Acwing improvement–DFS pruning and optimization

Methods of pruning and optimization

1. Optimize the search order

In most cases, we should give priority to searching nodes with fewer branches

2. Exclude Equivalent Redundancy

3. Feasibility pruning

4. Optimal pruning

5. Memory search (DP)

1. The kitten climbs the mountain


1. Optimize the search order – “Sort from big to small to search

2. Feasibility pruning-“If the sum of the group + the current number is not feasible

3. Optimal pruning-“Because the answer is the smallest, if it is already greater than my answer during the search process, it means that the subsequent search is useless

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N=20;
int n,W;
int w[N], ans=N;
int group[N];
void dfs(int u,int k)//u is the number, k is how many groups
    if(k>=ans) return;//optimal pruning
    if(u==n)//If all points are searched
   for(int i=0;i<k;i + + )
    if(group[i] + w[u]<=W)//feasibility pruning
        group[i] + =w[u];//Add him to this group
        dfs(u + 1,k);//Continue to process the next number, the number of groups remains unchanged
        group[i]-=w[u];//restore scene
    // open a new group
   group[k] + =w[u];//The group plus him
   dfs(u + 1,k + 1);//Continue to process the next group, add one to the number of groups
   group[k]-=w[u];//restore scene
int main()
   for(int i=0;i<n;i + + ) cin>>w[i];
   //The next two steps are to optimize the search order
   sort(w,w + n);
   //Sort from largest to smallest
   reverse(w,w + n);
   return 0;

2. Sudoku


1. Optimize the search order -> select points with fewer branches

2. Feasibility pruning-” cannot be repeated with row, column and Jiugongge

3. Optimal pruning-“Bit operation optimization, used to judge what numbers can be filled in that position

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N=9,M=1<<N;
int ones[M],mark[M];
char str[100];
int row[N],col[N],cell[3][3];
void init()//given state
    //In the beginning, all rows, columns and nine squares have no numbers
    for(int i=0;i<N;i + + ) col[i]=row[i]=M-1;
    for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
        for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
void draw(int x, int y, int t, bool is_set)//used to draw numbers on str
    if(is_set) str[x*N + y]='1' + t;//If you want to draw numbers, then assign a value on str
    else str[x*N + y]='.';//Conversely, it is empty
    int v=1<<t;//Used to get the binary of the number
    if(!is_set) v=-v;//If it is empty, it is -v
    //-=v indicates that the number t has been used in rows and columns and Jiugongge
int get(int x, int y)//Used to get rows and columns and numbers that have not appeared in Jiugongge
    return row[x] &col[y] &cell[x/3][y/3];
int lowbit(int x)//Used to get the first 1 of a certain number
    return x &-x;
bool dfs(int cnt)
    if(!cnt) return true;//If it has been done
    int minv=10;
    int x,y;
    for(int i=0;i<N;i ++ )//Find the smallest number used in an unfilled position
        for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
        if(str[i*N + j]=='.')//If it is to fill in mathematics
           int state=get(i,j);//Get the number that can be filled in this position
    int state=get(x,y);//This state is the least number that can be filled in all blanks
    for(int i=state;i;i-=lowbit(i))//Start to fill in the number that can be filled in this state
        int t=mark[lowbit(i)];//Get what the number is
        draw(x,y,t,true);//fill in the number
        if(dfs(cnt-1)) return true;
        draw(x,y,t,false);//restore scene
    return false;
int main()
    for(int i=0;i<N;i ++ ) mark[1<<i]=i;//used to calculate the nth power of 2
    for(int i=0;i<1<<N;i ++ )//used to find the number of a certain number i
        for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
           ones[i] + =i>>j &1;
       init();//Re-assign the state
       int cnt=0;
      for(int i=0,k=0;i<N;i ++ )
       for(int j=0;j<N;j ++ ,k ++ )
        if(str[k]!='.')//If a certain position is mathematics
              int t=str[k]-'1';//Convert to a number
              draw(i,j,t,true);//mark on str
        else cnt + + ;//Conversely, the number to be filled
        dfs(cnt);//all the numbers to be filled in dfs
         puts(str);//Output filled str
   return 0;

3. Wooden stick


Pruning 1. Optimal pruning – “only valid when the length is divisible by the sum

Pruning 2. Optimize the search order – “enumerate from big to small

Pruning 3. Excluding equivalent elements

3-1 Enumerate by combination

3-2 If the current wooden stick fails to be added to the current group, skip the subsequent wooden sticks of equal length

3-3 If the first stick fails, it will definitely fail

3-4 If the last stick fails, it must fail

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N=70;
int n,len,sum;
int w[N];
bool st[N];
bool dfs(int u, int s, int start)//u indicates which group, s indicates the sum of the group, and start indicates which number to start searching
    if(u*len==sum) return true;//If the number of groups multiplied by the length is already equal to the sum, it means that the length meets the
    if(s==len) return dfs(u + 1,0,0);//If the group is already full, open a new group and continue searching
    //Pruning 3-1, i starts from start
    for(int i=start;i<n;i++)
        if(st[i]) continue;//If used
        if(s + w[i]>len) continue;//feasibility pruning
        st[i]=true;//mark used
        if(dfs(u,s + w[i],i + 1)) return true;//Put it into this group and continue searching
        st[i]=false;//backtracking, restore the scene
        //pruning 3-3
        if(!s) return false;
        //pruning 3-4
        if(s + w[i]==len) return false;
        //pruning 3-2
        int j=i;
        while(j<n & amp; & amp;w[j]==w[i]) j + + ;
    return false;//Conversely does not meet
int main()
       memset(st,0,sizeof st);//Clear the previous state
       for(int i=0;i<n;i + + ) cin>>w[i], sum + =w[i];
       //Pruning 2, optimize the search order
       sort(w,w + n);
       reverse(w,w + n);
       //The largest group is your own sum
           //pruning 1
           if(sum%len==0 & amp; & amp;dfs(0,0,0))//If this length meets
           len + + ;
           if(len>sum) break;//If it has exceeded
   return 0;

4. Birthday cake


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N=25,INF=1e9;
int n,m;
int minv[N],mins[N];
int R[N],H[N];
int ans=INF;
void dfs(int u,int v,int s)
    if(v + minv[u]>n) return;//If the volume is already greater than the maximum volume
    if(s + mins[u]>=ans) return;//If it is greater than or equal to the current answer, it is meaningless to do it later
    if(s + 2*(n-v)/R[u + 1]>=ans) return;//reasoning optimization
    if(!u)//If the last number is found
        if(v==n) ans=s;//If the volume just matches, then update the minimum value
    for(int r=min(R[u + 1]-1,(int)sqrt(n-v));r>=u;r--)//enumerate legal r
        for(int h=min(H[u + 1]-1,(n-v)/r/r);h>=u;h--)//enumerate legal h
           int t=0;
           if(u==m) t=r*r;//Increase of surface area
           R[u]=r, H[u]=h;//The point r is r, h is h
           dfs(u-1,v + r*r*h,s + 2*r*h + t);//Process the next step
int main()
   for(int i=1;i<=m;i ++ )
       minv[i]=minv[i-1] + i*i*i;
       mins[i]=mins[i-1] + 2*i*i;
   dfs(m,0,0);//Search from bottom to top
   if(ans!=INF) cout<<ans<<endl;//If there is a plan
   else cout<<0<<endl;//If there is no plan, output 0
   return 0;

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