in cursor]
            cursor. close()

    def get(self, query, *parameters, **kwparameters):
        """Returns the (singular) row returned by the given query.

        If the query has no results, returns None. If it has
        more than one result, raises an exception.
        rows = self. query(query, *parameters, **kwparameters)
        if not rows:
            return None
        elif len(rows) > 1:
            raise Exception("Multiple rows returned for Database. get() query")
            return rows[0]

    # rowcount is a more reasonable default return value than lastrowid,
    # but for historical compatibility execute() must return lastrowid.
    def execute(self, query, *parameters, **kwparameters):
        """Executes the given query, returning the lastrowid from the query."""
        return self. execute_lastrowid(query, *parameters, **kwparameters)

    def execute_lastrowid(self, query, *parameters, **kwparameters):
        """Executes the given query, returning the lastrowid from the query."""
        cursor = self._cursor()
            self._execute(cursor, query, parameters, kwparameters)
            return cursor.lastrowid
            cursor. close()

    def execute_rowcount(self, query, *parameters, **kwparameters):
        """Executes the given query, returning the rowcount from the query."""
        cursor = self._cursor()
            self._execute(cursor, query, parameters, kwparameters)
            return cursor.rowcount
            cursor. close()

    def executemany(self, query, parameters):
        """Executes the given query against all the given param sequences.

        We return the last rowid from the query.
        return self. executemany_lastrowid(query, parameters)

    def executemany_lastrowid(self, query, parameters):
        """Executes the given query against all the given param sequences.

        We return the last rowid from the query.
        cursor = self._cursor()
            cursor.executemany(query, parameters)
            return cursor.lastrowid
            cursor. close()

    def executemany_rowcount(self, query, parameters):
        """Executes the given query against all the given param sequences.

        We return the rowcount from the query.
        cursor = self._cursor()
            cursor.executemany(query, parameters)
            return cursor.rowcount
            cursor. close()

    update = execute_rowcount
    updatemany = executemany_rowcount

    insert = execute_lastrowid
    insertmany = executemany_lastrowid

    def _ensure_connected(self):
        # Mysql by default closes client connections that are idle for
        # 8 hours, but the client library does not report this fact until
        # you try to perform a query and it fails. Protect against this
        # case by preemptively closing and reopening the connection
        # if it has been idle for too long (7 hours by default).
        if (self._db is None or
                (time.time() - self._last_use_time > self.max_idle_time)):
            self. reconnect()
        self._last_use_time = time.time()

    def _cursor(self):
        return self._db.cursor()

    def _execute(self, cursor, query, parameters, kwparameters):
            return cursor. execute(query, kwparameters or parameters)
        except OperationalError:
            logging.error("Error connecting to MySQL on %s",
            self. close()

    def __str__(self):
        return f'{type(self)} -> [{self.database} library of {} machine]' # TODO

class Row(dict):
    """A dict that allows for object-like property access syntax."""

    def __getattr__(self, name):
            return self[name]
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(name)

if MySQLdb is not None:
    # Fix the access conversions to properly recognize unicode/binary
    FIELD_TYPE = MySQLdb.constants.FIELD_TYPE
    FLAG = MySQLdb.constants.FLAG
    CONVERSIONS = copy.copy(MySQLdb.converters.conversions)

    if 'VARCHAR' in vars(FIELD_TYPE):

    for field_type in field_types:
        # CONVERSIONS[field_type] = [(FLAG.BINARY, str)] + CONVERSIONS[field_type] # TODO modified this line
        CONVERSIONS[field_type] = [(FLAG.BINARY, str)].append(CONVERSIONS[field_type])

    # Alias some common MySQL exceptions
    IntegrityError = MySQLdb. IntegrityError
    OperationalError = MySQLdb. OperationalError

Usage, give an example:

# pip install torndb_for_python3

mysql_conn = torndb_for_python3.Connection(host='localhost', database='test', user='root', password='123456', charset='utf8')<br>print(mysql_conn.query('SELECT * FROM test.tablexx'))