Linux: PXE efficient batch network installation

1. PXE Overview

1. The role of PXE

A pre-boot execution environment, which runs before the operating system.

2. Advantages of PXE batch deployment

(1) Scale: assemble multiple servers at the same time;
(2) Automation: install the system and configure various services;
(3) Remote implementation: no CD, U disk and other installation media are required.

3. Server

(1) Run the DHCP service to assign addresses and locate the bootloader
(2) Run TFTP service, provide bootloader download (TFTP: similar to vsftp small text transfer protocol, provide image file download)

4. Client

(1) The network card supports the PXE protocol
(2) The motherboard supports network boot

2. Configure PXE installation server

1. Basic deployment process

(1) The client searches for the dhcp service through the network card, and obtains the IP address and time
(2) The DHCP server assigns the IP address and the address of the boot program to the client, and at the same time sends the address of the tftp server to the client through the offer message
(3) The tftp server sends the boot file (pxelinux.0) to the client
(4) The client loads the bootloader into memory
(5) The bootloader searches for the configuration file in the tftp server, and the server sends the configuration file to the client (the configuration file is obtained by ftp)
(6) The server obtains the mirror file of the system by transferring files between the server and the client through the vsftp service

2. Four major files required for PXE installation


bootloader (provided by the syslinux program)
syslinux: a boot loader that simplifies the time to install Linux for the first time, and create boot disks for maintenance or other special users


The configuration file of the bootloader (features: need to be handwritten, the template is in the CD file: isolinux.cfg in the isolinux directory)


Kernel file (from the CD, in the isolinux directory)


System boot image file (from CD, in isolinux)

3. Services required by PXE

(1) dhcp
(2) tftp: port number – 69, based on UDP protocol, simple file transfer, transfer some small files
(3) vsftpd
(4) xinetd: installed together with tftp, the network daemon service program, used to manage lightweight network services, used with tftp

Three. PXE configuration

1. Use local source installation service

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/
vim local.repo

yum clean all & amp; & amp; yum makecache

2. Install and start TFTP service

yum -y install tftp-server xinetd
vim /etc/xinetd.d/tftp

systemctl start tftp #Service starts automatically
systemctl start xinetd #Open xinetd service
systemctl enable xinetd #Enable xinetd service to boot automatically
systemctl stop firewalld.service #Close the system firewall
setenforce 0 #Turn off the system security mechanism

3. Install and start DHCP service

 yum -y install dhcp #Install the dhcp package
cp /usr/share/doc/dhcp-4.2.5/dhcpd.conf.example /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf #Copy the dhcp configuration template to the dhcp configuration file
vim /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf #Modify the configuration file of the DHCP service

systemctl start dhcpd
systemctl enable dhcpd

4. Prepare the Linux kernel and initialize the image file

mount /dev/sr0 /mnt #mount
cd /mnt/images/pxeboot
cp vmlinuz /var/lib/tftpboot/ #Copy the kernel file of the Linux system to the TFTP root directory
cp initrd.img /var/lib/tftpboot/ #Copy the initialization image file (linux bootloader module) to the TFTP root directory

5. Prepare PXE bootloader

yum -y install syslinux #PXE bootloader is provided by the package syslinux
cp /usr/share/syslinux/pxelinux.0 /var/lib/tftpboot/ #Copy the PXE bootloader to the TFTP root directory

6. Install vsftpd service, prepare CentOS 7 installation source

yum -y install vsftpd --------install vsftpd service
mkdir /var/ftp/centos7 --------Create directory centos7 under the ftp root directory
cp -rf /mnt/* /var/ftp/centos7/ ---Forcibly copy the image file to the centos7 directory, you can add & amp; to let it run in the background
systemctl start vsftpd----------- Open vsftpd service
systemctl enable vsftpd-------------Enable vsftpd service to start automatically

7. Configure the boot menu file

The default boot menu file is in the pxelinux.cfg subdirectory of the TFTP root directory, and the file name is default

mkdir /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg--------Create directory
vim /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default

After the configuration is complete, you can check whether the relevant files exist at the following address

cd /var/lib/tftpboot/

Check if it is centos7 at the following address

cd /var/ftp

8. Install a new virtual machine

During the installation process, you need to pay attention to the following pages, and the rest can be defaulted:

9. Realize Kickstart unattended installation configuration

9.1 Install system-config-kickstart tool

yum install -y system-config-kickstart

9.2 Implement the Kickstart configuration program in the virtual machine of test1

Open it through the desktop menu “Applications” –> “System Tools” –> “Kickstart” or execute the “system-config-kickstart” command to open it. The following needs to be modified, and the rest can be defaulted

Partition information:
Master Boot Record: Clear the Master Boot Record
Partition: delete all existing partitions
disklabel: initialize disklabel
Layout: Adding Partitions
Mount point: /boot, file system type: xfs, fixed size: 500M
File system type: swap, fixed size: 4096M
Mount point: /home, file system type: xfs, fixed size: 4096M
Mount point: /, file system type: xfs, use all unused space on the disk

9.3 Save the automatic answer file and copy it to the directory to be implemented

Select the “File” -> “Save” command in the “Kickstart Configurator” window, choose to specify the save location, and the file name is ks.cfg
Saved in /root/ks.cfg by default

9.4 Configure the software packages that need to be installed

You can copy the package installation script of vim anaconda-ks.cfg to the vim ks.cfg file as needed,
Just copy %packages to %end section.
If you require a minimal installation, you can copy the following:
vim ks.cfg

 vim ks.cfg

cp /root/ks.cfg /var/ftp/ks.cfg #Copy the file ks.cfg to /var/ftp/ks.cfg

9.5 Edit boot menu file default, add ks boot parameters

vim /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default

9.6 Verify unattended installation

When the client computer boots in PXE mode each time, it will automatically download the ks.cfg response configuration file, and then install the CentOS 7 system according to the settings in it, including setting the root user password without manual intervention.

cat /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo