[RK3568][Android12.0]— The system comes with preset third-party APK method

Platform: RK3568 OS: Android 12.0 Kernel: 4.19 Rockchip provides a mechanism to preset third-party APKs by default. The method is very simple: 1. Create the preinstall directory in device/rockchip/rk3568 (if you want it to be uninstallable, create the preinstall_del directory) 2. Put the APK you want to pre-install into this directory preinstall cannot be uninstalled […]

Mybatis @MapKey annotation returns the specified Map source code analysis and use cases

Article directory Preface Technology accumulation What is MyBatis @MapKey annotation Use case display MapKey annotation source code analysis write at the end Foreword A business function being developed recently needs to extract data based on business fields from a batch of data. For this requirement, some students may directly use for or stream loops to […]

Android APK slimming practice: How to reduce the size of the second slimming? (4M-2.9M)

Before losing weight Because size restrictions are usually taken into consideration, a lot of work has been done. The current status is listed below: 7.3M (Debug version) and 6.5M (Release version). Turn on minifyEnabled. Turn on shrinkResources. Large irrelevant libraries have been removed. Images and code have gone through a rough round of cleaning. Start […]

[Andriod] Universal python script to install and uninstall apk using adb command

Article directory 1 Introduction 2. Connect the device 3. Install apk through adb from your local machine 4. Uninstall the apk from the local machine through adb 1. Preface If you don’t know how to use adb, please read the previous article. [Andriod] Do you know 3 ways to connect a real device or emulator […]

uni-app packages apk to achieve automatic updates

1. Just copy and paste it (Haoheng) Write in app.vue file //Write in app.vue <script> export default {<!– –> onShow: function() {<!– –> console.log(‘App Show’) }, onHide: function() {<!– –> console.log(‘App Hide’) }, onLaunch: function() {<!– –> let appVersion = ” uni.getSystemInfo({<!– –> success: function(e) {<!– –> appVersion = e.platform } }) let that = […]

65% smaller APK and 70% less memory: How to optimize the memory of my Android App

Why is application memory important? Efficient applications that use minimal memory improve performance, conserve device resources, and extend battery life. They provide a smooth user experience and are more popular in app stores. Such applications are compatible with various devices. Methods to track memory We can track an application’s memory using any of the following […]

apk decompilation, smali file modification, repackaging, practical application of java to samli plug-in in the project

1. Tool introduction: 1. apktool: aapt.exe, apktool.bat, apktool.jar; the three are used together in the same directory to decompile apk and repackage apk; 2.dex2jar: The function of this tool is to decompile the classes.dex file to the source code (if the apk is not reinforced), decompile the file, and use the jd-gui tool to view […]