How to understand and select optimistic locks and pessimistic locks during back-end development?

The author was asked this practical question when participating in a soft opening interview at a bank, so I came here to learn and summarize it. To get straight to the point, when choosing between pessimistic locks and optimistic locks, you need to consider the specific application scenarios: Pessimistic locking is suitable for scenarios where […]

GJO-LSTM-Adaboost optimizes Adaboost classification prediction of long short-term memory neural network LSTM based on the golden jackal algorithm

?About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For code acquisition, paper reproduction and scientific research simulation cooperation, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more complete Matlab code and simulation customization […]

One Demo handles the front-end and back-end multi-part uploading of large files, resumed uploading at breakpoints, and instantaneous uploading.

1Foreword File uploading is very common in project development. Most projects will involve the uploading of pictures, audios, videos, and files. Usually a simple Form can upload small files, but when encountering large files, such as more than 1GB, or When the user’s network is relatively slow, simple file upload is not applicable. The user […]

[Data structure] Simulation implementation of stack and queue (implemented in two ways)

Foreword About the author: Come on, Xu Xing, currently a sophomore, currently learning C++, Data Structure, etc. Author’s homepage: Come on, Xu Xing’s homepage ?This article is included in: Re-recognizing the advanced column of C Code Warehouse: Rising Sun 1 Everyone is welcome to like Collect ? Follow! Learning objectives: This blog will learn about […]

[C++] stack, queue and deque

Introduction to stack Stack is a container adapter that is specially used in contexts with last-in-first-out operations. Its deletion can only insert and extract elements from one end of the container. Stack is implemented as a container adapter. A container adapter encapsulates a specific class as its underlying container and provides a set of specific […]

jsp+servlet online ordering system (front desk, backend) based on javaweb+mysql (java+jsp+servlet+mysql+dbutil+tomcat)

jsp + servlet online ordering system (front desk, backend) based on javaweb + mysql (java + jsp + servlet + mysql + dbutil + tomcat) Private message Source code acquisition and debugging communication Operating environment Java≥8, MySQL≥5.7, Tomcat≥8 development tools eclipse/idea/myeclipse/sts, etc. can be configured to run Be applicable Course design, major assignments, graduation projects, […]

Vue black notepad component version

Rendering functions: 1. Provide data: Provide it in the public parent component App.vue 2. Pass data to TodoMain through parent to child. 3. Use v-for rendering Added features: 1. Collect form data v-model 2. Listen for events (enter + click to add) 3. Pass the task name to the parent component App.vue 4. Add unshift […]

Java SE packages, packages, static keywords and code blocks

1. Encapsulation 1.1 Concept of encapsulation There are three major characteristics of object-oriented programs: encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. In the class and object stage, the main research is on encapsulation characteristics. What is encapsulation? simply put It’s the shell shielding details. Encapsulation: organically combine data and methods of operating data, hide the properties and implementation […]

centos7 installation and configuration openstack deployment (1)

Article directory Preface 1. Architecture introduction 2. Preparation 1. Configure hosts 2. Change the host name and configure hosts mapping 3. Turn off the firewall, core protection, and network management 4. Mount the CD 5. Configure local source files 6. Time server deployment 7. Time client deployment 3. Install auxiliary components (rabbittmq, memcached, mariadb) 1. […]