Strings, lists of strings, generate dictionaries in reverse order.

A string with a number generates a dictionary in reverse order with the number as the key, and a list of strings generates a dictionary in reverse order with its element index as the key.

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  • Python official website: python cutting edge. It’s a pity that it’s the original English version. So, I want to practice English reading. ” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>

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Waiting for the wind to come, it is better to chase the wind...

A string with numbers generates a dictionary in reverse order with numbers as keys

The string generates a dictionary according to the rules

(The string list generates a dictionary in reverse order according to its element index as key)

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  • ◆? String & amp; list of strings to generate a dictionary according to the rules
    • 1. Description of the topic
    • 2. Problem-solving ideas
      • 2.1 Disassembly of the topic
      • 2.2 Screenshot of code running effect
    • 3. Problem-solving operation
      • 3.1 string list
      • 3.2 code text with numbers
    • 4. Complete source code

◆? String & amp; list of strings generates a dictionary according to the rules

1. Title description

(The title comes from the CSDN question and answer community question “Python implements an inverted index”).

There is no code text for the title, I use an unfinished “engineering” code text to test–

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2. Problem-solving ideas

2.1 Disassembly of the topic

The reverse index of the list string generates a dictionary for the key, which is relatively simple. There is no requirement in the title, the list can be reversed first, and then its length n- its element index is the key, and the string element is the value. There are many ways to choose from, and you can pick up your favorite beans. About the reverse sequence, I have made study notes “Python list (list) reverse (descending) 7 implementations”, you can click on the blue text to jump to read.
Strings with serial numbers, I feel a little tricky with my current Python skills. The conceivable method is to use re to extract the numbers, use str.split() to traverse the strings after the numbers intercepted from the back to the front with the numbers as symbols, and use the numbers as keys and strings as values to append to the dictionary in turn. Since it is operated from back to front, the result is reverse order.

Use the content of the code text that I have not completed to disassemble the topic and clarify the thinking–

  • content
#!/sur/bin/nve python
# coding: utf-8
from re import findall
my_path = '/sdcard/Documents/'
names_text_line = open(f"{my_path}Romance of the Three Kingdoms character list.txt").readlines()
texts = open(f"{my_path}Three Kingdoms.txt").read()
names = []
name_sort = {<!-- -->}

for i in names_text_line:
    name = findall(r'([^A-Z][\\一-\\龥(,) \(\)] + )[, \\
] + ', i)
    name = [i if ', ' not in i else i.split(', ') for i in name]
    input(f"Local_name: {name}")

for i in names:
    if len(i)==1:

for k,name in enumerate(names):
    print(' '*50, end='\r')
    print(f"{' '*(k9)}finding ...", end='\r')
    name_sort[name] = texts. count(name)

print(' '*50, end='\r')
Cao Cao: {'Cao Cao' in names},{name_sort.get('Cao Cao', None)}")
names = [(name, times) for name, times in name_sort.items()]
names.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

for i in range(20):

print(len(names), len(name_sort), len(texts))

  • Generating strings and lists of strings from code text
lis = open('/sdcard/qpython/').readlines()[:17] # Read the code text and generate a string list with each line string as an element.
mystr = ' '.join([f"{k}: {i[:-1]}" for k,i in enumerate(lis)]) # splicing the code text into one character with line number string.

2.2 Screenshot picture of code running effect

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3. Problem solving operation

3.1 string list

  • For a list of strings, just parse it in reverse order
lis_dict = {<!-- -->str(i): lis[i] for i in range(len(lis)-1, -1, -1)} # Dictionary analysis generates a result dictionary.

3.2 code text with numbers

  • extract numbers from string
mystr_indexs = findall(r'\d + : ', mystr) # The re.findall() method extracts a list of line numbers.

  • loop split append to dictionary
for i in range(len(mystr_indexs)-1, -1, -1): # The loop splits the string lines in reverse order and appends them to the dictionary.
    temp = mystr2. split(f"{i}:")
    mystr_dict[f"{i}"] = temp[1]
    mystr2 = temp[0]

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4. Complete source code

(The source code is long, click here to skip the source code)

#!sur/bin/nve python
# coding: utf-8
from re import findall

lis = open('/sdcard/qpython/').readlines()[:18] # Read the code text and generate a string list with each line string as an element.
mystr = ' '.join([f"{k}: {i[:-1]}" for k,i in enumerate(lis)]) # splicing the code text into one character with line number string.

mystr_indexs = findall(r'\d + : ', mystr) # The re.findall() method extracts a list of line numbers.
mystr_dict = {<!-- -->} # The initial value of the code line string dictionary.
mystr2 = mystr

for i in range(len(mystr_indexs)-1, -1, -1): # The loop splits the string lines in reverse order and appends them to the dictionary.
    temp = mystr2. split(f"{i}:")
    mystr_dict[f"{i}"] = temp[1]
    mystr2 = temp[0]

generated dictionary:\\
{mystr_dict}") # Result output.

lis_dict = {<!-- -->str(i): lis[i] for i in range(len(lis)-1, -1, -1)} # Dictionary analysis generates a result dictionary.
string list:\\
generated dictionary:\\
{lis_dict}") # Result output.

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High-quality articles:

  • Good article recommended:Qi Wei’s Manuscript “Python Complete Self-study Course” FreeSerial(The manuscript has been completed and assembled into a book, and there is also a PDF version for permanent sharing on Baidu Netdisk. Click Jump to download for free.)
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Source: Lao Qi Classroom

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◆ Python Getting Started Guide 【Python 3.6.3】

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