Appium+Python implements iOS automated testing~environment construction

Appium is an open source, cross-platform test automation tool for native, hybrid and mobile web and desktop applications. Supports emulators (iOS, Android) and real devices (iOS, Android, Windows, Mac). Preparation tools Xcode PyCharm Command Line Tool HomeBrew, Node, npm… 1. Install Homebrew Homebrew is the software management tool of MACOSX. To put it crudely, it […]

How to use Spring Data Redis in idea

How to use Spring Data Redis 1 Introduction Spring Data Redis is a part of Spring. It provides access to Redis services through simple configuration in Spring applications and highly encapsulates the Redis underlying development package. In Spring projects, you can use Spring Data Redis to simplify Redis operations. URL: Spring Boot provides the […]

[MySQL] MySQL update data mechanism

MySQL update data mechanism 1. Problem description Suppose we have a table like this and contains one record: CREATE TABLE mytest ( id int(11) NOT NULL, c1 int(11) DEFAULT NULL, c2 int(11) DEFAULT NULL, c3 int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY c1 (c1), KEY c2 (c2) Contains records: ±-±—–±—–±—– + | id | c1 […]

How to systematically understand namespace in C++

How to systematically understand the namespace in C++, what namespaces are in TensorRT Reference & amp; COpy Detailed understanding of namespace (using namespace) in C++_c language using namespace_Futong’s blog-CSDN blog Background: 1. There are certain restrictions on the scope of variables and functions; for example, a temporary variable defined in the function body cannot be […]

pandas uses —Series/DataFrame

Learn from Pandas Common Functions | Newbie Tutorial Pandas Common Functions The following lists some commonly used functions and usage examples in Pandas: Read data function description pd.read_csv(filename) reads CSV files; pd.read_excel(filename) reads Excel files; pd .read_sql(query, connection_object) reads data from SQL database; pd.read_json(json_string) reads data from JSON string; pd.read_.. Installation pip3 install pandas -i […]

Use of filter function in SQLAlchemy

Table of Contents filter filter data Methods and usage examples Basic filtering Filtering by multiple conditions fuzzy query IN query Null and non-null values code demo Code analysis filter filter data In SQLAlchemy, the filter method is used to filter data in queries to obtain records that meet specific conditions. This method allows you to […]

14. Redisson distributed lock

Spring Cloud microservices series of articles, click above to collect↑ 1. Beginning In a single application, we can use Java’s synchronized or lock to use locks, but in a microservice scenario, an application will deploy multiple instances, which requires To ensure that multiple threads of multiple instances can only have one thread operating resources at […]

Signal envelope generation based on Matlab

Content introduction The signal envelope refers to the curve formed by connecting the maximum amplitude of the signal as time changes. It can be used to describe the overall change trend of the signal and is often used in signal processing and communication systems. Signal envelope plays an important role in signal processing. It represents […]