Encyclopedia of C language functions — functions starting with x (2)

C language function collection

This article introduces the complete set of C language functions — functions starting with x

1. xdr_char

1.1 Function Description

Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_char(XDR *xdrs, char *cp); for Encode a char type data into XDR stream or decode a char type data from XDR stream


  • xdrs : Pointer to the XDR structure to encode or decode data
  • cp: Pointer to char type data to be encoded or decoded

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

1.2 Demonstration example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>

int main()
{<!-- -->
    // create XDR stream
    XDR xdr;
    xdrmem_create( & xdr, NULL, 0, XDR_ENCODE);

    // write char value
    char c = 'A';
    if (!xdr_char( &xdr, &c))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Write failed");
        return 1;

    // reset XDR stream to decoding mode
    xdrrec_endofrecord( & xdr, true);

    // read char value from stream
    char result;
    if (!xdr_char( &xdr, &result))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Failed to read");
        return 1;

    // output result
    printf("Read result: %c\\
", result);
    return 0;

In the sample code above,

  • First, we call the xdrmem_create() function to create a XDR stream;
  • Then, use the xdr_char() function to write the char value to the stream;
  • Next, reset the stream to decode mode by calling the xdrrec_endofrecord() function;
  • Then, use the xdr_char() function to read the char value from the stream;
  • Finally, output the char value read from the stream.

2. xdr_callmsg

2.1 Function Description

Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_callmsg(XDR *xdrs, struct rpc_msg *cmsg); used Used to encode a structure representing a RPC message into an XDR stream or decode a RPC stream from a XDR stream The structure of the message


  • xdrs : A pointer to an XDR structure to encode or decode data
  • cmsg : Pointer to a structure representing the RPC message

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

2.2 Demonstration example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>

int main()
{<!-- -->
    // Create a structure representing the RPC message
    struct rpc_msg cmsg = {<!-- -->
        .rm_xid = 1234567890,
        .rm_direction = CALL,
        .rm_call.cb_rpcvers = 2,
        .rm_call.cb_prog = 100001,
        .rm_call.cb_vers = 1,
        .rm_call.cb_proc = 4
    // create XDR stream
    XDR xdr;
    char buffer[1024];
    xdrmem_create( & xdr, buffer, sizeof(buffer), XDR_ENCODE);

    // encode the message into the XDR stream
    if (!xdr_callmsg( &xdr, &cmsg))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Encoding failed");
        return 1;

    // reset XDR stream to decoding mode
    xdrrec_endofrecord( & xdr, true);

    // read message from stream
    struct rpc_msg result;
    if (!xdr_callmsg( &xdr, &result))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Decoding failed");
        return 1;

    // output result
    printf("Read result:\\
    printf(" XID: %u\\
", result.rm_xid);
    printf("Direction: %d\\
", result.rm_direction);
    printf("RPC Version: %u\\
", result.rm_call.cb_rpcvers);
    printf("Program: %u\\
", result.rm_call.cb_prog);
    printf("Program Version: %u\\
", result.rm_call.cb_vers);
    printf(" Procedure: %u\\
", result.rm_call.cb_proc);
    return 0;

In the example above,

  • First, we define a structure cmsg representing the RPC message, which contains the XID of the message, the direction, Fields such as RPC version number, program number, program version number, and procedure number.
  • Next, use the xdrmem_create() function to create an in-memory XDR stream for encoding messages into XDR format;
  • Then, call the xdr_callmsg() function to encode the message into the XDR stream. If the encoding is successful, the return value is TRUE, otherwise the return value is FALSE.
  • Next, call the xdrrec_endofrecord() function to reset the stream to decode mode so that encoded messages can be read from the stream.
  • Then, call the xdr_callmsg() function again to decode a structure representing the RPC message from the stream, and save it in the result variable middle.
  • Finally, use the printf() function to output the decoded message fields.

3. xdr_double

3.1 Function Description

Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_authunix_parms(XDR *xdrs, struct authunix_parms *objp); use Used to encode double type data into XDR stream or decode a double type data from XDR stream td>


  • xdrs : A pointer to an XDR structure to encode or decode data
  • dp : Pointer to double type data to encode or decode

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

3.2 Demonstration example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>

int main()
{<!-- -->
    // create XDR stream
    XDR xdr;
    char buffer[1024];
    xdrmem_create( & xdr, buffer, sizeof(buffer), XDR_ENCODE);

    // write double value
    double d = 3.1415926;
    if (!xdr_double( &xdr, &d))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Write failed");
        return 1;

    // reset XDR stream to decoding mode
    xdrrec_endofrecord( & xdr, true);

    // read a double value from the stream
    double result;
    if (!xdr_double( &xdr, &result))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Failed to read");
        return 1;

    // output result
    printf("Read result: %f\\
", result);
    return 0;

In the sample code above,

  • First, we call the xdrmem_create() function to create a XDR stream;
  • Then, use the xdr_double() function to write the double value to the stream;
  • Next, reset the stream to decode mode by calling the xdrrec_endofrecord() function;
  • Then, use the xdr_double() function to read the double value from the stream;
  • Finally, outputs the double value read from the stream.

Note: Extra care must be taken when using the xdr_double function, as different system architectures and endianness may affect how floating-point numbers are represented. It is recommended to only transfer between the same system and language when using this function.

4. xdr_enum

4.1 Function Description

Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_enum(XDR *xdrs, enum_t *ep); for Encode enumeration type data into XDR stream or decode enumeration type data from XDR stream


  • xdrs : A pointer to an XDR structure to encode or decode data
  • ep: A pointer to the enumerated type data to be encoded or decoded

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

4.2 Demonstration example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>

enum Color
{<!-- -->

int main()
{<!-- -->
    // create XDR stream
    XDR xdr;
    char buffer[1024];
    xdrmem_create( & xdr, buffer, sizeof(buffer), XDR_ENCODE);

    // write enum type value
    enum Color c = GREEN;
    if (!xdr_enum( & amp;xdr, (enum_t *) & amp;c))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Write failed");
        return 1;

    // reset XDR stream to decoding mode
    xdrrec_endofrecord( & xdr, true);

    // read the enum type value from the stream
    enum Color result;
    if (!xdr_enum( & amp;xdr, (enum_t *) & amp;result))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Failed to read");
        return 1;

    // output result
    printf("Read result: %d\\
", result);
    return 0;

In the example program above,

  • First, we call the xdrmem_create() function to create a XDR stream;
  • Then, use the xdr_enum() function to write the enum type value GREEN to the stream;
  • Then, call the xdrrec_endofrecord() function to reset the stream to decoding mode;
  • Then, use the xdr_enum() function to read the enumeration type value from the stream;
  • Finally, the printf() function is called to output the Boolean value read from the stream.

5. xdr_float

5.1 Function Description

XDR stream >
Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_float(XDR *xdrs, float *fp); for Encode float type data into XDR stream or decode a float type data


  • xdrs : A pointer to an XDR structure to encode or decode data
  • fp : Pointer to float type data to encode or decode

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

5.2 Demonstration example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>

int main()
{<!-- -->
    // create XDR stream
    XDR xdr;
    char buffer[1024];
    xdrmem_create( & xdr, buffer, sizeof(buffer), XDR_ENCODE);

    // write float value
    float f = 3.14;
    if (!xdr_float( &xdr, &f))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Write failed");
        return 1;

    // reset XDR stream to decoding mode
    xdrrec_endofrecord( & xdr, true);

    // read float value from stream
    float result;
    if (!xdr_float( &xdr, &result))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Failed to read");
        return 1;

    // output result
    printf("Read result: %f\\
", result);
    return 0;

In the sample code above,

  • First, we call the xdrmem_create() function to create a XDR stream;
  • Then, use the xdr_float() function to write the float value to the stream;
  • Next, reset the stream to decode mode by calling the xdrrec_endofrecord() function;
  • Then, use the xdr_float() function to read the float value from the stream;
  • Finally, output the float value read from the stream.

6. xdr_free

6.1 Function Description

Function declaration Function function
void xdr_free(xdrproc_t proc, char* objp); for release Dynamic memory space allocated by xdr series functions


  • proc : The pointer type of the serialized or deserialized object
  • objp: A pointer to dynamically allocated memory that needs to be freed

6.2 Demonstration example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>

struct Person {<!-- -->
    char *name;
    int age;

int main()
{<!-- -->
    // create XDR stream
    XDR xdr;
    char buffer[1024];
    xdrmem_create( & xdr, buffer, sizeof(buffer), XDR_ENCODE);

    // allocate memory and encode data into XDR stream
    struct Person *p = (struct Person *)xdr_malloc( & xdr, sizeof(struct Person));
    p->name = "Huazie";
    p->age = 18;
    xdr_struct( & amp; xdr, "Person", (xdrproc_t)xdr_person, (char *)p);
    xdr_free((xdrproc_t)xdr_person, (char *)p);

    // reset XDR stream to decoding mode
    xdrrec_endofrecord( & xdr, true);

    // decode data and free memory
    struct Person result;
    if (xdr_struct( &xdr, "Person", (xdrproc_t)xdr_person, (char *) &result))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Read result: name = %s, age = %d\\
", result.name, result.age);
        xdr_free((xdrproc_t)xdr_person, (char *) &result);
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Failed to read");

    return 0;

// Encode and decode Person type data
bool_t xdr_person(XDR *xdrs, struct Person *p)
{<!-- -->
    return xdr_string(xdrs, & amp;p->name, ~0) & amp; & amp; xdr_int(xdrs, & amp;p->age);

In the sample code above,

  • First, a structure named Person is defined, which contains a name field of string type and an age field of integer type ;
  • Then, we use the xdrmem_create() function to create a XDR stream and bind it to the buffer buffer;
  • Next, we call the xdr_malloc() function to allocate the memory space of a structure Person, and assign name to "Huazie\ ", age is 18;
  • Then, call the xdr_struct() function to encode the above structure data into the XDR stream. After the encoding is completed, call the xdr_free() function to release the allocated memory space, so that the dynamically allocated memory space used in the serialization process can be released.
  • Next, we reset the XDR stream to decode mode;
  • Then, use the xdr_struct() function to read and decode data from the stream. If the decoding is successful, the result is stored in a Person structure called result . After decoding, we use the xdr_free() function to release the dynamically allocated memory space.
  • Finally, output the name and age field values in the Person structure.

7. xdr_hyper

7.1 Function Description

Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_hyper(XDR *xdrs, hyper *hp); for Encode and decode data of super long integer type


  • xdrs : A pointer to an XDR structure to encode or decode data
  • hp: Pointer to the long integer type to encode or decode

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

7.2 Demonstration example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>

int main()
{<!-- -->
    // create XDR stream
    XDR xdr;
    char buffer[1024];
    xdrmem_create( & xdr, buffer, sizeof(buffer), XDR_ENCODE);

    // Encode data of super long integer type
    hyper h = 1234567890123456789;
    if (xdr_hyper( &xdr, &h))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("encoded successfully\\

    // reset XDR stream to decoding mode
    xdrrec_endofrecord( & xdr, true);

    // Decode data of super long integer type
    hyper result;
    if (xdr_hyper( &xdr, &result))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Decoding succeeded, result = %lld\\
", result);

    return 0;

In the sample code above,

  • First, we use the xdrmem_create() function to create a XDR stream and bind it to the buffer buffer;
  • Then, define a variable h of super long integer type, and assign it as 1234567890123456789;
  • Then, use the xdr_hyper() function to encode the data of the super long integer type into the XDR stream, and check whether the encoding is successful; if the encoding is successful, output \ "Encoding successful";
  • Then, call the xdrrec_endofrecord() function to reset the XDR stream to decoding mode;
  • Finally, call the xdr_hyper() function to decode the data read from the XDR stream into a super long integer type, and check whether the decoding is successful; if the decoding is successful, output the decoded result.

8. xdr_int

8.1 Function Description

XDR stream >
Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_int(XDR *xdrs, int *ip); for Encode int type data into XDR stream or decode a int type data


  • xdrs : A pointer to an XDR structure to encode or decode data
  • ip : Pointer to int type data to encode or decode

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

8.2 Demonstration example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>

int main()
{<!-- -->
    // create XDR stream
    XDR xdr;
    char buffer[1024];
    xdrmem_create( & xdr, buffer, sizeof(buffer), XDR_ENCODE);

    // Encode integer type data
    int i = 12345;
    if (xdr_int( &xdr, &i))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("encoded successfully\\

    // reset XDR stream to decoding mode
    xdrrec_endofrecord( & xdr, true);

    // decode integer type data
    int result;
    if (xdr_int( &xdr, &result))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Decoding succeeded, result = %d\\
", result);

    return 0;

In the sample code above,

  • First, we call the xdrmem_create() function to create a XDR stream;
  • Then, use the xdr_int() function to write the value 12345 of type int to the stream; if it returns TRUE, Then it means that the encoding is successful, output "encoding success";
  • Next, reset the stream to decode mode by calling the xdrrec_endofrecord() function;
  • Finally, use the xdr_int() function to read the value of the int type from the stream; if it returns TRUE, it means that the decoding is successful, and the read from the stream is output A value of type int.

9. xdr_long

9.1 Function Description

XDR stream >
Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_long(XDR *xdrs, long *lp); for Encode long type data into XDR stream or decode a long type data


  • xdrs : A pointer to an XDR structure to encode or decode data
  • lp: Pointer to data of type long to encode or decode

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

9.2 Demonstration example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>

int main()
{<!-- -->
    // create XDR stream
    XDR xdr;
    char buffer[1024];
    xdrmem_create( & xdr, buffer, sizeof(buffer), XDR_ENCODE);

    // Encode data of long integer type
    long l = 1234567890;
    if (xdr_long( &xdr, &l))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("encoded successfully\\

    // reset XDR stream to decoding mode
    xdrrec_endofrecord( & xdr, true);

    // Decode data of long integer type
    long result;
    if (xdr_long( &xdr, &result))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Decoding succeeded, result = %ld\\
", result);

    return 0;

In the sample code above,

  • First, we call the xdrmem_create() function to create a XDR stream;
  • Then, use the xdr_long() function to write the value 1234567890 of type long to the stream; if it returns TRUE, Then it means that the encoding is successful, output "encoding success";
  • Then, call the xdrrec_endofrecord() function to reset the stream to decoding mode;
  • Finally, use the xdr_long() function to read the value of the long type from the stream; if it returns TRUE, it means that the decoding is successful, and the read from the stream is output A value of type long.