Use echarts in vue to draw a life cycle diagram

The product requires us to achieve such an effect

1. Introduce echarts into the vue page

import echarts from 'echarts'

Second, define the echarts container

<div ref="box1" style="width:100%;height: 350px" class="main-content-lt01"></div>

Third, custom container style (See comments for specific custom style)

mounted(){<!-- -->
methods: {<!-- -->
init1() {<!-- -->
            var myChart = echarts.init(this.$refs.box1)
            myChart.setOption({<!-- -->
                title: {<!-- -->
                    text: 'Product Life Cycle',
                // tooltip: {}, // The mouse hovers to display the corresponding content
                animationDurationUpdate: 1500,
                animationEasingUpdate: 'quinticInOut',
                // legend: [
                // {<!-- -->
                // x: "left", //Legend position
                // data: ["Reported 1", "reception company"], //The relationship diagram needs to be consistent with the names of the categories in the series
                // },
                // ],
                legend: [
                    {<!-- -->
                        height: 10,
                        left: 'center',
                        itemGap: 15,
                        // padding:'10px',
                        textStyle: {<!-- -->
                            // color:'#fff',
                            color: (params) => params,
                            fontSize: 13,
                        //{<!-- -->
                        // return a
                        // }),
                color: ['#fc853e', '#28cad8', '#9564bf', '#bd407e', '#28cad8', '#e5a214'],
                series: [
                    // {<!-- -->
                    // name: "Budget vs spending",
                    // type: "radar",
                    // data: [
                    // {<!-- -->
                    // name: "corresponding text content"
                    // }
                    // ],
                    // },
                    {<!-- -->
                        type: 'graph',
                        layout: 'none',
                        symbolSize: 50,
                        roam: false, // false prohibits zooming in and out dragging
                        label: {<!-- -->
                            show: true,
                            // normal:{<!-- -->
                            // position:'left',
                            // // distance:10,
                            // // show: true,
                            // formatter:['content'].join('\
                            // color: '#fff'
                            // }
                        edgeSymbolSize: [0, 10],
                        edgeLabel: {<!-- -->
                            fontSize: 20,
                        data: [
                            {<!-- -->
                                // name: '1 \
                                name: '1', // text inside the ball
                                x: 275, // The position of the ball's X axis
                                y: 0, // // The position of the Y axis of the ball
                                itemStyle: {<!-- -->
                                    normal: {<!-- -->
                                        borderColor: '#3E8EF7', // border color inside the ball
                                        borderWidth: 15, // the size of the ball
                                        color: '#3E8EF7', // the color of the ball
                                label: {<!-- -->
                                    fontSize: 12, // text size inside the ball
                                    color: '#fff', // Text color inside the ball
                            {<!-- -->
                                // name: '2',
                                name: '2',
                                x: 288,
                                y: 7,
                                // legend: {},
                                itemStyle: {<!-- -->
                                    // custom style for each circle
                                    normal: {<!-- -->
                                        borderColor: >= 2 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc', // Judgment, when active is greater than or equal to 2, the border color inside the ball is #3E8EF7, otherwise the color is #ccc
                                        borderWidth: 15,
                                        // shadowBlur: 20,
                                        shadowColor: '#ccc',
                                        color: >= 2 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc', // Judgment, when active is greater than or equal to 2, the color of the ball is #3E8EF7, otherwise the color is #ccc
                                        // color: == 'verifying' ? '#3E8EF7':'#ccc',
                                        // color: == 'Authentication failed' ? '#3E8EF7':'#ccc',
                                label: {<!-- -->
                                    fontSize: 12,
                                    fontWeight: 600,
                                    color: '#fff',
                                    // formatter:function(params){<!-- -->
                                    // console. log(params,'params')
                                    // return `<div>111</div>` + params;
                                    // }
                            {<!-- -->
                                // name: '3',
                                name: '3',
                                // x: 0,
                                // y: 200,
                                itemStyle: {<!-- -->
                                    // custom style for each circle
                                    normal: {<!-- -->
                                        borderColor: >= 3 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                                        borderWidth: 15,
                                        // shadowBlur: 20,
                                        shadowColor: >= 3 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                                        // color: new echarts. graphic. RadialGradient(0.5, 0.5, 1.0),
                                        color: >= 3 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                                label: {<!-- -->
                                    fontSize: 12,
                                    fontWeight: 600,
                                    color: '#fff',
                            {<!-- -->
                                // name: '4',
                                name: '4',
                                x: 275,
                                y: 28,
                                itemStyle: {<!-- -->
                                    // custom style for each circle
                                    normal: {<!-- -->
                                        borderColor: >= 4 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                                        borderWidth: 15,
                                        // shadowBlur: 20,
                                        shadowColor: >= 4 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                                        // color: new echarts. graphic. RadialGradient(0.5, 0.5, 1.0),
                                        color: >= 4 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                                label: {<!-- -->
                                    fontSize: 12,
                                    fontWeight: 600,
                                    color: '#fff',
                            {<!-- -->
                                // name: '5',
                                x: 262,
                                y: 20,
                                itemStyle: {<!-- -->
                                    // custom style for each circle
                                    normal: {<!-- -->
                                        borderColor: >= 5 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                                        borderWidth: 15,
                                        // shadowBlur: 20,
                                        shadowColor: >= 5 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                                        color: >= 5 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                                label: {<!-- -->
                                    fontSize: 12,
                                    fontWeight: 600,
                                    color: '#fff',
                            {<!-- -->
                                // name: '6',
                                name: '6',
                                x: 262,
                                y: 7,
                                itemStyle: {<!-- -->
                                    // custom style for each circle
                                    normal: {<!-- -->
                                        borderColor: >= 6 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                                        borderWidth: 15,
                                        // shadowBlur: 20,
                                        shadowColor: >= 6 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                                        color: >= 6 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                                label: {<!-- -->
                                    fontSize: 12,
                                    fontWeight: 600,
                                    color: '#fff',
                        // links: [],
                        links: [ // links custom line
                            // 1-2 The line from position 1 to 2
                            {<!-- -->
                                source: 0,
                                target: 1,
                                symbolSize: [20, 20], // the size of the line
                                symbol: ['', 'arrow'], // line plus arrow, two arrows, it is double arrow
                                label: {<!-- -->
                                    // show: true
                                lineStyle: {<!-- -->
                                // The color of the line, when it is determined that active is 2, the color of the line is #3E8EF7, otherwise it is #ccc
                                    color: >= 2 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                            {<!-- -->
                                // 2-3, the line from 2 to 3 positions
                                source: 1,
                                target: 2,
                                symbolSize: [10, 20],
                                symbol: ['', 'arrow'],
                                lineStyle: {<!-- -->
                                    color: >= 3 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                            {<!-- -->
                                // source: 2,
                                // target: 0,
                                // symbolSize: [0, 10],
                                // symbol: ['', 'arrow'],
                                lineStyle: {<!-- -->
                                    color: >= 3 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                            {<!-- -->
                                source: 2,
                                target: 3,
                                symbolSize: [0, 20],
                                symbol: ['', 'arrow'],
                                lineStyle: {<!-- -->
                                    color: >= 4 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                            {<!-- -->
                                // source: 3,
                                // target: 0,
                                // symbolSize: [0, 10],
                                // symbol: ['', 'arrow'],
                                lineStyle: {<!-- -->
                                    color: >= 4 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                            {<!-- -->
                                source: 3,
                                target: 4,
                                symbolSize: [0, 20],
                                symbol: ['', 'arrow'],
                                lineStyle: {<!-- -->
                                    color: >= 5 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                            {<!-- -->
                                // source: 4,
                                // target: 0,
                                // symbolSize: [0, 10],
                                // symbol: ['', 'arrow'],
                                lineStyle: {<!-- -->
                                    color: >= 5 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                            {<!-- -->
                                // 5-6 lines
                                source: 4,
                                target: 5,
                                symbolSize: [0, 20],
                                symbol: ['', 'arrow'],
                                lineStyle: {<!-- -->
                                    curveness: 0.2,
                                    color: >= 6 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                            {<!-- -->
                                source: 5,
                                target: 0,
                                // symbol: ['', 'arrow'],
                                // symbolSize: [0, 10],
                                lineStyle: {<!-- -->
                                    // width: 3,
                                    // curveness: 0
                                    curveness: 0.2,
                                    color: >= 6 ? '#3E8EF7' : '#ccc',
                        lineStyle: {<!-- -->
                            opacity: 0.8,
                            width: 10,
                            curveness: 0.2,
                            color: '#3E8EF7',
            // Make echarts adaptive
            window. addEventListener("resize", function () {<!-- -->
                myChart. resize();

Four, effect