Unity mobile game development: Addressables 4, resource version management

The resource version management we expect includes several aspects: Can be updated across versions,Can be rolled back to versions, and can dynamically modify the update address< /strong>. Version definition: The version number should be upgraded every time the game is updated. The client should theoretically have two version numbers: Frame Version (FrameVersion) and Resource Version […]

Initial MySQL (2) (add, delete, check and modify tables)

Table of Contents Modify table CRUD (add, delete, modify, check) insert statement (add data to the table) update statement (modify data in the table) delete delete statement select statement Modify table Add column ALTER TABLE tablename ADD (column datatype [DEFAULT expr] [, column datatype] …); Modify column ALTER TABLE tablename MODIFY (column datatype [DEFAULT expr] […]

18NAT network address translation

1. NAT Overview 1. Foreword With the development of the Internet and the increase in network applications, limited IPv4 public addresses have become a bottleneck restricting network development. To solve this problem, NAT (Network Address Translation) technology came into being. NAT technology is mainly used to enable hosts in the internal network to access external […]

Implementation code of AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding algorithm for secret key encryption and decryption of any length consistent with JAVA, Python and PHP

Recently, I encountered an AES encryption algorithm that needs to be implemented in Java, Python, and PHP. In fact, it is not very complicated in nature, but the parameter adjustment is quite troublesome. I found some reference materials and finally got it. The actual code is as follows: Main features The three languages of JAVA, […]

[Java adds and verifies PDF digital signature]

Among the methods for setting up document content protection, in addition to encrypting documents and adding watermarks, applying digital signatures is also an effective means of document anti-counterfeiting and protection. Digitally signed documents are easy to verify and have high authority and credibility. In Adobe PDF documents, there are functions and methods to directly add […]

Tou Ge Algorithm Design and Analysis: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Large Integers

Level 1: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of large integers Task description The task of this level: Master the basic idea of large integers, and use the basic operations of large integers to calculate the factorial of a conventional integer n, and then count the number of digits 0 in the large integer n!. Related […]

antd-vue + vue3 realizes the dynamic addition and deletion of rows in a-table, and implements in-row input verification in a-table through a-from

1. Renderings Figure 1: Verification effect 2. Main code Note: 1. The form and table are bound to the same data tableSource and it is a data (ElementUI requires an object package array) 2. The form uses name binding -> :name=”[index, ‘vlan_id’]” 3. Form-item always needs to add rules -> :rules=”rules.blur” <a-form ref=”tableFormRef” :model=”tableSource” :label-col=”{ […]

How to add permissions to vxetable right-click menu options and render based on row data

How to add permissions to vxetable right-click menu options and render based on row data Business scenario: ? The page has button permissions, and the right-click menu function is also implemented on the form. It is also necessary to control the permission function of the right-click menu. Solution ideas: By viewing the document, right-click the […]

Partition table locks and how to add partitions

Create partition #Create partition partition table postgres=# create table t_partition (p timestamp,v1 varchar(2),v2 text) partition by range (p); CREATE TABLE #Create three partitions postgres=# create table p0 partition of t_partition for values from (‘2022-3-13’) to (‘2022-3-14’); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create table p1 partition of t_partition for values from (‘2022-3-14’) to (‘2022-3-15’); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create […]

Andriod Practical Project Development No. 14 – Tree Structure, How to Handle the Page Refresh Mechanism after Adding Nodes

Renderings public void onViewCreated(@NonNull View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState); initData(); LinearLayoutManager manager = new LinearLayoutManager(mActivity); mTreeListRecy = view.findViewById(R.id.mTreeListRecy); if (mTreeListRecy != null) { mTreeListRecy.setLayoutManager(manager); mTreeListRecy.setAdapter(adapter); //Tree2HeaderView tree2HeaderView = new Tree2HeaderView(mActivity); treeHeaderView = new TreeHeaderView(mActivity,dataList); adapter.addHeaderView(treeHeaderView); //ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); //for (int i = 0; i < 30; i + + ) […]