Android 8.1 source code compilation and magic modification test

1. Pre-work

Install VMware and Ubuntu18.4 image

Solve cannot copy and paste

vscode installation

sudo dpkg -i file

This command is enough sudo snap install code

dpkg: error: dpkg frontend is already locked by another process

sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend

sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock

2. Install the compilation environment

1. Install dependency packages (can be found on the official website)

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++ -multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z1-dev libgl1-mesa- dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip fontconfig

sudo apt htop jnettop Add sudo when using

sudo apt install proxychains

sudo nano /etc/proxychains.conf configuration science

proxychains curl


2. Unzip package and driver



It will pause at 20%

3. Install python2.7


4. Install the driver

press enter then space

Give permission to vendor Remember that all files under this folder must be given permission

sudo chmod 777 -R vendor/

3. Modify the source code

Remove all localized settings, so that the command can be executed correctly

Find the /build/ file in the root directory of the Android source code, and add the following code at the end of the file

export LC_ALL=C

Add the java environment to the environment variable

Android 8.1.0 source code comes with jdk by default
The path is in /prebuilts/jdk/jdk8, I chose to add /prebuilts/jdk/jdk8/linux-x86/bin to the environment variable.
Open the .bashrc file first, and add export PATH=$PATH:/home/lingzhiyi/Documents/aosp-all/aosp-pixel810/aosp810r1/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8 at the end of the file /linux-x86/bin

4. Compile

Go back to the Android root directory

source build/
lunch 24 // lunch aosp_saifish-user
make -j6 // 6 means 6 threads

Go to the source directory source build/







5. Built-in features

1. Dynamic library with built-in frida


  • Place the compiled gadget library (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • Configured in the source code
    • Modify the /build/make/target/product/ file, pay attention to the added place

Load built-in library

 app =, null);

             // demoli-add start
            String curPkgName = data.appInfo.packageName;
            String path_for_gadget = "/sdcard/" + curPkgName + "demoligadgethook";
            File path_curPkgName = new File(path_for_gadget);
            if(path_curPkgName.exists()){<!-- -->
                String arch = System. getProperty("os. arch");
                try{<!-- -->
                    if (arch != null & amp; & amp; arch. contains("64")){<!-- -->
                    }else{<!-- -->
                    Slog.e("demoli", "load gadget successful");
                catch (Exception e) {<!-- -->
    Slog.e("demoli", "demoli_failed=" + e.toString());
    // demoli-add end

            // demoli-add start
            //String curPkgName = app.getPackageName();
            String path_for_dex = "/sdcard/" + curPkgName + "demolidexhook.dex";
            File file = new File(path_for_dex);
            if(file.exists()){<!-- -->
                try {<!-- -->
                    //Get the pathList field of BaseDexClassLoader
                    // private final DexPathList pathList;
                    // find("BaseDexClassLoader", "")
                    Field pathListField = BaseDexClassLoader. class. getDeclaredField("pathList");
                    //Destroy the encapsulation and set it to be callable
                    pathListField. setAccessible(true);
                    //Get the pathList object of the current ClassLoader
                    Object pathListObj = pathListField. get(app. getClassLoader());
                    //Get the bytecode file (DexPathList) of the pathList object of the current ClassLoader
                    Class<?> dexPathListClass = pathListObj. getClass();
                    //Get the dexElements field of DexPathList
                    // private final Element[] dexElements;
                    Field dexElementsField = dexPathListClass.getDeclaredField("dexElements");
                    //Destroy the encapsulation and set it to be callable
                    //Use the plugin to create a ClassLoader
                    DexClassLoader pathClassLoader = new DexClassLoader(file. getPath(), file. getAbsolutePath(), null, app. getClassLoader());
                    //Get the pathList object of the plugin's DexClassLoader
                    Object newPathListObj = pathListField. get(pathClassLoader);
                    //Get the dexElements variable of the pathList object of the plugin
                    Object newDexElementsObj = dexElementsField. get(newPathListObj);
                    //Get the dexElements variable of the current pathList object
                    Object dexElementsObj=dexElementsField.get(pathListObj);
                    int oldLength = Array. getLength(dexElementsObj);
                    int newLength = Array. getLength(newDexElementsObj);
                    //Create a dexElements object
                    Object concatDexElementsObject = Array.newInstance(dexElementsObj.getClass().getComponentType(), oldLength + newLength);
                    //First add new dex to dexElement
                    for (int i = 0; i < newLength; i ++ ) {<!-- -->
                        Array.set(concatDexElementsObject, i, Array.get(newDexElementsObj, i));
                    //Add the previous dex to dexElement
                    for (int i = 0; i < oldLength; i ++ ) {<!-- -->
                        Array.set(concatDexElementsObject, newLength + i, Array.get(dexElementsObj, i));
                    //Set the assembled object to the pathList object of the current ClassLoader
                    dexElementsField.set(pathListObj, concatDexElementsObject);
                    Slog.e("dexhook","demoli add dex successful!");
                } catch (Exception e) {<!-- -->
            }else{<!-- -->
                Slog.e("dexhook",path_for_dex + "not exists");

            String path_for_apk = "/sdcard/" + curPkgName + "demoliapkhook.apk";
            File file_apk = new File(path_for_apk);
            if(file_apk.exists()){<!-- -->
                try {<!-- -->
                    //Get the pathList field of BaseDexClassLoader
                    // private final DexPathList pathList;
                    Field pathListField2 = BaseDexClassLoader. class. getDeclaredField("pathList");
                    //Destroy the encapsulation and set it to be callable
                    //Get the pathList object of the current ClassLoader
                    Object pathListObj2 = pathListField2.get(app.getClassLoader());
                    //Get the bytecode file (DexPathList) of the pathList object of the current ClassLoader
                    Class<?> dexPathListClass2 = pathListObj2.getClass();
                    //Get the dexElements field of DexPathList
                    // private final Element[] dexElements;
                    Field dexElementsField2 = dexPathListClass2. getDeclaredField("dexElements");
                    //Destroy the encapsulation and set it to be callable
                    //Use the plugin to create a ClassLoader
                    DexClassLoader pathClassLoader2 = new DexClassLoader(file_apk. getPath(), file_apk. getAbsolutePath(), null, app. getClassLoader());
                    //Get the pathList object of the plugin's DexClassLoader
                    Object newpathListObj2 = pathListField2. get(pathClassLoader2);
                    //Get the dexElements variable of the pathList object of the plugin
                    Object newDexElementsObj2 = dexElementsField2.get(newpathListObj2);
                    //Set the dexElements object of the plug-in to the pathList object of the current ClassLoader
                    dexElementsField2.set(pathListObj2, newDexElementsObj2);
                    Slog.e("dexhook","demoli add apk successful!");
                } catch (Exception e) {<!-- -->
            }else{<!-- -->
                Slog.e("apkhook",path_for_apk + "not exists");
            // demoli add end

6. General modification plan

  • load this file
  • In /system/core/init/property_service.cpp
    Then you need to add the modified mybuild.prop to the compilation chain. Android 8 is the following solution, but the modification path of Android 10 is different. needs to be placed at the end
  • Create this file yourself


1. Customize su






The computer is too rubbish, wait for me to compile it and post an effect