Spring boot/spring cloud/spring cloud alibaba uses graalvm to compile into native-image

1. Install graalvm
tar -xzf graalvm-ce-java-linux–.tar.gz
export PATH=/path/to//bin:$PATH
export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/

2. Install native-image

gu install native-image

3. Precautions for using native-image

The memory of the machine should be slightly larger, otherwise this error will be reported: exit status 137

4. Use native-image to directly compile the jar of spring boot/spring cloud/spring cloud alibaba as an independent executable file. If it fails, give up:

Case 1: native-image does not add –no-fallback, the compiled executable file, at runtime, also depends on java and the original jar

Situation 2: But the executable file compiled with native-image –no-fallback -jar xxx.jar runs and reports this error: zip END header not found

So, please refer to the following to achieve:
5. Compile spring boot/spring cloud/spring cloud alibaba with maven
(4.1) Situation 1: Project inheritance spring-boot-starter-parent

In the pom.xml of the submodule, add the following content:

<!--Executable file that runs independently -->
<!-- org.apache.poi: Caused by: java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException: CP1252 -->
<!--<arg>-H: + AddAllCharsets</arg>-->
                 <!--Triggered when compiling, specially added -->


Operation mode one:
Because profile native is defined in spring-boot-starter-parent, you can use:
(1) Execute mvn package in the project root directory
(2) Then cd to the submodule and execute: mvn -Pnative native:compile

(4.2) Situation 2: The project does not inherit spring-boot-starter-parent, but uses spring-boot-dependencies

            <!-- Spring Boot -->

Reference: spring-boot-starter-parent, copy the relevant content, and delete some dependencies that are not used by your own project.

        <plugin Management>
                <!--refer to spring cloud alibaba-->



                <plugin Management>
                                <!--Executable file that runs independently -->
                                    <!-- org.apache.poi: Caused by: java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException: CP1252 -->
                                    <!--<arg>-H: + AddAllCharsets</arg>-->
                                        <!--triggered when compile-->

In the submodule, add:



(1) If you do not want to generate a native image, execute:
mvn package
(2) If you want to generate a native image, execute:
mvn package -P prod

The advantage of this is: there is no need to enter a module separately to execute mvn -P native native:compile

More references:

https://cn.dubbo.apache.org/zh-cn/overview/mannual/java-sdk/advanced-features-and-usage/performance/support-graalvm/ can be compiled successfully. With dubbo 3.2.2