Teach you to use pytorch+flask to build a sketch retrieval system (2)

Teach you how to use pytorch + flask to build a sketch retrieval system (2)

Article directory

  • Teach you to use pytorch + flask to build a sketch retrieval system (2)
    • 1. Summary and notice
    • Two. Flask builds the server
      • 2.1 Controller implementation
      • 2.2 Add model loading
      • 2.3 Backend retrieval
    • 3. Summary

1. Summary and preview

  • Preparations -> Links
  • Back-end construction -> content of this article
  • Front-end construction
  • front-end interaction
  • demo

The previous article “Teaching you to use pytorch + flask to build a sketch retrieval system (1)” introduced the preparations for building the system, the retrieval principle of this system, and the feature extraction process of the twin network SketchTriplet. The pre-trained model, the code used by the model, and the data set have been posted at the end of the previous section. You can download it from Google Drive or Baidu Cloud. This article will introduce the back-end construction process of the retrieval system, including using flask to build a server, and using pytorch to load the model. It has been going on until now, one is studies and the other is work. I will try my best to update it gradually in the near future. I would like to say sorry to those students who have been waiting for half a year.

2. Flask builds the server

There are a lot of online tutorials. What I read is the official Chinese document of this FLASK. It is written in extremely detailed and easy to understand, from zero to one. In order to get started quickly, I will briefly explain my understanding here. Flask is a bit like MVC (Module , View, Controller) set, it has two fixed folders: static, templates, static stores static web pages Loaded resources (such as css, image, json, etc.), so for the image img_0.png used by a static endpoint static, its path should be:

url_for('static', filename='img_0.png')

And its location in the file system should be static/img_0.png, if we want to access this image, we should type in the browser . There can be multiple web pages in the static endpoint, which are stored in templates, so this templates is a bit like V in MVC, while static is M in MVC, and the python file in the root directory is C in MVC. In other words, in an APP, there should be the following file structure:

- base_folder
- static
- img
- css
- templates
- 0.html
- 1.html
- controller.py

Note, static, templates may not necessarily be called this name absolutely. When flask is initialized, you can modify it at will. The modification method is as follows:

app = Flask(__name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder='static')

2.1 Controller Implementation

First of all, for the hand-drawn retrieval system, according to the process: first, there must be an interface to draw a sketch, which is front-end work; then save the drawn sketch and upload it to the back-end, which is Front-end and front-end interaction; then, the back-end searches according to the uploaded sketches and gets the search results, which is back-end work; then returns the search results to the front-end, which is before and after End-to-end interaction; finally, the search results are displayed, which is front-end work. In other words, we need two front-ends, two interactions, and one back-end.

According to the above ideas, we first leave a pit for the drawing interface, create a new controller.py in the root directory, and create a new flask route according to the following code, so that the server can run normally and access:

from flask import Flask, render_template
from datetime import timedelta

# New APP
app = Flask(__name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder='static')

# Set static file cache expiration time
app.send_file_max_age_default = timedelta(seconds=1)

# Create a new route, leaving a page for the drawing interface
def hello():
    return render_template('canva.html')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # app.debug = True

Then in the ./templates folder, create a new canva.html static web page, as shown below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <h1>HELLO WORLD! I'm canvas</h1>

Ok, run it here and try the effect: run it directly in pycharm, or you can also python controller.py, follow the output * Running on 5000/ (Press CTRL + C to quit), you can see the drawing interface, as shown in the figure below:

2.2 Add model loading

Continue to add code inside controller.py and add the upload function, as shown below:

from flask import Flask, render_template, request
from datetime import timedelta
from scipy.misc import imsave
import json, os, time, base64

# Load the corresponding package
from SketchTriplet.SketchTriplet_half_sharing import BranchNet
from SketchTriplet.SketchTriplet_half_sharing import SketchTriplet as SketchTriplet_hs
from SketchTriplet.flickr15k_dataset import flickr15k_dataset_lite
from SketchTriplet.retrieval import retrieval

# define load function
def load_model_retrieval():
# model relative path
    net_dict_path = '../SketchTriplet/500.pth'
    branch_net = BranchNet() # for photography edge
    net = SketchTriplet_hs(branch_net)
    net = net.cuda()
    return net


# Load the flickr15k dataset
flickr15k_dataset = flickr15k_dataset_lite()

# Load the retrieved model
retrieval_net = load_model_retrieval()


# New APP
app = Flask(__name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder='static')

# Set static file cache expiration time
app.send_file_max_age_default = timedelta(seconds=1)

# Create a new route, leaving a page for the drawing interface
def hello():
    return render_template('canva.html')

# Create a new upload route, because of the transmission behavior, all add POST, GET methods
@app.route('/upload', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def upload():
    if request.method == 'POST':
    # Get the uploaded sketch
        sketch_src = request. form. get("sketchUpload")
        # Get the flag of successful upload, either mouse drawing or local upload
        upload_flag = request. form. get("uploadFlag")
        # If the upload fails, return to the upload page
        sketch_src_2 = None
        if upload_flag:
            sketch_src_2 = request.files["uploadSketch"]
        if sketch_src:
            flag = 1
        elif sketch_src_2:
            flag = 2
            return render_template('upload.html')

        # Process uploaded sketches
        basepath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        upload_path = os.path.join(basepath, 'static/sketch_tmp', 'upload.png')
        if flag == 1:
            # mouse draw
            sketch = base64.b64decode(sketch_src[22:])
            user_input = request. form. get("name")
            file = open(upload_path,"wb")
            file. close()

        elif flag == 2:
            # Local Upload
            sketch_src_2. save(upload_path)
            user_input = request. form. get("name")

        # start searching
        retrieval_list, real_path = retrieval(retrieval_net, upload_path, flickr15k_dataset)
        # Wrap the returned path in json form
        real_path = json. dumps(real_path)
        # After successful retrieval, render the result
        return render_template('retrieval.html', userinput=user_input, val1=time.time(), upload_src=sketch_src, retrieval_list = retrieval_list, json_info = real_path)

    # Other operations, return to the upload page
    return render_template('upload.html')

First of all, in controller.py, we need to load the model and dataset into the system memory first, this is flickr15k_dataset_lite() and load_model_retrieval() works.
Next, I hope that in the canva.html drawing interface, there are two ways to upload the sketch, one is to draw the sketch directly with the mouse, and the other is to upload the sketch locally, so in the code, there are two ways to upload Behavior.
Then, we need to save the uploaded image. For the first method of hand-drawing with the mouse, the drawing interface will encode the drawing result in the form of Base64, so I use base64.b64decode to return the result Decode and save it to static/sketch_tmp/upload.png. For the second local upload method, here I am lazy and directly copy the local, which is actually wrong. If you look closely at the code, there is the behavior of front-end and back-end interaction here.
Then, the backend gets the uploaded image, retrieves it using retrieval, and returns the retrieval path. Here I use json to wrap the path.
Finally, the packaged retrieval results and the uploaded hand-painted images are handed over to the retrieval.html retrieval results page for rendering, and the retrieval results and input are displayed on the retrieval results page. This is the operation process of the entire backend.

2.3 Backend search

The retrieval method mentioned in controller.py, the code is as follows:

from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

def retrieval(net, sketch_path, dataset):
# Open the input image with PIL
    sketch_src = Image.open(sketch_path).convert('RGB')
    # Extract the features of the hand-drawn sketch
    feat_s = extract_feat_sketch(net, sketch_src)

    # Read in the feature set of natural image flickr15k
    feat_photo_path = '../SketchTriplet/feat.npz'
    feat_photo = np. load(feat_photo_path)
    # parse file content
    feat_p = feat_photo['feat']
    cls_name_p = feat_photo['cls_name']
    cls_num_p = feat_photo['cls_num']
    path_p = feat_photo['path']
    name_p = feat_photo['name']

    # L2 calculates feature distance
    dist_l2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(feat_s - feat_p), 1))
    # sort
    order = np.argsort(dist_l2)
    # Return relative paths in order
    order_path_p = path_p[order]

    # return the absolute path
    return get_real_path(order_path_p)

Three. Summary

This article explains how to use flask to build the backend, and briefly explains the process of the retrieval system from uploading hand-drawn sketches to calculating retrieval results. The above is the whole content of this article. Later, we will introduce the front-end construction process, as well as the front-end and back-end interaction process, demo display, so stay tuned.