Git version control system branches and tags (version)

Table of Contents 1. Git branch (Branch) 1.1 Branch function 1.2 Four branch management strategies 1.3 Use cases 1.3.1 Instructions 1.3.2 Use in combination with application scenarios 2. Git tag (Tag) 2.1 Label function 2.2 Label specifications 2.3 Use cases 2.3.1 Instructions 2.3.2 Usage examples 1. Git Branch (Branch) Branching is a key concept when […]

Judgment of Shader’s baking branch in Unity

Article directory Preface 1. The lightmapUV required in the previous article will only be used during baking. 1. After checking the help document, Unity uses LIGHTMAP_ON to determine whether baking is enabled. 2. We define the second set of UVs in appdata and v2f Foreword Judgment of the baking branch of Shader in Unity, based […]

Github branch handles stash, rebase, merge, fastforward and branch code submission to the main branch

Directory 1 Three areas for git file storage 2 git simple submission format and query and modification of three location files 3 git rebase 4 git merge 5 Differences between merge and rebase 6 git stash 7 Applications under development 1 Three areas for git file storage Git’s file storage is divided into three areas, […]

The second type of branch statement: switch statement

We have already talked about the if statement in the branch structure before. Today we will introduce the last branch statement in C language: switch. There will be some differences between this switch and the previous if, so please pay attention. switch This is a special form of if…else structure, which is used to determine […]

Use script to batch delete remote branches

Foreword At the end of each iteration, they will not take the initiative to delete the branches they created. The warehouse branches have not been cleaned up for several years, resulting in almost 2k branches. Ideas 1. Use scripts to implement batch deletions without manually executing git command batch operations. 2. Support filter conditions, such […]

Branch loop statement, a blog will help you solve it

Foreword After just entering the world of C, many students do not know much about the branch and loop structure statements of C language, so I would like to take this opportunity to talk about branches and loops in detail. Finally, I want my friends to understand after reading Can really apply these statements to […]

JavaScript branch structure, loop structure, and function definition and use, array

JS branch structure if statement Same as java if if…else if…else…if //Case: Determine the length of the input password let pwd = prompt(“Please enter password”); let L = pwd.length; if(L<6){<!– –> alert(“Password is less than six characters”); }else if(L>=6 & amp; & amp; L<16){<!– –> alert(“Password is greater than 6 characters and less than 16 […]

Part 3 of Learning C in Details: Branches and Loops

Article directory 1.If and switch statements implement branching 1.1if statement 1.1.1 Grammatical form of if statement 1.1.2 Examples of using nested if 1.1.3 The hanging else problem 1.2 Operators 1.3switch statement 2.Three types of loop statements: while, for, do…while 2.1while loop 2.2for loop 2.3do-while loop 3.break and continue statements Take break and continue in the […]