Four ways to write Mybatise one-to-many association query

Mybatis one-to-many association query has the following writing methods:

Use nested query (Nested Select): Use a subquery in the main query to convert the one-to-many relationship into two independent queries. After obtaining one data in the main query, obtain more data in the subquery. Finally the two results are merged together. The advantage of this writing method is that the syntax is simple, and the disadvantage is that multiple queries need to be initiated.

Use nested results (Nested Results): Use Mybatis’s nested result mapping method to map multiple result sets into a Java object. The advantage of this writing method is that multiple results can be mapped into one object, which is convenient for operation. The disadvantage is that the result mapping relationship needs to be manually set.

1 Use nested query (Nested Select)

public class SsyWaterTankDto implements Serializable {<!-- -->

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1563650409808090068L;
     * primary key
    private Long id;

     * Pump room ID
    private Integer stationId;

    private String stationCode;

     * Tank code
    private String tankCode;

     * Water tank information list
    private List<SsyWaterTankDto> tankList;

     * put into use time
    private String usageTime;

     * Last cleaning time
    private String lastCleanTime;

     * Next cleaning time
    private String nextCleanTime;

     * Cleaning cycle
    private Integer cleanCycle;

     * Creation time
    private String createTime;

     * Last Modified
    private String updateTime;

     * address
    private String address;

     * Site name
    private String stationName;

     * Number of washes
    private Integer cleanNum;

     * remaining time
    private String remainingTime;

     * Water tank serial number 1-1# water tank; 2-2# water tank
    private Integer orderBy;

     * Tank level with unit
    private String waterLevel;

     * Time status
     * 1-Red 2-Yellow 3-Blue 0-Normal
    private String timeStatus;

     * Liquid level height ratio
    private BigDecimal rate;
     * unit
    private String unit;

     * Whether to call the police
    private Boolean alarm;

     * Water tank capacity
    private BigDecimal capacity;


 <select id="queryWaterTankList" resultMap="getStationWaterTank">
    wt. usage_time,
    wt. next_clean_time,
    wt. clean_cycle,
    wt. create_time,
    ps. `address`,
    (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ssy_water_tank_record wtr WHERE wtr. tank_id = wt. id) as cleanNum
    ssy_water_tank wt LEFT JOIN ssy_pump_station ps on wt.station_id=
    LEFT JOIN ssy_area sa on ps.area_id =
    WHERE ps.ownership = #{<!-- -->ownership} and wt.del_status = '0' and ps.`status` = '0'
    <if test="areaId != null">
      and ( = #{<!-- -->areaId} or sa.parent_id = #{<!-- -->areaId})
    <if test="stationId != null">
      and wt.station_id = #{<!-- -->stationId}
    <if test="stationName != null and stationName != ''">
      and ps.station_name like CONCAT('%',#{<!-- -->stationName}, '%')
    <if test="nextCleanTimeEnd != null and nextCleanTimeEnd != ''">
      AND wt.next_clean_time &lt;= #{<!-- -->nextCleanTimeEnd}
    <if test="nextCleanTimeBegin != null and nextCleanTimeBegin != ''">
      AND wt.next_clean_time > #{<!-- -->nextCleanTimeBegin}
    group by wt.station_id
    order by wt. next_clean_time

  <resultMap type="cc.eslink.secondsupply.domain.dto.SsyWaterTankDto" id="getStationWaterTank">
    <result column="station_id" property="stationId"/>
    <result column="usage_time" property="usageTime"/>
    <result column="last_clean_time" property="lastCleanTime"/>
    <result column="next_clean_time" property="nextCleanTime"/>
    <result column="clean_cycle" property="cleanCycle"/>
    <result column="create_time" property="createTime"/>
    <result column="update_time" property="updateTime"/>
    <result column="station_name" property="stationName"/>
    <result column="station_code" property="stationCode"/>
    <result column="address" property="address"/>
    <result column="cleanNum" property="cleanNum"/>
    <collection property="tankList" javaType="list" column="{stationId = station_id}" select="selectWaterTankByStation"/>

  <select id="selectWaterTankByStation" resultType="cc.eslink.secondsupply.domain.dto.SsyWaterTankDto">
    station_id as stationId,
    tank_code as tankCode,
    usage_time as usageTime,
    last_clean_time as lastCleanTime,
    next_clean_time as nextCleanTime,
    clean_cycle as cleanCycle,
    create_time as createTime,
    update_time as updateTime,
    order_by as orderBy,
    capacity as capacity
    WHERE station_id = #{<!-- -->stationId}
    and del_status = '0'
<select id="selectDepartmentsWithEmployees" resultType="Department">
    SELECT,, as employee_id, as employee_name
    FROM department d
    LEFT JOIN employee e ON = e.department_id

2 Use Nested Results

 <select id="selectAreaNode" resultMap="selectAreaNode">
    select, sa.parent_id, sa.area_name, sa.create_time, sa.update_time,
    sa.ownership, sa.`status`, sa.region, sa.coordinate, sa.neighborhood, as id_son, b.parent_id as parent_id_son, b.area_name as area_name_son,
    b. create_time as create_time_son, b. update_time as update_time_son,
    b.ownership as ownership_son, b.`status` as status_son, b.region as region_son,
    b. coordinate as coordinate_son, b. neighborhood as neighborhood_son
    (select * from ssy_area where `status`= 0 and parent_id = -1) sa
    left join ssy_area b on = b.parent_id
    where 1=1
    <if test='areaName != null and areaName != ""'>
      and (sa.area_name like CONCAT('%',#{<!-- -->areaName},'%') or b.area_name like CONCAT('%',#{<!- - -->areaName},'%') )
    order by sa.update_time desc , b.update_time desc

  <resultMap type="cc.eslink.secondsupply.domain.dto.AreaDto" id="selectAreaNode">
    <id property="id" column="id"/>
    <result column="parent_id" property="parentId"/>
    <result column="area_name" property="areaName"/>
    <result column="create_time" property="createTime"/>
    <result column="update_time" property="updateTime"/>
    <result column="ownership" property="ownership"/>
    <result column="status" property="status"/>
    <result column="status" property="status"/>
    <result column="region" property="region"/>
    <result column="coordinate" property="coordinate"/>
    <result column="neighborhood" property="neighborhood"/>
    <collection property="list" javaType="list" ofType="cc.eslink.secondsupply.domain.dto.AreaDto">
      <id column="id_son" property="id"/>
      <result column="parent_id_son" property="parentId"/>
      <result column="area_name_son" property="areaName"/>
      <result column="create_time_son" property="createTime"/>
      <result column="update_time_son" property="updateTime"/>
      <result column="ownership_son" property="ownership"/>
      <result column="status_son" property="status"/>
      <result column="status_son" property="status"/>
      <result column="region_son" property="region"/>
      <result column="coordinate_son" property="coordinate"/>
      <result column="neighborhood_son" property="neighborhood"/>
package cc.eslink.secondsupply.domain.dto;

import lombok. AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok. Builder;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok. NoArgsConstructor;
import org.apache.dubbo.common.utils.CollectionUtils;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * @Author : wxj
 * @Date : 2022/2/18 15:20
public class AreaDto implements Serializable {<!-- -->

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 2673903588299859681L;
     * ID, primary key auto-increment
    private Long id;

     * parent id
    private Long parentId;

     * Area name
    private String areaName;

     * geographic range
    private String neighborhood;

     * Creation time
    private Date createTime;

     * Last Modified
    private Date updateTime;

     * Tenant ID
    private String ownership;

     * Status [0-Normal 1-Deleted]
    private Integer status;

     * geographic range
    private String region;

     * Center coordinates
    private String coordinate;

    private double sum;

    private List<AreaDto> list;