QWidget|QFrame sets the background to be transparent and can have a border color

QWidget|QFrame sets the background to be transparent and can have a border color Chapter1 “Qt” part 6 QSS Qt style sheet – interface beautification 1($$$) Chapter2 [QT] QSS beautification – basic knowledge Chapter3 QWidget|QFrame sets the background to be transparent and can have a border color Reference link Chapter4 Several methods for setting form (QWidget) […]

CSS border-image (border image)

For the borders of elements, in addition to using some of the default styles introduced in the “CSS Borders” section, we can also use images as the borders of elements through the border-image property in CSS3 to create colorful border effects. The border-image attribute can divide an image into 9 separate parts through some simple […]

python TK interface for adding borders under pictures

Python adds borders and logo textures to images, obtains image exif parameters, and fills in image text content – CSDN Blog import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk import os import glob import json import tkinter.messagebox as messagebox # Pop up prompt box from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import exifread def photo_exif(image_path): f […]

CSS (how CSS is introduced, CSS selectors, text styles, backgrounds, borders, pseudo-class pseudo-elements, CSS box model, margin folding issues, advanced selectors, floating, flex layout)

CSS css3, cascading style sheets, styling and layout Three ways to introduce ?Inline style (inline style): Use the style attribute of the HTML tag to define the CSS style Internal style: use? External styles (connected): use tags to trigger external CSS style sheet components Inline styles <p style=”color: aqua;font-size: 40px;”>This is a paragraph tag</p> Attributes: […]

css border animation | scroll bar style modification | text color set to gradient…

1. Modify scroll bar style Before setting the scrollbar’s thumb style, you must first set the scrollbar’s width and height, otherwise the effect will not be visible. /* Set scroll bar style */ /* Set the width and height of the scrollbar before setting scrollbar-thumb */ ::-webkit-scrollbar-track {<!– –> border-radius: 0; background-color: #f2f3f8; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb […]

WPFBorderless form

Previously, I wrote a base form for a borderless form that supports size transformation. The code is as follows: public class LBaseWindow : Window { /// <summary> /// Base form /// </summary> public LBaseWindow() { Initialize(); } /// <summary> /// Whether to display the taskbar. If the taskbar is not displayed, the form covers the […]

Image processing: Transformation – Add borders to images OpenCV v4.8.0

Previous tutorial: Homemade linear filter Next tutorial: Sobel edge detection operator Original author Ana Huamán Compatibility OpenCV >= 3.0 Goals In this tutorial you will learn how to Use the OpenCV function copyMakeBorder() to set the border (extra padding for the image). Principles Comments The following explanation comes from the book Learning OpenCV by Bradski […]

BGP Border Gateway Routing Protocol (1)

BGP protocol (a very awesome protocol) If the previous foundation is not laid well, you will be confused about the agreement in this agreement. What is BGP protocol IGP (rip ospf eigrp isis )internal EGP external BGP, formerly EGP, Exterior Gateway Routing Protocol, What exactly can it do? Mainly responsible for communication between different ASs, […]

[Transfer] Dragging of MFC borderless windows

Dragging borderless windows in MFC void CXXXXDialog::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { PostMessage(WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, MAKELPARAM(point.x, point.y)); } Remember to add message mapping, otherwise this code will not work. change: Moving a standard window is achieved by clicking the window title bar with the mouse, but for a window without a title bar, you need to use […]

[C#] Use DWM to implement borderless form shadow or fully transparent form

1. Borderless form shadow, win7 (need to turn on Aero effect) and above systems public class LdwmForm : Form { public LdwmForm() { Initialize(); } /// <summary> /// Interface loading /// </summary> /// <param name=”e”></param> protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { dwmInitialize(); base.OnLoad(e); } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name=”e”></param> protected override void […]