Install Docker23.0.1 on Centos Stream 9

Centos Stream 9 configures yum Tsinghua source, refer to my article, click to jump

Uninstall the old version related commands:

yum remove docker \

1. Update existing yum

yum update

2. Install using repository

yum install -y yum-utils

yum-config-manager --add-repo

delete cache package

yum clean packages

3. Install docker engine

When the selection appears, press y

yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli


4. Configure Docker image accelerator:

Log in to Alibaba Cloud – search for Mirror Accelerator and get the address (this is mine, it should be different for everyone):


sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker

Add to:
sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json <<-'EOF' { "registry-mirrors": [""] } EOF

Service overload:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Restart docker:

sudo systemctl restart docker

View configuration:

cat /etc/docker/daemon.json

5. Related commands

View version docker --version

Start systemctl start docker

View status systemctl status docker

Self-start systemctl enable docker

Restart systemctl restart docker

stop systemctl stop docker

6. Pull image

Take fastdfs as an example to pull the image
If the download speed is slow, download from, upload the image package to the Linux server, and load the image through docker load -i fdfs.tar.
Use docker images to see if it is successful

6.1 Pull mirror

The latest is pulled by default, add :1 to specify the version as 1

docker pull morunchang/fastdfs


6.2 Running tracker

docker run -d --name tracker --net=host morunchang/fastdfs sh

6.3 Running storage

docker run -d --name storage --net=host -e TRACKER_IP=machine IP:22122 -e GROUP_NAME=custom group name morunchang/fastdfs sh

For example:
docker run -d --name storage --net=host -e TRACKER_IP= -e GROUP_NAME=group1 morunchang/fastdfs sh

  • The network mode used is –net=host, and the machine IP is replaced with the server IP
  • Customize the group name, that is, the storage group
  • If you want to add a new storage server, run this command again, pay attention to replace the new group name

6.4 Modify nginx configuration

Enter the storage container and modify nginx.conf

docker exec -it storage /bin/bash

Enter container

After entering the container

6.4.1 Query Nginx installation location

where is nginx


6.4.2 Check the current Nginx process

ps aux | grep nginx

6.4.3 Modify Nginx configuration file

vi /etc/nginx/conf/nginx.conf

6.4.4 Modify Nginx configuration content (modify the port to 80)

server {<!-- -->
        listen 80;
        server_name localhost;
        location ~ /M00 {<!-- -->
        # storage The location where the image is actually stored
            root /data/fast_data/data;

storage storage location /data/fast_data/data

6.4.5 Enter the Nginx sbin directory and reload the Nginx configuration file

cd /etc/nginx/sbin

6.4.6 Reload configuration file

./nginx -s reload

Modify configuration
If the error (2: No such file or directory) is reported, first specify the configuration file to start

/etc/nginx/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/conf/nginx.conf


6.4.7 Exit container


7. Set up a bootable container

docker update --restart=always tracker
docker update --restart=always storage

Common commands:
View local mirror docker images
Search mirror docker search redis:[version number]
Pull image (no version number is required, the latest one is pulled by default) docker pull redis:[version number]
View all images ID: docker images -q
Delete image docker rmi image ID
Delete image docker rmi image name: version
Delete all images (use with caution): docker rmi docker images -q
View the list of running containers docker ps
View the list of historical running containers docker ps -a

Create a container docker run -it --name= a container name image name /bin/bash

  • -i: always run
  • -t: Assign terminal to receive commands
  • -name= (or space) container name
  • -d to run the container in the background,
  • Do not enter the container without adding /bin/bash

Enter container: docker exec -it container name /bin/bash
Stop the container: docker stop container name
Start container: docker start container name
Delete container docker rm container name (ID)
View container information: docker inspect container name
Container logs docker logs container ID
Exit container docker restart container ID
View all container IDs: docker ps -aq
Delete all containers (use with caution): docker rm docker ps -aq
Container starts automatically at boot docker update --restart=always container ID

8. About uninstalling docker

systemctl stop docker
yum remove docker-ce docker-ce-cli
rm -rf /var/lib/docker
rm -rf /var/lib/containerd