Four Arrays (2) Advanced Applications and Characters and Character Arrays

4. Array (2) Advanced Applications and Characters and Character Arrays 1. Array-table-driven method-bool type Table-driven method is also called table-driven and table-driven method. “Table” is a very useful data structure that is discussed in almost all data structure textbooks. The table-driven approach is a method that allows you to look up information in a table […]

The Qsort function implements sorting of elements in various types of arrays (simple idea)

Table of Contents Function introduction Function use case: (1) Sorting of int arrays (2) Sorting of char array (3) Sorting floating-point arrays (4) Sorting of structure types (5) Imitate the function of qsort to implement a general bubble sort Function introduction Function:Quickly sort the array elements in the pointed array Header file: stdlib.h Function prototype:void […]

Minesweeper Game: Practice with Functions and Arrays

Table of Contents 1. Analysis and design of minesweeper game 2. Implementation of minesweeper game code Text 1. Analysis and design of minesweeper game 1.1 Minesweeper game function description · Minesweeper has a simple menu ·The minesweeper chessboard is a 9*9 chessboard ·Minesweeper defaults to 10 mines ·Check for mines: If it is a mine, […]

[08 Arrays and Functions in Practice: Minesweeper Game]

Directory How to play analysis and design Code Expand Extended modifications 1. How to play In the console interface, mines are arranged in advance on the map, and users cannot see the map content. Start selecting the click location. If it is not a mine, the number of surrounding mines will be displayed. If it […]

New features of JDK: Stream (API for operating collections and arrays)

1. Stream Case:4 public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> citiesl =new ArrayList<>(); Collections.addAll(citiesl,”Nanjing City”,”Yangzhou City”,”Nanyang City”,”Changzhou City”); System.out.println(citiesl);//[Nanjing City, Yangzhou City, Nanyang City, Changzhou City] //Method 1: Original method List<String> citiesls =new ArrayList<>(); for (String s : citiesl) { if (s.startsWith(“南”)){ citiesls.add(s); } } System.out.println(citiesls);//[Nanjing City, Nanyang City] //Method 2: Stream stream List<String>>c.startsWith(“南”)).collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.println(ciiesl2); […]

Java Data Structure – Simulating Dynamic Arrays

Blog homepage: Xiaopu_-CSDN Blog ?Thank you all for likingCollecting?Comments? This Table of Contents 1.0 Dynamic Array Description 2.0 Simulate the core method of implementing dynamic arrays 2.1 Dynamic Array-Insertion and Expansion 2.2 Dynamic array-getting elements 2.3 Dynamic Array-Modify Elements 2.4 Dynamic Array-Delete Elements 2.5 Dynamic Array-Traversing Elements (Key Points) 2.5.1 Use forEach to loop elements […]

[ABC274Ex] XOR Sum of Arrays

section> Problem Statement For sequences $B=(B_1,B_2,\dots,B_M)$ and $C=(C_1,C_2,\dots,C_M)$, each of length $M$, consisting of non-negative integers, let theXOR sum $S(B,C)$ of $B$ and $C$ be defined as the sequence $(B_1\oplus C_1, B_2\oplus C_2, …, B_{M}\oplus C_{M})$ of length $M$ consisting of non-negative integers. Here, $\oplus$ represents bitwise XOR. For instance, if $B = (1, 2, […]