Microservice architecture integrates Sa-Token to implement gateway authentication and authentication services

Microservice architecture integrates Sa-Token to implement gateway authentication and authentication services This project is a hands-on project I made, using the SpringCloudAlibaba microservice architecture. When I was working on the authentication module, I remembered the Sa-Token project I had seen online before. It was called the Light of Domestic Authentication, so I checked their documentation […]

Basic Spring annotation method to build architecture and query data

1. Annotation (1) Traditional annotation Annotation Description @Component Used on classes to instantiate Beans @Controller Used on web layer classes to instantiate Beans @Service Used on the service layer class to instantiate Bean @Repository Used on dao layer classes to instantiate beans @Autowired Used on fields for type dependency injection @Qualifer Used in conjunction with […]

[Analysis of Spring’s underlying core architecture concepts]

Article directory 1. BeanDefinition 2. BeanDefinitionReader 2.1. AnnotatedBeanDefinitionReader 2.2.XmlBeanDefinitionReader 5. ClassPathBeanDefinitionScanner 6. BeanFactory 7. ApplicationContext 7.1. AnnotationConfigApplicationContext 7.2. ClassPathXmlApplicationContext 8. Type conversion 8.1.PropertyEditor 8.2.ConversionService 8.3. TypeConverter 9. FactoryBean 10. ExcludeFilter and IncludeFilter 11. MetadataReader, ClassMetadata, AnnotationMetadata Prepare the test object User in advance: public class User {<!– –> public User(int flag, String uuid){<!– –> System.out.println(flag […]

[MySQL5.7 Kirin system, offline installation under ARM architecture, building master-slave cluster]

MySQL5.7 Master-Slave Cluster Deployment Manual 1. Check the local operating system #Be sure to check the operating system of the machine, whether it is amd (x86) or arm (aarch) architecture uname -a cat /etc/os-release Note: MsSQL8.0 has only supported arm architecture since then. We can go to a third party to download the compiled installation […]

Revealing the MVVM architecture under the Vue framework: the technical details behind two-way data binding

Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea: Personal homepage Personal column :《VUE》《javaScript》 Personal website : “Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea” The ideal of life is for an ideal life! Table of Contents ? Column introduction 1. What is two-way binding? 2. What is the principle of two-way binding? Understanding ViewModel 3. Implement two-way binding accomplish CompileCompile dependency collection ?Write at the […]

Elasticsearch: Search Architecture

Elasticsearch The complexity of full-text search To understand why full-text search is a difficult problem to solve, let’s think of an example. Suppose you are hosting a blog publishing website with hundreds of millions or even billions of blog posts, each containing hundreds of words, similar to CSDN. Performing a full-text search means that any […]

[ElasticSearch Series-06] Construction of Es cluster architecture and core concepts of clusters

ElasticSearch series overall column Content Link address [1] ElasticSearch download and installation https://zhenghuisheng.blog.csdn.net/article/details/129260827 [2] ElasticSearch concepts and basic operations https://blog.csdn. net/zhenghuishengq/article/details/134121631 [3] ElasticSearch’s advanced query Query DSL https://blog.csdn.net/zhenghuishengq/article/details/134159587 [4] Aggregation query operation of ElasticSearch https://blog.csdn.net/zhenghuishengq/article/details/134159587 [5] SpringBoot integrates elasticSearch https://blog.csdn.net/zhenghuishengq/article/details/134212200 [6] The construction of Es cluster architecture and the core concepts of clusters https: //blog.csdn.net/zhenghuishengq/article/details/134258577 […]