Android drag and drop startDragAndDrop drag and drop Glide to flexibly load stacked rounded corners, Kotlin (6)

Android drag and drop startDragAndDrop drag and drop Glide to flexibly load stacked rounded corners, Kotlin (6) Android drag and drop startDragAndDrop drag and drop Glide to load stacked rounded corners, Kotlin (5) – CSDN blog article has been read 1.3k times. Android DynamicGrid: Drag to swap positions. Android DynamicGrid is a third-party open source […]

[RK3568][Android12.0]— The system comes with preset third-party APK method

Platform: RK3568 OS: Android 12.0 Kernel: 4.19 Rockchip provides a mechanism to preset third-party APKs by default. The method is very simple: 1. Create the preinstall directory in device/rockchip/rk3568 (if you want it to be uninstallable, create the preinstall_del directory) 2. Put the APK you want to pre-install into this directory preinstall cannot be uninstalled […]

Principles of using eBPF in Android and examples of kprobe dmabuf_setup

Table of Contents eBPF in Android Android eBPF kprobe dma code Define a MAP Define a PROG bpfprogs/Android.bp test program bpfprogs/memstats/Android.bp bpfprogs/memstats/MemStats.h bpfprogs/memstats/MemStats.cpp bpfprogs/memstats/MemStatsMain.cpp Compile and run Result analysis summary eBPF in Android Official website: The official Android website has a more detailed introduction. For official examples of using eBPF in Android, you can […]

Android JNI static and dynamic injection methods

Author: MiniCode One of the more popular ways for Android to call C/C++ code is through JNI. There are two ways to implement local methods: static and dynamic Create a C project or C Module: After successful creation, the following files (CMakeLists.txt, nativelib.cpp) will be generated: Among them: CMakeLists file is used to package cpp […]

[Android] Screen lag, optimized list fluency, pull down to refresh, pull up to load more components, RefreshLayout modification

I have also written about similar components before: Address: Pull down to refresh & pull up to load more components SmartRefreshLayout I originally planned to replace it with this one, but after careful research I found it was not suitable. The functions are very good, but they cannot be embedded in the current engineering system. […]

Flash my kindle to Android

1. Upgrade firmware Background The method of jailbreaking a kindle differs depending on the firmware. Versions after 5.14.3 need to be downgraded to jailbreak because Amazon has officially fixed the vulnerability. My kindle is version 5.9.1, which does not match the jailbroken version, so the first step for me is to upgrade the firmware. Since […]

android ANativeWindow rotation rendering angle

android ANativeWindow rotation rendering angle MediaCodec rotation angle reference videoExtractor opens an angled video file mediaFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_ROTATION); gets the angle MediaFormat mediaFormat = videoExtractor.getTrackFormat(j); String mime = mediaFormat.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME); if (mime.startsWith(KEY_VIDEO)) {//Match the track corresponding to the video videoExtractor.selectTrack(j);//Select the track corresponding to the video long duration = mediaFormat.getLong(MediaFormat.KEY_DURATION); int width = mediaFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_WIDTH); int height = mediaFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_HEIGHT); […]

Android Compose implements number selector

Android Compose implements number selector Preface Blogs to learn from The text is here Use process Conclusion Foreword I haven’t written a blog for a long time. Now let’s write an article about how to implement a numerical scrolling selector in compose. This is because a component in my company’s project uses a similar function. […]

Android mobile development assignment–implementation of click-to-jump function of Recycleview

Table of Contents 1. Design goals 1.1 Design requirements 1.2 Introduction to design functions 2. Detailed design explanation 2.1 Define the contactMS class 2.2 Define layout files 2.3 Modify Myadapter adapter 2.4 Define 3. Run interface display 4. Source code warehouse address 1. Design Goals 1.1 Design Requirements Relying on assignment 1, add a […]