Optimization method – Newton’s method one-dimensional search

In optimization problems, finding the minimum or maximum of a function is an important task. Newton’s method is a classic iterative method, which is often used to solve optimization problems. This article will introduce Newton’s one-dimensional search in the optimization method in detail, including its basic principle, algorithm steps and application scenarios.

1. Overview of Newton’s method

Newton’s method, also known as the Newton-Raphson method, is an iterative optimization algorithm for solving the extreme points of nonlinear functions. It approximates the extremum points by utilizing the second-order derivative information of the function, and updates the search direction in each iteration to quickly converge to the optimal solution.

2. One-dimensional search principle of Newton method

In one-dimensional search, we want to find the minimum point of the function in a certain direction. Newton’s method determines the search direction and step size by using the first and second derivative information of the function at the current point.

Specific steps are as follows:
1. Initialization: select the initial point x0, and set the iteration termination conditions, such as the number of iterations or the convergence threshold of the function value.
2. Calculate the first-order and second-order derivatives: Calculate the first-order derivative f'(xk) and the second-order derivative f”(xk) of the function f(x) at the current point xk.
3. Update the search direction and step size: Calculate the search direction dk and step size αk according to the information of the second derivative.
4. Update the current point: Calculate the new point xk + 1 = xk + αk * dk.
5. Determine the termination condition: check whether the termination condition is met, and if so, stop the iteration, otherwise return to step 2.

3. Advantages of Newton’s one-dimensional search

Newton’s method for one-dimensional search has the following advantages:
1. Fast convergence: Due to the use of the information of the second derivative, Newton’s method can more accurately approach the optimal solution, so it usually has a faster convergence speed.
2. Strong robustness: Newton’s method is not sensitive to the selection of the initial point, and can find a good optimal solution in most cases.
3. Wide range of application: Newton’s method is not only suitable for convex functions, but also suitable for optimization problems of non-convex functions.

4. Application scenarios of Newton’s method one-dimensional search

Newton’s method of one-dimensional search is widely used in various optimization problems, especially for the solution of high-dimensional optimization problems is of great significance. Here are some common application scenarios:
1. Parameters in machine learning

Optimization: In the process of training the model, the parameters need to be optimized, and the Newton method one-dimensional search can be used to update the value of the parameters to minimize the loss function.
2. Peak detection in signal processing: Newton’s method one-dimensional search can be used to detect peaks in a signal, thereby determining the position and intensity of the peak.
3. Portfolio optimization in the financial field: In portfolio optimization, one-dimensional search using Newton’s method can be used to determine asset weights to maximize the expected return or minimize risk of the portfolio.

Note: The Newton method one-dimensional search in this article is only a small part of the optimization method. For the complete Newton method and optimization algorithm system, in-depth study and research are still needed.

When using Newton’s method for one-dimensional search, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

1. Selection of the initial point: Newton’s method is not sensitive to the selection of the initial point. Usually, any point in the function domain can be selected as the initial point to start the iteration. However, for some special functions or problems, the choice of initial point may affect the final convergence and results.

2. Derivative calculation: Newton’s method needs to calculate the first and second derivatives of the function. This can be done analytically or numerically. If the function has an analytically differentiated form, the derivative can be computed directly. Otherwise, numerical methods, such as the finite difference method, can be used to approximate the derivative.

3. Positive definiteness check of the second derivative: In Newton’s method, the second derivative matrix (Hessian matrix) is used to determine the search direction and step size. During the iterations, the positive definiteness of the second derivative matrix needs to be checked. If the second-order derivative matrix is not positive definite, it may cause the algorithm to fail to converge or converge to a local minimum. In this case, a strategy of adjusting the step size or using other optimization methods can be adopted to solve the problem.

4. Iteration termination condition: In order to control the number of iterations and achieve the predetermined accuracy requirements, it is necessary to set a suitable iteration termination condition. Common termination conditions include the limitation of the number of iterations, the convergence threshold of the objective function value or the threshold of parameter change, etc.

5. Processing of non-convex functions: Newton’s method may have a local optimum problem when processing non-convex functions. In practical applications, in order to avoid falling into local optimum, it can be combined with other optimization algorithms or adopt a strategy of multiple random initial points.


Newton’s method one-dimensional search is an important tool in the optimization method, which can quickly approach the optimal solution by using the first-order and second-order derivative information of the function. When using Newton’s method for one-dimensional search, it is necessary to pay attention to the selection of the initial point, the calculation of the derivative, the positive definiteness check of the second derivative, the setting of the iteration termination condition and the processing of the non-convex function. Understanding and using these considerations flexibly will help to more effectively apply Newton’s method for one-dimensional search, so as to solve practical problems.

The following is a sample code to implement Newton’s method one-dimensional search in the optimization method using Python, MATLAB, R and Java:

Python code example:

import numpy as np

def newton_1d_search(f, f_prime, f_double_prime, x0, max_iterations=100, tol=1e-6):
    x = x0
    for _ in range(max_iterations):
        f_prime_val = f_prime(x)
        f_double_prime_val = f_double_prime(x)
        if np.abs(f_prime_val) < tol:
        x = x - f_prime_val / f_double_prime_val
    return x

# example function: f(x) = x^2 - 4
def f(x):
    return x**2 - 4

# First derivative of example function: f'(x) = 2x
def f_prime(x):
    return 2 * x

# The second derivative of the example function: f''(x) = 2
def f_double_prime(x):
    return 2

# test code
x0 = 1 # initial point
result = newton_1d_search(f, f_prime, f_double_prime, x0)
print("Optimal solution:", result)

MATLAB code example:

function result = newton_1d_search(f, f_prime, f_double_prime, x0, max_iterations, tol)
    x = x0;
    for i = 1:max_iterations
        f_prime_val = f_prime(x);
        f_double_prime_val = f_double_prime(x);
        if abs(f_prime_val) < tol
        x = x - f_prime_val / f_double_prime_val;
    result = x;

% Example function: f(x) = x^2 - 4
f = @(x) x^2 - 4;

% First derivative of example function: f'(x) = 2x
f_prime = @(x) 2 * x;

% Second derivative of example function: f''(x) = 2
f_double_prime = @(x) 2;

% test code
x0 = 1; % initial point
max_iterations = 100; % maximum number of iterations
tol = 1e-6; % convergence threshold
result = newton_1d_search(f, f_prime, f_double_prime, x0, max_iterations, tol);
disp("Optimal solution: " + result);

R code example:

newton_1d_search <- function(f, f_prime, f_double_prime, x0, max_iterations = 100, tol = 1e-6) {
  x <- x0
  for (i in 1:max_iterations) {
    f_prime_val <- f_prime(x)
    f_double_prime_val <- f_double_prime(x)
    if (abs(f_prime_val) < tol) {
    x <- x - f_prime_val / f_double_prime_val

# example function: f(x) = x^2 - 4
f <- function(x) {
  return(x^2 - 4)

# First derivative of example function: f'(x) = 2x
f_prime <- function(x) {

# The second derivative of the example function: f''(x) = 2

_prime <- function(x) {

# test code
x0 <- 1 # initial point
result <- newton_1d_search(f, f_prime, f_double_prime, x0)
cat("Optimal solution:", result, "\\

Java code example:

public class Newton1DSearch {

    public static double newton1DSearch(DoubleFunction<Double> f, DoubleFunction<Double> fPrime,
                                        DoubleFunction<Double> fDoublePrime, double x0, int maxIterations, double tol) {
        double x = x0;
        for (int i = 0; i < maxIterations; i ++ ) {
            double fPrimeVal = fPrime.apply(x);
            double fDoublePrimeVal = fDoublePrime.apply(x);
            if (Math. abs(fPrimeVal) < tol) {
            x = x - fPrimeVal / fDoublePrimeVal;
        return x;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // example function: f(x) = x^2 - 4
        DoubleFunction<Double> f = x -> x * x - 4;

        // first derivative of the example function: f'(x) = 2x
        DoubleFunction<Double> fPrime = x -> 2 * x;

        // second derivative of the example function: f''(x) = 2
        DoubleFunction<Double> fDoublePrime = x -> 2.0;

        // test code
        double x0 = 1; // initial point
        int maxIterations = 100; // maximum number of iterations
        double tol = 1e-6; // convergence threshold
        double result = newton1DSearch(f, fPrime, fDoublePrime, x0, maxIterations, tol);
        System.out.println("Optimal solution: " + result);

Please note that the above code is just an example, and may need to be modified and adjusted according to the actual problem. Also, the function handles and function definitions used in the examples for MATLAB and R may differ slightly depending on the version and environment used.