mybatis handles one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many relationships, annotations and xml file writing

Zero, Preface This article is used to study one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many relationships between tables and objects. Two methods of xml file configuration and annotation configuration were studied Super complete~ The entities used for research are students, teachers, courses Note: The relationship between students and teachers should be many-to-many. This article uses many-to-one, that is, […]

Mybatis implements multi-table query (one-to-many, many-to-one)

Explanation of many-to-one and one-to-many relationships: taking multiple students to one teacher as an example 1. Regarding students: Use the key “association” association to associate multiple students with one teacher ———–many-to-one 2. For teachers: Use the keyword “collection”, that is, a teacher has many students (collection)———one-to-many 1. Create database create table teacher( id int not […]

Implementation code of AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding algorithm for secret key encryption and decryption of any length consistent with JAVA, Python and PHP

Recently, I encountered an AES encryption algorithm that needs to be implemented in Java, Python, and PHP. In fact, it is not very complicated in nature, but the parameter adjustment is quite troublesome. I found some reference materials and finally got it. The actual code is as follows: Main features The three languages of JAVA, […]

SSM-based technology company portal

Get the source code at the end Development language: Java Java development tools: JDK1.8 Backend framework: SSM Front-end: developed using JSP technology Database: MySQL5.7 combined with Navicat management tool Server: Tomcat8.5 Development software: IDEA/Eclipse Is it a Maven project: Yes Table of Contents 1. Project Introduction 2. System functions 3. System project screenshots Implementation of […]

lang-segment-anything local deployment

1. Introduction Code address: lang-segment-anything is an algorithm for segmenting objects in images based on language text prompts. It combines the two major algorithms of GroundingDINO and segment-anything. It has a good application scenario in semi-automatic annotation. It can classify objects without training. Segmentation is performed, that is, matching of text to image […]

SpringBoot + Disruptor implements extremely fast and high-concurrency processing, supporting 6 million orders per second without any pressure!

1. Introduction to Disruptor Disruptor is a high-performance queue developed by LMAX, a British foreign exchange trading company. The original intention of research and development was to solve the delay problem of memory queues (in performance tests, it was found that it is in the same order of magnitude as I/O operations). The system developed […]

C# wpf implements more drag functions for any control (including windows)

Directory of series articles Chapter 1 Dragging controls within Grid Chapter 2 Dragging controls within Canvas Chapter 3 Dragging any control Chapter 4 Window Dragging Chapter 5 Additional attributes enable arbitrary dragging Chapter 6 Expand more dragging functions (this chapter) Article directory Table of Contents of Series Articles Preface 1. Added functions 1. MoveTo of […]