Tou Ge Algorithm Design and Analysis: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Large Integers

Level 1: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of large integers Task description The task of this level: Master the basic idea of large integers, and use the basic operations of large integers to calculate the factorial of a conventional integer n, and then count the number of digits 0 in the large integer n!. Related […]

odoo16 front-end framework source code reading – startup, menu, action

odoo16 front-end framework source code reading – startup, menu, action Directory: addons/web/static/src 1.main.js Odoo is actually a single-page application. Judging from the name, this is the entry file for the front end, and the file content is also very simple. /** @odoo-module **/ import {<!– –> startWebClient } from “./start”; import {<!– –> WebClient } […]

Handling simple transactions in Spring Boot

Speaking of transactions, our first impact should be an important concept of database management systems. Transaction is a concept in a database management system (DBMS) that is used to manage a set of operations on the database. These operations are either all executed successfully or all are rolled back (undone). A transaction usually consists of […]

Interaction between MySQL database and python code

Article directory 1. Prepare data Create database Insert data 2. Review of SQL statements Strengthening of SQL statements Create the “Product Classification” table Synchronize table data 3. Steps to operate MySQL in Python Import module Connection object Cursor object 4. Python’s addition, deletion, modification and query operations on MySQL 5. Parameterization 1. Prepare data The […]

Vuex: Helper functions: mapState, mapMutations, mapActions, mapGetters: VOA mode

Description Vuex provides four commonly used auxiliary functions: the purpose is to map the corresponding data and functions in state(), mutaions{}, actions{}, getters{} in vuex, so that we can be more flexible in the component. Simply use these data and functions mapState mapMutations mapActions mapGetters Usage cases /src/store/index.jsState Manager import axios, { Axios } from […]

Interaction between WebRTC and IP camera

WebRTC Media Gateways for media interoperability For integrating IP cameras into WebRTC applications, media interaction needs to be implemented first. This means that the media stream provided by the camera needs to be compatible with the WebRTC codec and the format supported by the browser. This also means translating what the IP camera spits out […]

C# inheritance, abstraction, interface, generic constraints, extension methods

Article directory Preface Simulation requirements Scenario simulation Highly repetitive needs Initial class structure Inheritance optimization abstract class Requirement 1: Print CreateTime Method 1: Use overloading Method 2: Base class function Method 3: Generic constraints Method 3.1: Ordinary generic methods Method 3.2: Advanced generic constraints, extension methods Summarize Extra: Generic methods and interfaces Generic constraint abstract […]