SpringBoot3+Vue3+Mysql+Element Plus completes the database storage of blob type images, and the front end renders the base64 type images transmitted from the back end.

Foreword If your front-end and back-end separation project uses SpringBoot3 + Vue3 + Element Plus, and without OSS (object storage), use mysql to read and write images (may not be limited to images, to be tested). It took three days and after stepping on countless minefields, this function was finally completed. Presented to you. Complete […]

Front-end file download implementation solution, Blob object enables you to download any file

Article directory Preface 1. What is Blob? 2. Generate Blob object 3. Request processing 1. Request encapsulation 2. According to the backend interface configuration 4. Tool functions 5. Actual use in projects 6. Optimize downloads Foreword This article mainly introduces how to use Blob object to implement the file download function on the front end. […]

Blob file stream download writing method and type summary

1. Interface writing export function downLoadFireFile(params) {<!– –> return request({<!– –> url: ‘api/file/downLoadFile’, method: ‘get’, params: {<!– –> filename: params }, async: true, responseType: “blob”, }) } 2. Code writing downLoadFireFile(this.downloadFileName).then((res) => {<!– –> const url = window.URL.createObjectURL( new Blob([res], {<!– –> type: docType }) ); const link = document.createElement(“a”); link.style.display = “none”; link.href = […]

JDBC operates BLOB type fields

The Statement interface itself in JDBC cannot directly operate the BLOB data type To operate the BLOB data type, you need to use PreparedStatement or CallableStatement (stored procedure) Here is a demonstration of operating database BLOB fields through PreparedStatement Set the maximum incoming bytes, usually 4M, which can be modified by the following command set […]

Use [Blob, Base64] two methods to display [text, pictures, videos] & use the video component to play videos

Blob display The type of Blob object is determined by the MIME type (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions). MIME types are a standard for representing types of multimedia files such as documents, images, audio, videos, etc. Here are some common Blob object types: text/plain: Plain text file. text/html: HTML file. text/xml: XML file. image/png: Image file […]

Blob object type type encyclopedia when downloading files, and download method encapsulation

Blob object type type encyclopedia when downloading files, and download method encapsulation Reference article 1 – Blob type type encyclopedia when downloading files @Pai Daxing 1 Reference article 2 – new Blob downloads the file stream and dynamically matches the blob type according to the file suffix @王新新 2255 Note: To obtain the file stream […]

SPDK’s storage engine Blobstore & BlobFS

Blobstore is a Blob management layer located on top of SPDK bdev. It is used to integrate with the user-mode file system Blobstore Filesystem (BlobFS), thereby replacing the traditional file system and supporting higher-level services, such as the database MySQL, K-V storage engine Rocksdb and distributed Storage systems Ceph, Cassandra, etc. Taking Rocksdb as an […]

Image binarization and blob analysis

Table of Contents Preface 1. Image binarization definition 2. Image binarization threshold type 3. Image binarization method and comparison 4. Blob particle feature analysis of commonly used positioning tools Summarize Foreword Because the Blob tool introduced in this article will use the image binarization algorithm function, the two are put together for a detailed summary […]