[Solved] ValueError: not enough values to unpack(expected 2, got 1) in collate_fn

DataLoader is used to process data in NLP. When defining Collate_fn, ValueError keeps appearing, which are:

ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)
VauleError: too much values to unpack (expected 2)

The corresponding line in error is:

def collate_fn(batch):
   for x,y in batch //error line

(The input and output of collate_fn are briefly introduced here. XJTU-Qidong’s: The use of the collate_fn function in pytorch & how to pass parameters to the collate_fn function is very detailed.)

The error is the batch line, so start here. The input of Collate_fn is batch, and batch comes from the __getitem__ function of class dataset. The structure of class dataset is as follows:

class dataset(dataset):
  def __init__(self, path):
    self.x = []
    self.y = []
  def __len__(self):
  def__getitem__(self, idx):
    return self.x, self.y

x, y is the batch content, and the shape of the batch is (batch_size, 2). The problem arises here, the return values x and y are in list form, and the input required by collate_fn is in dict form, so you need to change the return part of the __getitem__ segment to:

return {<!-- -->'x':self.x[idx], 'y':self.y[idx]}

The output can be detected with the following code snippet

dataset = dataset() //Instantiate class dataset()

The output should be a pair of extracted x and y values.