Basic Spring annotation method to build architecture and query data

1. Annotation (1) Traditional annotation Annotation Description @Component Used on classes to instantiate Beans @Controller Used on web layer classes to instantiate Beans @Service Used on the service layer class to instantiate Bean @Repository Used on dao layer classes to instantiate beans @Autowired Used on fields for type dependency injection @Qualifer Used in conjunction with […]

Use Google Artifact Repository to build a docker image warehouse

Refer to Google official documents First enable GAR api gcloud services enable gcloud services list | grep -i artifact Artifact Registry API Secondly create a docker image warehouse gcloud artifacts repositories create my-docker-repo –repository-format=docker –location=eurepo-west2 –description=”” Use the following command to list existing warehouses > gcloud artifacts repositories list Listing items under […]

Mybatis creation return object exception caused by Lombok’s @Builder annotation

Mybatis creation return object exception caused by Lombok’s @Builder annotation **Conclusion:** After using the Bbuilder annotation, a fully parameterized constructor will be produced based on the current class (excluding the attributes of the parent class). Mybaitis will cause many strange exceptions when it attributes the returned data, so it is best not to use it. […]

Jenkins step-by-step build environment (agent)

root@jenkins:~# netstat -antp|grep 50000 tcp6 0 0 :::50000 :: LISTEN 5139/java 1.52 Install Jenkins root@ubuntu20:~# dpkg -i jenkins_2.414.3_all.deb The key to configuring various types of Agents is how to start the Agent ? JNLP Agent corresponds to the method of “starting the agent through Java Web” ? Establish a Web connection based on HTTPS collaboration […]

GPTs application development: Use GPT Builder to create your own GPTs application

Foreword: GPTs is a new feature launched by OpenAI on November 6, 2023. It allows us to easily create our own GPTs applications in the form of natural language conversations. GPTs applications can leverage GPT-4’s powerful natural language processing and generation capabilities, as well as other multi-modal functions, such as online retrieval, image generation, data […]

How to build an automated testing framework? Easy to implement in 4 steps in one article!

Foreword Recently, many friends are talking about interface automation testing, so what exactly is interface automation testing? Let’s take a look below to find out. First we have to figure out the following issue. Why do you need (automated) interface testing? 1. As the complexity of each system continues to rise, the cost of traditional […]

[UG\ X secondary development] NXOpen point-to-point moving face (admMoveFaceBuilder), point-to-point copying face (copyFaceBuilder)

//Move the surface from point to point tag_t P2P_move_face(std::vector<tag_t> faces, double pt1[3], double pt2[3]) { if (faces.empty()) { return false; } Session *theSession = Session::GetSession(); Part *workPart(theSession->Parts()->Work()); Part *displayPart(theSession->Parts()->Display()); Features::AdmMoveFace *nullFeatures_AdmMoveFace(NULL); if (!workPart->Preferences()->Modeling()->GetHistoryMode()) { throw NXException::Create(“Create or edit of a Feature was recorded in History Mode but playback is in History-Free Mode.”); } Features::AdmMoveFaceBuilder *admMoveFaceBuilder1; […]

Can you build a personal blog on your mobile phone? Build your own blog website with Android Termux+Hexo

Article directory Preface 1. Install Hexo 2.Install cpolar 3.Remote access 4. Fixed public network address Foreword Hexo is a fast, simple and efficient blogging framework written in Nodejs. Hexo uses Markdown to parse articles and generate static web pages with beautiful themes in a few seconds. The following describes how to install a personal hexo […]

How to build a new generation of real-time lake warehouse? Kangaroo Cloud’s exploration and upgrade path based on data lake

In the previous series of real-time lake warehouse articles, we have introduced the importance of real-time lake warehouse for the current digital transformation of enterprises, the functional architecture design of real-time lake warehouse, and the application scenarios of the combination of real-time computing and data lake. In this article, we will introduce the exploration and […]