Tree & Binary Tree & Simulation Implementation & Algorithm Structure

1. Definition of tree:

A tree is a non-linear data structure, which is a set of hierarchical relationships composed of n finite nodes.

* There is a special node, which becomes the root node, and the root node has no predecessor nodes

*Except the root node, other nodes are divided into M mutually disjoint sets T1, T2, …, Tm, where each set Ti (1

* The tree is defined recursively

2. Concept

* Degree of node: The number of subtrees contained in a node is called the degree of the node; as shown in the figure above, the degree of A is 6

* Degree of the tree: In a tree, the maximum value of the degrees of all nodes is called the degree of the tree. As shown in the figure above, the degree of the tree is 6

*Leaf node or terminal node: a node with a degree of 0 becomes a leaf node; as shown in the figure above: B, C, H, I, … are all leaf nodes
*Parent node or parent node: If a node contains child nodes, this node is called the parent node of the child node, as shown in the figure above, A is the parent node of B

*Child node or child node: the root node of the subtree contained in a node is called the child node of the node; as shown in the above figure, B is the byte point of A

*Root node: a node in a book without parent nodes, such as A in the above figure

*Node level: starting from the definition of the root, the root is the first level, the node of the root is the second level, and so on

*Tree height or depth: the maximum level of nodes in the tree; as shown above, the height of the tree is 4

*Non-terminal node or branch node: a node whose degree is not 0, as shown in the above figure D, E, F, G… are all branch nodes
*Sibling nodes: Nodes with the same parent node are sibling nodes; B and C in the above figure are sibling nodes

*Cousin nodes: nodes whose parents are on the same layer are cousins; as shown in H and I in the above figure;

*Ancestor of a node: All nodes passed from the root to this node are the ancestor nodes of this node, as shown in the above figure A is the ancestor of all nodes

*Descendants: Any node in the subtree rooted at a node is a descendant of the node; as shown in the above figure, all nodes are descendants of A

Forest: A collection of m disjoint trees is called a forest

3. Tree simulation implementation

* Defines a class for a tree: child-sibling notation

class Node {
  int value; // data stored in the tree
  Node firstChild; // first child reference
  Node nextBrother; // next brother reference

4. Binary tree
A binary tree is a finite set of nodes that:

1, or empty

2. Or it is composed of a root node plus two binary trees called left and right subtrees

As can be seen from the figure above:

* There is no node with degree greater than 2

*The subtrees of the binary tree are divided into left and right, and the order cannot be reversed, so the binary tree is an ordered tree

5. Concept

*Full binary tree: a binary tree, if the node tree of each layer reaches the maximum value, then this tree is a full binary tree, that is, if the number of layers of a tree is K, and the total number of nodes is 2^K-1, Then it is a full binary tree

*Complete binary tree: For a binary tree with a depth of k and n nodes, if and only if each node is a node numbered from 0 to n-1 in a full binary tree with a depth of k – it is called complete when corresponding A binary tree, a full binary tree is a special complete binary tree

6. Properties of Binary Trees

*If the number of layers of the root node is specified as 1, then there are at most 2^(i-1) (i>0) nodes on the i-th layer of a non-empty binary tree

*If the depth of a binary tree with only root nodes is specified as 1, then the maximum number of nodes in a binary tree with a depth of k is 2^k-1 (k>=0)

*For any binary tree, if the number of leaf nodes is n0 and the number of non-leaf nodes with degree 2 is n2, then n0=n2 + 1

*The depth K of a complete binary tree with n nodes is log2(k+1) rounded up

*For a complete binary tree with n nodes, if all nodes are numbered from 0 in order from top to bottom and left to right, then for the node with the sequence number i:

If i>0, parent number: (i-1)/2; i=0, i is the root node number, no parent node

If 2i + 1

If 2i + 1

7. Binary tree storage

The storage structure of the binary tree is divided into: sequential storage and linked storage similar to linked lists

8. Simulation implementation of binary tree – child representation

 //Define a class representing a node
    public static class TreeNode{
        // the value of the current node
        int value;
        //left node
        TreeNode left;
        //right node
        TreeNode right;

        public TreeNode(int value) {
            this.value = value;
    public void creat(){
        TreeNode node1=new TreeNode(1);
        TreeNode node2=new TreeNode(2);
        TreeNode node3=new TreeNode(3);
        TreeNode node4=new TreeNode(4);
        TreeNode node5=new TreeNode(5);
        TreeNode node6=new TreeNode(6);
        TreeNode node7=new TreeNode(7);
    public TreeNode root;

9. Binary tree traversal

*NLR: Pre-order traversal (pre-order traversal) – visit the root node —> the left subtree of the root —> the right subtree of the root.
*LNR: Inorder traversal – the left subtree of the root —> the root node —> the right subtree of the root.
*LRN: post-order traversal – the left subtree of the root —> the right subtree of the root —> the root node.

* Preorder traversal

method 1

     * Preorder traversal
     * @param root
    public void preOrder(TreeNode root){
        //return if the node is empty
        //Preorder traversal: middle left
        // handle the root node
        // handle the left subtree
        preOrder(root. left);
        // handle the right subtree

Method Two

    //Define a list to save the value of the binary tree node
    List<Integer> preOrderlist=new ArrayList<>();
    public List<Integer> preOederTree(TreeNode root){
        //preorder traversal
            return null;
        preOederTree(root. left);
        return preOrderlist;

Method 3 – sub-problem thinking

 public List<Integer> preOrderTree1(TreeNode root){
        //Define a list collection
        List<Integer> list=new ArrayList<>();
        //Preorder traversal sub-problem ideas
            return list;
        //First add the value of the root node to the list collection
        // handle the left subtree
        List<Integer> leftNode=preOrderTree1(root. left);
        list. addAll(leftNode);
        // handle the right subtree
        List<Integer> rightNode=preOrderTree1(root.right);
        list. addAll(rightNode);
        return list;

*Inorder traversal

     * Inorder traversal
    public void minOrder(TreeNode root){
        // if the root node is empty return
        // handle the left subtree
        minOrder(root. left);
        // handle the root node
        // handle the right subtree

* Post-order traversal

//post-order traversal: left-right-root
    public void bihindOrder(TreeNode root){
        // if the root node is empty return
        //handle the left node
        bihindOrder(root. left);
        //handle the right node
        // print the root node

*Number of nodes

     * Number of nodes
     * @param root
     * @return
    public int size(TreeNode root){
        //1. Termination condition, (an empty tree, a leaf node)
            return 0;
        //2. If there is only one root node, return 1
        //3, process the left subtree
        int leftTreeNode=size(root. left);
        //4, process the right subtree
        int rightTreeNode=size(root.right);
        // Return the sum of nodes: root node + left node + right node
        return 1 + leftTreeNode + rightTreeNode;

* Find the number of leaf nodes

1. Sub-problem ideas

The sub-problem idea is to divide a big problem into N pieces, for a binary tree, it is divided into two, to solve these sub-problems separately, and finally summarize the solution of the big problem

 // Sub-problem ideas, find the number of leaf nodes
    public int leafNode(TreeNode root){
            return 0;
        if(root.left==null & amp; & amp;root.right==null){
            //return 1 when the condition is met
            return 1;
        // handle the left subtree
        int left=leafNode(root. left);
        // handle the right subtree
        int right=leafNode(root.right);
        // Return the sum of the leaf nodes added left and right
        return left + right;

2. Traverse ideas

 public int count;
 public int leafNode1(TreeNode root){
            return 0;
        if(root.left==null & amp; & amp;root.right==null){
            count + + ;
        leafNode1(root. left);
        return count;

*Get the number of kth layer nodes

 //Get the number of kth layer nodes
    public int findKNode(TreeNode root, int k){
        //If the root node or K==0, return 0
            return 0;
        //Query termination condition
            return 1;
        int leftTree=findKNode(root.left,k-1);
        int rightTree=findKNode(root.right,k-1);
        return leftTree + rightTree;

* Get the height of the binary tree

 //Get the height of the binary tree
    public int heightTree(TreeNode root){
        //If root is 0, return 0
            return 0;
        //Use the Math.max() method to judge the height of the left and right subtrees
        int left=heightTree(root. left);
        int right=heightTree(root.right);
        int high=Math.max(left,right) + 1;
        return high;

*Judge whether it is a complete binary tree

//Judge whether it is a complete binary tree
    public boolean isCompleteTree(TreeNode root){
        //Define the queue structure auxiliary save node
        Queue<TreeNode> queue=new LinkedList<>();
        // first judge the empty condition
            return true;
        //Enqueue the root node first
        // Loop condition: the queue is not empty
            //The root node is dequeued, save the node
            TreeNode node=queue. poll();
            if(node!=null) {
                //The node is not empty, regardless of whether the left and right nodes are empty, all enter the queue
                //When the node is empty, all the queue elements will be dequeued,
                    //When the dequeue element is not null, it is not a complete binary tree, return false
                    TreeNode checkNode=queue.poll();
                        return false;
        //Finally return true
        return true;

* Hierarchy traversal

     * Hierarchy traversal
     * @param root
     * @return
    public List<List<Integer>> levelOrder(TreeNode root) {
        List<List<Integer>> list1=new ArrayList<>();
            return list1;
        Queue<TreeNode> queue=new LinkedList<>();
            List<Integer> list=new ArrayList<>();
            int size=queue. size();
                TreeNode node=queue. poll();
                if(root. left!=null){
                if(root. right!=null){
            list1. add(list);
        return list1;

*Test class

public class TextBinaryTree {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Day20221022.Tree.BinaryTree binarytree=new BinaryTree();
        binarytree. creat();
        System.out.println("The number of nodes in the binary tree");
        System.out.println("The number of subproblems traversing the leaf nodes of the binary tree");
        System.out.println("Traverse the number of leaf nodes in the binary tree");
        System.out.println("Query the number of K-layer nodes");
        System.out.println("Query the height of the tree");
        System.out.println("Is it a complete binary tree");
