Python big data homework six draw a cake

Short answer questions (1 question in total, 100 points) 1. (Short answer questions) Use matplotlib to draw the following figure

The first step is to draw a coordinate system

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create a Figure artboard object
fig = plt. figure()
# //Divide the entire Figure area into a grid of Row * col;
# //Create the coordinate axis
ax = fig.add_subplot()
# //Set the x-axis and y-axis
ax.set(xlim=[0, 8], ylim=[0, 8], title='HAPPY BIRTHDAY',
       ylabel='Y-Axis', xlabel='X-Axis')
plt. show()

Let’s see the effect


The coordinate system is established

The second step is to draw the grid

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create a Figure artboard object
fig = plt. figure()
# //Divide the entire Figure area into a grid of Row * col;
# //Create the coordinate axis
ax = fig.add_subplot()
# //Set the x-axis and y-axis
ax.set(xlim=[0, 8], ylim=[0, 8], title='HAPPY BIRTHDAY',
       ylabel='Y-Axis', xlabel='X-Axis')
# show the form
plt. show()


The third step is to draw the basic graphics

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Create a Figure artboard object
fig = plt. figure()
# //Divide the entire Figure area into a grid of Row * col;
# //Create the coordinate axis
ax = fig.add_subplot()
# //Set the x-axis and y-axis
ax.set(xlim=[-6, 10], ylim=[-6, 10], title="HAPPY BIRTHDAY",
       ylabel='Y-Axis', xlabel='X-Axis')
#The first parameter (2,1) indicates the starting coordinates, the second parameter 4 is the length, the third parameter is the height 2 alpha is transparency
# rect = plt.Rectangle((2,1),4,2,color='r',alpha=0.3)
# Set legend legend and graphics
x = [-2,-3]
data = [5,5]
#level one
ax.barh(x, width=data, height=1, color="r", label="the first layer of cake", alpha=0.4)
x1 = [-1,0]
data1 = [4,4]
#Second floor
ax.barh(x1,width=data1,left=0.5,height=1,color="b",label="the second layer of cake", alpha=0.4)
#Third Layer Candle
x2 = [1,2,3,4]
y2 = [1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5], y2, width=0.2, align="center", color="g", label="candle", alpha=0.5, bottom=0.4)
#Leaders of the fourth layer
x2 = [1,2,3,4]
y2 = [2,2,2,2],y2,width=0.05,align="center",color=['r','b','y','m'],alpha=0.5,bottom=0.4)
# show the table
plt. legend()
plt. show() 


alpha is transparency, is a histogram, bottom in pit.barw can be adjusted, and it can also be used as a stacked graph

pit.barn is a horizontal bar graph that can be adjusted up and down with the left property

Add a little detail in the fourth step

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Create a Figure artboard object
fig = plt. figure()
# //Divide the entire Figure area into a grid of Row * col;
# //Create the coordinate axis
ax = fig.add_subplot()
# //Set the x-axis and y-axis
ax.set(xlim=[-6, 10], ylim=[-6, 10], title="HAPPY BIRTHDAY",
       ylabel='Y-Axis', xlabel='X-Axis')
#The first parameter (2,1) indicates the starting coordinates, the second parameter 4 is the length, the third parameter is the height 2 alpha is transparency
# rect = plt.Rectangle((2,1),4,2,color='r',alpha=0.3)
# Set legend legend and graphics
x = [-2,-3]
data = [5,5]
#level one
ax.barh(x, width=data, height=1, color="r", label="the first layer of cake", alpha=0.4)
x1 = [-1,0]
data1 = [4,4]
#Second floor
ax.barh(x1,width=data1,left=0.5,height=1,color="b",label="the second layer of cake", alpha=0.4)
#Third Layer Candle
x2 = [1,2,3,4]
y2 = [1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5], y2, width=0.2, align="center", color="g", label="candle", alpha=0.5, bottom=0.4)
#Leaders of the fourth layer
x2 = [1,2,3,4]
y2 = [2,2,2,2],y2,width=0.05,align="center",color=['r','b','y','m'],alpha=0.5,bottom=0.4)
# add a little detail
#1 Add horizontal lines
#x4 (the first abscissa point x41, the second abscissa point x42)
#y4 (y41 corresponding to the first abscissa x41, y42 corresponding to the second abscissa x42)
ax.plot(x4, y4)
#Add the second horizontal line
ax.plot(x5, y5, color='b')
#Add the third dotted line
y6=[-1.0 ,-1.0]
ax.plot(x6, y6, linestyle='--', color='y')
#Add the fourth dotted line
ax.plot(x7, y7, linestyle='--', color='y')
# show the table
plt. legend()
plt. show() 


The fifth step is to add background bubbles and remove the abscissa

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Create a Figure artboard object
fig = plt. figure()
# //Divide the entire Figure area into a grid of Row * col;
# //Create the coordinate axis
ax = fig.add_subplot()
# //Set the x-axis and y-axis
ax.set(xlim=[-6, 10], ylim=[-6, 10], title="HAPPY BIRTHDAY",)
#The first parameter (2,1) indicates the starting coordinates, the second parameter 4 is the length, the third parameter is the height 2 alpha is transparency
# rect = plt.Rectangle((2,1),4,2,color='r',alpha=0.3)
# Set legend legend and graphics
x = [-2,-3]
data = [5,5]
#level one
ax.barh(x, width=data, height=1, color="r", label="the first layer of cake", alpha=0.4)
x1 = [-1,0]
data1 = [4,4]
#Second floor
ax.barh(x1,width=data1,left=0.5,height=1,color="b",label="the second layer of cake", alpha=0.4)
#Third Layer Candle
x2 = [1,2,3,4]
y2 = [1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5], y2, width=0.2, align="center", color="g", label="candle", alpha=0.5, bottom=0.4)
#Leaders of the fourth layer
x2 = [1,2,3,4]
y2 = [2,2,2,2],y2,width=0.05,align="center",color=['r','b','y','m'],alpha=0.5,bottom=0.4)
# add a little detail
#1 Add horizontal lines
#x4 (the first abscissa point x41, the second abscissa point x42)
#y4 (y41 corresponding to the first abscissa x41, y42 corresponding to the second abscissa x42)
ax.plot(x4, y4)
#Add the second horizontal line
ax.plot(x5, y5, color='b')
#Add the third dotted line
y6=[-1.0 ,-1.0]
ax.plot(x6, y6, linestyle='--', color='y')
#Add the fourth dotted line
ax.plot(x7, y7, linestyle='--', color='y')
# draw steam drum background

# Randomly generate xs and ys
n = 1024 # data size
# Randomly select n points from the standard normal distribution curve, the larger the second parameter, the more discrete
xs = np.random.normal(0, 10, n) # Each point is used as the X coordinate of the drawing
ys = np.random.normal(0, 10, n) # Each point is used as the y coordinate of the drawing
# Generate a value according to the coordinate point as the color value
y3 = np.arctan2(ys,xs)
# s: the size of the drawn point
# c: The color of the drawing point, which can be a single color value or a list, and the colors will be sequentially corresponding to the corresponding points
# marker: The style of the point, there are 'o' dots, '+' plus signs, and many more, check the official ~matplotlib.markers.MarkerStyle, the default is 'o'
# linewidth: border width in 'o' dot mode, set to 0, dot has no border
# alpha: Transparency
plt.scatter(xs, ys, s=30, c=y3, alpha=0.5, marker='o', linewidths=0)
# show the table
plt. legend()
# Replace the label on the coordinate axis with empty (do not display the scale of the coordinate axis)
plt. xticks(())
plt. yticks(())
plt. show() 


Such a delicious cake is ready, don’t hesitate to make one yourself

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