5. Redis HyperLogLog, publish subscription, transaction, script, server command

Table of Contents

What is caching? Why use caching?

1. Basic introduction to Redis (NoSQL)

2. Redis download and installation configuration (Windows, Linux, Ubuntu), Redis-cli (client) basic commands, Redis visualization tool (Redis Desktop Manager)

3. Redis data types and their operation commands

4. Redis security (creating users), data backup and recovery, pipeline technology, partition

5. Redis HyperLogLog, publish subscribe, transaction, script, server command

6. Basic use of Redis (key-value, key-value pairs)

7. Using Redis in traditional Spring

8. Using Redis in Spring Boot

9. Redis master-slave replication (Master/Slave)

10. Reids sentry mode

11. Basic use of Redis distributed and fragmented clusters

Redis HyperLogLog, publish subscription, transaction, script, server command

  • Table of contents
  • Redis HyperLogLog, publish subscribe, transactions, scripts, server commands
    • Redis HyperLogLog
    • Redis publish subscribe
    • Redis transaction
    • Redis script
    • redis server

Redis HyperLogLog, publish subscription, transaction, script, server command

Redis HyperLogLog

Redis added the HyperLogLog structure in version 2.8.9 for the algorithm of cardinality statistics.

Advantages of HyperLogLog: When the number or volume of input elements is very, very large, the space required to calculate the cardinality is always fixed and small.

In Redis, each HyperLogLog key only needs 12 KB of memory to calculate the cardinality of nearly 2^64 different elements. This is in stark contrast to collections where more elements consume more memory when computing cardinality. However, because HyperLogLog only calculates the cardinality based on the input elements, and does not store the input elements themselves, HyperLogLog cannot return the individual elements of the input like a collection.

What is cardinality?
For example: data set {1, 3, 5, 7, 5, 7, 8}, then the cardinality set of this data set is {1, 3, 5,7, 8}, and the cardinality (non-repeating elements) is 5. Cardinality estimation is to quickly calculate the cardinality within the acceptable range of error

Redis HyperLogLog command

command description
PFADD key element [element …] Add the specified element to the HyperLogLog
PFCOUNT key [key …] Returns the cardinality estimate for the given HyperLogLog
PFMERGE destkey sourcekey [sourcekey …] Merge multiple HyperLogLogs into one HyperLogLog

Redis publish subscription

Redis publish-subscribe (pub/sub) is a message communication mode: sender (pub) sends messages, subscriber (sub) receives messages.
Redis clients can subscribe to any number of channels

The following figure shows the relationship between the channel channel1 and the three clients subscribed to this channel – client2 , client5 and client1 :

When a new message is sent to the channel channel1 through the PUBLISH command, this message will be sent to the three clients subscribed to it:

The following example demonstrates how publish-subscribe works. In our example we created a subscription channel called redisChat:

redis> SUBSCRIBE redisChat
Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
1) "subscribe"
2) "redisChat"
3) (integer) 1

Now, first restart a redis client, and then publish two messages on the same channel redisChat, and the subscribers can receive the message.

redis> PUBLISH redisChat "Redis is a great caching technique"
(integer) 1

redis> PUBLISH redisChat "Learn redis by w3cschool.cn"
(integer) 1

#The subscriber's client will display the following message
1) "message"
2) "redisChat"
3) "Redis is a great caching technique"
1) "message"
2) "redisChat"
3) "Learn redis by w3cschool.cn"

Redis publish and subscribe commands

Command Description
PSUBSCRIBE pattern [pattern …] Subscribe to one or more channels matching the given pattern
PUBSUB subcommand [argument [argument …]] View subscription and publication System status
PUBLISH channel message Send information to the specified channel
PUNSUBSCRIBE [pattern [pattern …]] Unsubscribe from all channels with the given pattern
SUBSCRIBE channel [channel …] Subscribe to the given
UNSUBSCRIBE [channel [channel …]] refers to unsubscribe from a given channel

Redis transactions

Redis transactions can execute multiple commands at once, with the following two important guarantees:
(1) A transaction is a separate isolation operation: all commands in a transaction will be serialized and executed sequentially. During the execution of the transaction, it will not be interrupted by command requests sent by other clients

(2) A transaction is an atomic operation: either all commands in the transaction are executed, or none of them are executed
A transaction goes through the following three stages from start to execution:
①Start business
② command into the team
③Executive affairs

Redis transaction commands

Command Description
DISCARD Cancel the transaction and give up executing all commands in the transaction block
EXEC Execute all commands in the transaction block
MULTI Mark the beginning of a transaction block
UNWATCH Cancel WATCH command to monitor all keys
WATCH key [key …] Monitor one (or more) key, if the key (or these) is changed by other commands before the transaction is executed , then the transaction will be interrupted

Redis script

Redis scripts use the Lua interpreter to execute scripts. Reids 2.6 version supports Lua environment through embedding. The common command to execute the script is EVAL
Syntax: EVAL script numkeys key [key …] arg [arg …]

Redis script commands

command description
EVAL script numkeys key [key …] arg [arg …] Execute Lua script
EVALSHA sha1 numkeys key [key …] arg [arg …] Execute Lua script
SCRIPT EXISTS script [script …] Check whether the specified script has been saved in the cache
SCRIPT FLUSH Remove all scripts from the script cache
SCRIPT KILL Kill the currently running The Lua script
SCRIPT LOAD script adds the script script to the script cache, but does not execute the script immediately

Redis server

Redis server commands are mainly used to manage redis services

Redis server commands

Command Description
BGREWRITEAOF Asynchronously execute an AOF (AppendOnly File) file rewrite operation
BGSAVE Asynchronously save the data of the current database to disk in the background
CLIENT KILL [ip:port] [ID client-id] Close client connection
CLIENT LIST Get the list of client connections connected to the server
CLIENT GETNAME Get the name of the connection
CLIENT PAUSE timeout Stop running commands from the client within the specified time
CLIENT SETNAME connection-name Set the name of the current connection
CLUSTER SLOTS Get the mapping array of cluster nodes
COMMAND Get the array of Redis command details
COMMAND COUNT Get the total number of Redis commands
COMMAND GETKEYS Get all keys for a given command
TIME Returns the current server time
COMMAND INFO command-name [command-name …] Get the array of the specified Redis command description
CONFIG GET parameter Get the value of the specified configuration parameter
CONFIG REWRITE For the redis.conf configuration file specified when starting the Redis server Rewrite
CONFIG SET parameter value Modify redis configuration parameters without restarting
CONFIG RESETSTAT Reset some statistics in the INFO command
DBSIZE Return the number of keys in the current database
DEBUG OBJECT key Get key debugging information
DEBUG SEGFAULT Let Redis Service crash
FLUSHALL Delete all keys of all databases
FLUSHDB Delete all keys of the current database
INFO [section] Get various information and statistics of the Redis server
LASTSAVE Returns the last time Redis successfully saved data to disk, in UNIX timestamp format
MONITOR Print out the commands received by the Redis server in real time, use
ROLE for debugging return the role of the master-slave instance td>
SAVE Save data to hard disk asynchronously
SHUTDOWN [NOSAVE] [SAVE] Save data to the hard disk asynchronously, and close the server
SLAVEOF host port Transform the current server into a slave server of the specified server (slave server)
SLOWLOG subcommand [argument] Manage redis slow log
SYNC Internal commands for replication