“Amazon Cloud Technology Product Review” event call for papers|Building a streaming media server with “weak” image processing functions

Authorization statement: This article authorizes the official Amazon Cloud Technology article to forward and rewrite the rights, including but not limited to Amazon Cloud Technology official channels such as Developer Centre, Zhihu, self-media platforms, third-party developer media, etc. This article is based on the following software and hardware tools: +awsec2 + frp-0.52.3 + mediamtx-1.3.0 + […]

Building APIs in Python using Falcon

In the world of web development, building solid and green APIs is crucial. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) act as a bridge between software program structures, allowing easy verbal exchange and recording of changes. Python is a popular choice for growing APIs due to its flexibility and flexibility. Among the many Python frameworks used for this […]

Django website building process (4) Create document display page

Django website building process (4) Create document display page Create document display page The file urls.py in the project main folder schoolapps Create url.py file in APP “baseapps” Write view Template inheritance bootstrap Create head.html Create doclist.html Create docdetail.html Use markdown editor Install module Modifications defined in the documents of the Model model: Execute makemigrations […]

Design and implementation of building sales system based on SSM

Get the source code at the end Development language: Java Java development tools: JDK1.8 Backend framework: SSM Front-end: developed using JSP technology Database: MySQL5.7 combined with Navicat management tool Server: Tomcat8.5 Development software: IDEA/Eclipse Is it a Maven project: Yes Table of Contents 1. Project Introduction 2. System functions 3. System project screenshots Administrator function […]

[Spring Practice – Building Spring Web Applications] 1.10 Processing forms

Introduction Web application function ○ Provide content ○ User fills in the form ○ Submit data Spring MVC controller provided ○ Process form display ○ Support for user submitted data In the Spittr app, a registration form is required for new users. SpitterController is a new controller that currently only has one request handling method […]

[MySQL5.7 Kirin system, offline installation under ARM architecture, building master-slave cluster]

MySQL5.7 Master-Slave Cluster Deployment Manual 1. Check the local operating system #Be sure to check the operating system of the machine, whether it is amd (x86) or arm (aarch) architecture uname -a cat /etc/os-release Note: MsSQL8.0 has only supported arm architecture since then. We can go to a third party to download the compiled installation […]

Building a multi-agent RAG using Llama index

Source: DeepHub IMBA This article is about 3,000 words, and it is recommended to read it for 6 minutes. This article introduces you to using Llama index to build a multi-agent RAG. Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) has become a powerful technique to enhance the capabilities of large language models (LLM). By retrieving relevant information from knowledge […]

Six Design Principles: Building Elegant, Maintainable, and Scalable Software

Six design principles: Build elegant, maintainable and scalable software Single Responsibility Principle Open-Closed Principle Liskov Substitution Principle Dependency Inversion Principle Interface Segregation Principle Composite Reuse Principle Design principles are basic guidelines used in software engineering to guide and evaluate design decisions. Following these principles helps create software systems that are highly cohesive, low coupling, and […]

Python Web Development: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Modern Web Apps

Part 1: Introduction to Python Web Development Python, as a powerful and versatile programming language, has always shined in the field of web development. It provides a wide range of tools and frameworks that allow developers to easily build various types of web applications, from simple blogs to complex e-commerce platforms. This article will delve […]