Quickly build a card game server based on DotNetty+Akka.net+Mongodb1

Akka.NET Akka.NET is an open source, cross-platform actor model toolkit for building high-performance, scalable, and fault-tolerant distributed applications. It is a .NET version of the Akka framework on Java and aims to provide the same benefits and capabilities to .NET developers. Akka.NET provides a concurrency model called the Actor model. An Actor is a lightweight […]

SpringBoot integration AKKA

Article directory Application scenarios Integrate with SpringBoot Example Application scenarios AKKA is an open source framework for building highly concurrent, distributed and fault-tolerant applications. It is based on the Actor model and provides powerful concurrency abstractions and tools suitable for various business scenarios. Here are some examples of common business scenarios using the AKKA framework: […]

Big data development-concurrent programming from Scala to Akka

Big data development-concurrent programming from Scala to Akka_jDW32G3c87fjEBtYNE7Z7f Big data development-concurrent programming from Scala to Akka [4-1 Scala homework.pdf](file/4-1 Scala homework_UVqqJLwoIp.pdf) 1. Recursive implementation of bottle cap and bottle-to-bottle algorithm 1.1 Requirement Description Each bottle of beer is 2 yuan, and 3 empty bottles or 5 bottle caps can be exchanged for 1 bottle of […]

Use Akka’s Actor to simulate Spark’s Master and Worker working mechanisms

Use Akka’s Actor to simulate Spark’s Master and Worker working mechanisms The coordination working principle of Spark’s Master and Worker In Apache Spark, Master and Worker communicate and remain active through a heartbeat mechanism. The following is the workflow of the heartbeat mechanism between Master and Worker: After the Worker starts, it will send a […]

Flink consumes kafka and reports akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException: Ask timed out on [Actor[akka.tcp://flink@xxx]]after x

Article directory background: Phenomena and Analysis solution Summarize: expand refer to Background: Recently, the company where the author works is researching and using flink, because the company only has the author as a big data developer. The author is fortunate to lead this research, but we are also newbies, and we will share some pitfalls […]

Akka timing task schedule() method

Akka timing task schedule() method Article directory Akka timing task schedule() method What is the Akka scheduled task schedule() method? How to use Akka timing task schedule() method? How to get Scheduler object outside actor Why do you need to provide an implicit ExecutionContext object for executing scheduled tasks? How to get the Scheduler object […]

Use akka to simulate Spark’s Master and Worker communication

Use akka to simulate Spark’s Master and Worker communication Article directory Use akka to simulate Spark’s Master and Worker communication Master and Worker communication process message class Master implementation Worker implementation Summarize Spark is a big data processing framework based on memory computing. It provides an independent deployment mode (Standalone), which can run Spark applications […]

[Solved] Flink cluster reported error: akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException: Ask timed out on

Official Documentation: Apache Flash 1.12 Documentation: Configuration (apache.org) Add to the flink-conf.ymal file: akka.ask.timeout: 50s web.timeout: 50000 akka.ask.timeout defaults to 10 s. If you lengthen this timeout, you will find that it still cannot be solved. You have to modify web.timeout to be greater than 10000. The rpc invocation size exceeds the maximum akka framesize […]

[Solved] kakka rebalance solution

kakka rebalance solution Introduction The rebalance of apache kafka has been criticized for a long time. Because the rebalancing process will trigger stop-the-world (STW), the resources corresponding to the topic will be in an unavailable state at this time. Small-scale clusters are fine. If it is a large-scale cluster, such as a consumer or kafka […]

[Solved] akka – Cluster sharding uses shardRegionProxy to report an error Trying to register to coordinator

akka – Cluster sharding uses shardRegionProxy to report an error Trying to register to coordinator 1.1, complete error report An error is reported at the proxy node: [WARN] [06/23/2022 11:59:55.449] [shardingSystem-akka.actor.internal-dispatcher-29] [akka://[email protected]:2553/system/sharding111111/CounterProxy] Counter: Trying to register to coordinator at [ActorSelection[Anchor(akka://[email protected]:2551/), Path(/system/sharding111111/CounterCoordinator/singleton/coordinator)]], but no acknowledgement.Total [1 ] buffered messages. [Coordinator [Member(akka://[email protected]:2551, Up)] is reachable.] If you […]