YOLOv5, YOLOv8 improvements: ConvNeXt (backbone changed to ConvNextBlock)

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2. YOLOv5 modifies backbone to ConvNeXt 2.1 Modify common.py 2.2 Modify yolo.py 2.3 Modify yolov5.yaml configuration 1. Introduction Paper address: https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.03545 Official source code address: https://github.com/facebookresearch/ConvNeXt.git Since ViT (Vision Transformer) shines in the field of CV, more and more researchers have begun to embrace Transformer. Looking back on the past […]

Python cross validation implementation

Directory HoldOut cross-validation K-fold cross validation Hierarchical K-fold cross-validation Leave P Out Cross Validation Leave-one-out cross-validation Monte Carlo cross-validation (Shuffle Split) Time series cross-validation HoldOut Cross Validation In this cross-validation technique, the entire data set is randomly divided into training and validation sets. As a rule of thumb, nearly 70% of the entire dataset is […]

Maintenance of the note function – private mode (the initial interface does not display the first line of the note)

I found that Xiaomi Notes automatically displays the first line of each note. When we use sticky notes in our daily lives, we often record some important (such as account passwords) or relatively private content in them out of convenience. Therefore, I plan to add a privacy mode to it – not showing the first […]

vue3 +elementplus | vue2+elementui dynamically add or delete a single form field through validation rules

renderings Click +’ to add a new line, click -’ to delete a line vue3 + elementplus writing method template <el-dialog v-model=”dialogFormVisible” :title=”title”> <el-form ref=”ruleFormRef” :model=”form” :inline=”true” label-width=”120px” class=”demo-ruleForm” :size=”formSize” status-icon> <el-form-item label=”Teacher number:” prop=”code” :rules=”[{<!– –> required: true, message: ‘Please enter the teacher number’ , trigger: ‘blur’ }, {<!– –> min: 4, message: ‘The […]

Python – List (Mind map attached at the end of the article)

Python – List 1 Definition Used to store any number and any type of data collection. List is a built-in data type in Python. Standard syntax format: 1. a = [10,20,30,40] 2. a = [10,20,abc’,True] is an ordered collection in which elements can be added or deleted at any time. The identifier is square brackets […]

Using BigDecimal in Java to perform operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on string values

Directory of series articles SpringBoot + Vue3 implements login verification code function Java implements sending emails (automatically sending emails regularly) Use Redis from another angle to solve the problem of cross-domain access Session Redis cache penetration, breakdown, avalanche problems and solutions Use of Spring Cache – Quick Start List<HashMap<String,String>>implement custom string sorting (key sorting, Value […]

Centos deploys LEK+redis+filebeat detailed deployment steps

Table of Contents Introduction Preliminary preparation 1. The node and corresponding IP of each server 2. The architecture of each server 1. Node-1 node corresponding service construction Deploy redis 1. Use yum to install redis 2. Modify configuration file 3. Start the service Deploy nginx 1. Install dependency packages 2. Download nginx installation package 3. […]

AQS Condition queue source code analysis

Usage of Condition The previous article analyzed the process of ReentrantLock grabbing locks, threads joining the queue, and releasing locks. This article then looks at the application of conditional queues. Condition in AbstractQueuedSynchronizer represents a condition queue. We can implement thread communication through Condition. We want to suspend threads and wake them up when certain […]