Skywalking process analysis_1 (main process analysis)

Foreword skywalking As the most commonly used APM monitoring at present, its importance is indescribable. I have also made many customized transformations for the company’s business. Its internal principle design is very clever, especially the custom agentClassLoader class. The loading part is even more worthy of learning from this idea. This series analyzes the internal […]

Thoughts on MySQL optimization two [Performance analysis tools, optimization principles]

In actual work, we inevitably need to analyze and optimize SQL predictions. Today we will take a look at the relevant content: SQL performance analysis SQL optimization principles 1 SQL performance analysis Performance analysis of SQL mainly includes: View slow SQL View through profile details explain execution plan 1.1 View slow SQL SQL execution frequency […]

Analysis and application of connection pool in Python

Connection Pool (Connection Pool) stores network connections as objects in memory during system initialization. When the user needs to connect, an established empty connection object is taken from the connection pool and the connection is not closed after use. , put the connection back into the connection pool without having to frequently create and close […]

Matinal: Analysis of the whole process of SAP ABAP publishing HTTP RestFul service (5)

1. Background introduction RESTful is a design style and development method for web applications. REST is the abbreviation of Representational State Transfer, and the Chinese translation is “representational state transfer”. It may not be easy to understand REST from the definition alone. For students who have just come into contact with this concept, REST can […]

CVE-2023-25194 Kafka JNDI injection analysis

Apache Kafka Clients Jndi Injection Vulnerability description Apache Kafka is a distributed data stream processing platform that can publish, subscribe, store and process data streams in real time. Kafka Connect is a tool for scalable, reliable streaming of data between Kafka and other systems. An attacker can use any Kafka client based on SASL JAAS […]

[Fault Diagnosis Analysis] Rolling bearing fault diagnosis feature extraction with Matlab code

?About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For code acquisition, paper reproduction and scientific research simulation cooperation, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more complete Matlab code and simulation customization […]

Analysis: How to run test cases in multiple threads

unittest First of all, it should be noted that unittest itself does not support multi-threading. Of course, if you have learned Python’s threading module, it may not be impossible. However, I searched for a long time on stackoverflow. Most of them introduced the unittest Test multi-thread module, not how unittest itself runs multi-threaded use cases. […]

How to use Vuex deep analysis in uni-app

This article takes an in-depth look at Vuex, a Vue.js state management library. We’ll cover the problem it was created to solve, the core concepts behind it, how to set it up, and of course, use code examples every step of the way. Vuex is a state management library built by the Vue team for […]