[vue+amap] Gaode map draws polygonal area

Reference documentation: Amap Reference Manual Amap sample code 1. Create an application in the Amap console and obtain permission ak Gaode map console Ps. In this project, basic controls such as buttons use the element-ui version control. 2. Global introduction within the project Introduce the Amap code into index.html: <script type=”text/javascript”> window._AMapSecurityConfig = {<!– –> […]

Linear regression predicts Boston housing prices & the reason for loss is NAN & draws a scatter plot to find the relationship between features and labels

Boston house price csv file Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1uz6oKs7IeEzHdJkfrpiayg?pwd=vufb Extraction code: vufb Code %matplotlib inline import random import torch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch Get the data set from CSV # Load data, the first line is a useless line, skip it directly boston = pd.read_csv(‘../data/boston_house_prices.csv’,skiprows=[0]) # There […]

Pytorch draws train loss and val acc curves

import os importsys import json import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim from torchvision import transforms, datasets from tqdm import tqdm from model import resnet34,resnet101 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # from csv import readerxon import numpy as np from osgeo import gdal from torchvision.transforms import functional as F # from torch.utils.tensorboard import […]

“Amazon Cloud Technology Product Review” event call for papers | Quickly build a docker environment based on aws ec2

Authorization statement: This article authorizes the official Amazon Cloud Technology article to forward and rewrite the rights, including but not limited to Amazon Cloud Technology official channels such as Developer Centre, Zhihu, self-media platforms, third-party developer media, etc. Foreword We sometimes encountered such a problem in our previous development: after developing a function locally, it […]

Qt opengl draws points, lines, triangles, polygons (2)

Article directory 1. Related macro definition parameters 2. Code and example diagrams 1. Point LG_POINTS 0x0000 2. Line GL_LINES 0x0001 3. Line GL_LINE_LOOP 0x0002 4. GL_LINE_STRIP 0x0003 5. GL_TRIANGLES 0x0004 6. GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP 0x0005 7. GL_TRIANGLE_FAN 0x0006 8. GL_QUADS 0x0007 9. GL_QUAD_STRIP 0x0008 10. GL_POLYGON 0x0009 Summarize 1. Related macro definition parameters #define GL_POINTS 0x0000 // […]

Amazon AWS EC2 configuration jupyter notebook remote access

Solution Overview method Create SSH tunnel method Possible errors Option One Option II Overview of methods Miniconda3 is installed in the Ubuntu system of AWS EC2 and Jupyter Notebook is started. If Jupyter Notebook cannot be successfully opened in the local browser by copying the link given in the terminal, you usually need to check […]

Canvas draws simple raindrop collision effect

Canvas Example Application 100 + This column provides basic knowledge of canvas, advanced animation, related application extensions and other information. As a part of HTML, canvas is an important foundation for the visualization of images, icons and maps. Learning canvas will be very important in other applications. Article directory renderings source code canvas basic properties […]

[Cloud Computing | AWS Practice] List all AWS S3 objects in a bucket using Java

This article is included in the column [#CloudComputingIntroduction and Practice-AWS], which includes blog posts related to AWS introduction and practice. This article is synchronized with my personal public account: [Cloud Computing Insights] For more information about cloud computing technology, please pay attention to: CSDN [#云computingIntroduction and Practice – AWS] column. This series has updated blog […]

matplotlib draws multi-tree dendrogram

Directory code Effect Due to the needs of answering questions, etc., sometimes we need to visualize a tree structure to debug intuitively. Here I use in Python The matplotlib library implements a function for dendrogram visualization plotTree(). This function receives the root node root of the tree and the tuple edges of the edges. It […]