[OpenCV implements images to find different features of contours, such as area, perimeter, centroid, bounding box, etc.

Article directory summary image moment convex hull bounding rectangle Summary OpenCV is a popular computer vision library that provides many image processing and analysis functions, including finding the outlines of objects in images. By finding contours, many useful features can be extracted, such as area, perimeter, centroid, bounding box, etc. Here are several common features […]

C++ calculates the obb bounding box of a three-dimensional space point, including osg calls

Foreword C++ complete code for calculating obb bounding box, rendering using osg. Refer to how to generate an OBB (OrientedboundingBox) directional bounding box. The code flow is similar, but my code is smoother and includes the calling part. The matrix class in the original link is not suitable for C++, so some of it is […]

Image Processing: Contours – Creating bounding rotation boxes and ellipses for contours OpenCV v4.8.0

Previous tutorial: Creating bounding boxes and circles for outlines Next tutorial: Image moments Original author Ana Huamán Compatibility OpenCV >= 3.0 Goals In this tutorial you will learn how to Use the OpenCV function cv::minAreaRect Use the OpenCV function cv::fitEllipse Code C++ The tutorial code is shown below. You can also download it from here […]

Image processing: Contours – Creating bounding boxes and circles for contours OpenCV v4.8.0

Previous tutorial: Convex hull Next tutorial: Creating rotated bounding boxes and ellipses for contours Original author Ana Huamán Compatibility OpenCV >= 3.0 Goals In this tutorial you will learn how to Use the OpenCV function cv::boundingRect Use the OpenCV function cv::minEnclosingCircle Code C++ The tutorial code is shown below. You can also download it from […]

[VTK] Bounding box and minimum bounding box

I’m very happy to meet you in Xueyi’s CSDN, and give you some sweets Welcome to joinXueyi Community-CSDN Community Cloud Foreword This article shares the technology of creating bounding boxes and minimum bounding boxes in VTK, as well as extended applications. I hope it will be helpful to all of you! Thank you all for […]

OpenCV contour approximation-polygon fitting, bounding rectangle and bounding circle

Introduction Contour Approximation refers to approximating or fitting the contour to obtain an approximate contour. In image processing, contours represent the boundaries of objects in an image, so contour approximation can be used to describe and identify the shape of objects. Polygon fitting Polygon fitting (Approximating Polygons) is to approximate the outline into a polygon […]

VTK vtkOBBTree directed bounding box

vtkOBBTree directed bounding box vtkOBBTree is a tree of bounding boxes, which divides each cell of the body into each small bounding box. SetNumberOfBuckets determines how many Cells are placed in each box. To create a vtkOBBTree, you must first set DataSet and SetDataSet. Then call BuildLocator. The fineness of the bounding box is determined […]

A Complete Guide to Building a 3D Bounding Box Annotation Tool (3D-BAT) for Point Cloud and Image Annotation JavaScript

1. Introduction The processing and understanding of 3D data has become increasingly important in recent years with rapid developments in areas such as autonomous driving, robotics, and augmented reality. For this, effective annotation of 3D data is a prerequisite. In this post, we’ll explore how to build a 3D Bounding Box Annotation Tool (3D-BAT) from […]