Android drag and drop startDragAndDrop drag and drop Glide to flexibly load stacked rounded corners, Kotlin (6)

Android drag and drop startDragAndDrop drag and drop Glide to flexibly load stacked rounded corners, Kotlin (6) Android drag and drop startDragAndDrop drag and drop Glide to load stacked rounded corners, Kotlin (5) – CSDN blog article has been read 1.3k times. Android DynamicGrid: Drag to swap positions. Android DynamicGrid is a third-party open source […]

MySQL Backup and Recovery: Protecting Data Security and Business Continuity

1. Quote MySQL is a widely used relational database management system. For any enterprise or individual, data security and continuity are crucial. Backup and recovery are one of the important means to protect data security and achieve business continuity. This article will introduce the importance of MySQL backup and recovery, the selection of backup strategies, […]

HackTheBox-Starting Point–Tier 2—Vaccine

Article directory 1 Vaccine testing process 1.1 Management 1.1.1 FTP anonymous login 1.1.2 SQL injection 1.2 Privilege Elevation 2 Topics One Vaccine testing process 1.1 Management 1. Port scan nmap -sV -sC 1.1.1 FTP anonymous login 2.FTP allows anonymous login and found ftp Unzip, but a password is required: 3. Use […]

Vue3 encapsulates custom instructions and hooks, and publishes npm packages

Requirements: Encapsulate a function that requires monitoring the width and height changes of the DOM, and supports both custom instructions and hooks. Step 1: Create the project folder v-resize-xm 1. Create the src folder in the v-resize-xm folder Execute the pnpm init command to generate a package.json file 2. Install ts sudo npm install -g […]

WIndows’ CMD\PowerShell command line startup program runs a nohup command similar to Linux system in the background.

There is no command similar to nohup under windows, but you can use other commands to achieve this function. 1. Explanation of commands used: 1. Start-Process: Start one or more processes on the local computer. Related introduction links: Start-Process (Microsoft.PowerShell.Management) | Microsoft Learn? Mainly used parameters 1.1, -WindowStyle Specifies the state of the window used […]

Springboot java introduces Mqtt to receive and send messages under the framework of the front and back separation version

This is just one of them, and it is a superficial method of receiving and sending messages. The synchronization mechanism needs to be communicated and confirmed with colleagues engaged in the Internet of Things to see if it can be implemented. Or if there are many devices, the synchronization mechanism will not be used. First, […]

Data structure red-black tree (RBTree)

Data structure red-black tree (RBTree) Article directory Data structure red-black tree (RBTree) 1. The concept of red-black trees 2. Properties of red-black trees 3. Definition of red-black tree nodes 4. Red-black tree structure 5. Insertion operation of red-black tree 1. Insert new nodes according to the tree rules of binary search 2. Check whether the […]

C# Socket TCP 2 heartbeat protocol + anti-stain packet + proactively disconnect from the server

In the previous code, a C# .net TcpClient implemented the full-duplex communication protocol_tcpclient protocol_Green Lemon 676’s Blog-CSDN Blog We have implemented the heartbeat of TCP and introduced the full-duplex communication protocol. Today we will take you to understand what TCP packet immersion is and how TCP prevents packet immersion. So let’s make a long story […]

python exceptions, modules and packages

1. Abnormal Exception: When an error is detected, the Python interpreter cannot continue to execute. Instead, some error prompts appear. This is the so-called “exception”, which is what we often call BUG. 1.1 Catching Exceptions Basic syntax: try: error code may occur except: Code to be executed if an exception occurs Code example: # Try […]