SpringCloud GateWay custom filter GatewayFilter and AbstractGatewayFactory

1. GatewayFilter GatewayFilter is a simple interface used to define the behavior of a gateway filter. A gateway filter is a class that implements the GatewayFilter interface and can perform certain operations when a request enters the gateway or when a response leaves the gateway. Filters can be used to modify requests or responses, log, […]

C# inheritance, abstraction, interface, generic constraints, extension methods

Article directory Preface Simulation requirements Scenario simulation Highly repetitive needs Initial class structure Inheritance optimization abstract class Requirement 1: Print CreateTime Method 1: Use overloading Method 2: Base class function Method 3: Generic constraints Method 3.1: Ordinary generic methods Method 3.2: Advanced generic constraints, extension methods Summarize Extra: Generic methods and interfaces Generic constraint abstract […]

Qt inherits QAbstractListModel to implement a custom ListModel

1. Introduction QAbstractListModel is an abstract class in the Qt framework, used to implement the data model and used to display and edit list data in Qt’s view components. Similar to QAbstractTableModel, it is also an abstract class that provides some basic interfaces and default implementations to easily create customized list data models. The main […]

Abstract black box vulnerability scanning and risk technology assessment methodology

As a technical boy who has long struggled with automated detection/mining solutions for various vulnerabilities, we will encounter many problems when writing a “scanner”, such as How to ensure that your payload is harmless? How to balance the contradictory relationship between outsourcing and “detection rate”? How to trigger WAF as little as possible? How to […]

C++ Standard Templates (STL) – Type Support (type attributes, is_abstract, is_signed, is_unsigned)

Type attributes A type attribute defines a compile-time template-based structure for querying or modifying the properties of a type. Attempting to specialize a template defined in the header results in undefined behavior, except that std::common_type can be specialized as described. Templates defined in the header file may be instantiated with incomplete types unless otherwise specified, […]

Java Head Song 9-4 Application of Abstract Classes

Level 1: multiple choice questions Task Description Tasks for this level: Complete multiple-choice questions about abstract classes and their applications. Related knowledge In order to complete this task, you need to master: 1. Abstract classes and abstract methods, 2. Issues to pay attention to in inheritance: such as calling constructors, method overriding, using objects of […]

SpringBoot+ThreadLocal+AbstractRoutingDataSource implements dynamic switching of data sources

Hi, everyone, I am the fat boy who grabs my wife’s yogurt. Recently, when doing business requirements, I need to obtain data from different databases and then write them into the current database, so it involves switching data sources. Originally I wanted to use the dynamic data source SpringBoot starter provided in Mybatis-plus: dynamic-datasource-spring-boot-starter to […]

Baoshi Document User Manual, and uses abstraction and reflection to create universal abstract classes to save development costs.

Document example 1024 is the best time to write a blog. Don’t say it, don’t say it, I suggest it become a legal holiday. The official website of Baoshi documents: Baoshi official website (@宝思TeamRemember to pay me for advertising) Steps to use the Boucherie certificate Use abstract classes to abstract the steps of obtaining fields, […]