About Cascading Style Sheets CSS

TableofContents 1.CascadingstylesheetCSSoutreach 1.1LinkXMLdocuments ?edit 2.Selector 2.1Relationshipselector 2.1.1Nearbysiblingselector 2.2Attributeselector 2.3Pseudo-classselector 2.4Descendantselectors 2.5Commonlyusedselectors 2.5.1TagSelector 2.5.2ClassSelector 2.5.3IDselector 3.CommonCSSproperties 3.1Textattributes 3.2Colorattributes(foregroundcolor) 3.3Backgroundproperties 3.4Borderproperties 4.Commonlayoutattributes 4.1Floating 4.2Positioning 4.1.1Positioningmode 4.2.2.Edgeoffset 5.Commonlayoutattributes 5.1overflowattribute 5.2z-indexattribute 1.CascadingstylesheetCSSoutreach 1.1LinkXMLdocument ThereareseveralwaystolinkCSSexternalXMLdocuments:inline,embedded,andexternallink.Themostcommonlyusedistheexternallinktype(i.e.,link-intype),whichputsallstylesinoneormorefileswitha.cssextension.Intheexternalstylesheet,linkthexmlwithspecialstatements,forexample: <?xmlversion=”1.0″encoding=”GB2312″?> <?xml-stylesheettype=”text/css”href=”product.css”?> <product> <description>thisisatoyforchildaged4andabove</description> <price>66.6</price> </product> description{ font-size:30px; font-style:italic; } 2.Selector 2.1RelationshipSelector Relationshipselectorsmainlyincludechildelementselectorsandsiblingselectors. Thechildelementselectorismainlyusedtoselectthefirst-levelchildelementsofanelement,connectedbythe”>”symbol,forexample:A>B. Therearetwotypesofsiblingselectors:adjacentsiblingselectorsandordinarysiblingselectors. 2.1.1Nearbysiblingselector Thesiblingselector(+)isusedtoselectthefirstsiblingelementafterthespecifiedelement.Itmustbeimmediatelyfollowingthesiblingelementofthespecifiedelement,andonlyoneelementcanbeselected. A+B{ color:red; } 2.1.2Commonsiblingselector Theordinarysiblingselector(~)isusedtoselectalladjacentsiblingelementsbehindanelement(itdoesnotneedtobeimmediatelyadjacent).Itssyntaxformatis”element1~element2″,whereelement1isthefirstelement,element2isthesecondelement,andallsubsequentelement2elementsaresiblingelementsadjacenttothefirstelementelement1. A~B{ color:red; } […]

Cadence Xrun UVM Makefile

# #–================================================ =============== #– File name : Makefile #– Author: shzhang #– Date : 2023/11/01 #– Abstract : Cadence Xcelium Xrun Makefile #–================================================ =============== # ################################################ ##### .PHONY: com run clean ################################################ ##### export cpto_sw_v200_tb_path = .. ################################################ ##### SIM_DIR = . LOG_DIR = ../log FSDB_DIR = ../wave/fsdb SHM_DIR = ../wave/shm TC_DIR = ../tc/cfg COV_DIR […]

How to implement parametric drawing (online editing of CAD) after integrating the web CAD SDK

Foreword MxCAD’s WEB CAD SDK provides the function of parametric drawing. We can view all instances of classes inherited from McDbEntity, and they can all perform parametric drawing. First we should display a drawing on the page. Please follow the instructions in the mxcad introductory document or view the code to initialize various sample projects […]

css (cascading style sheets)

Article directory 1. Introduction to CSS 2. How to use CSS 1. Inline style/inline style (used in a single page) Set the background color background-color:green; 2. Inline styles (used in a small number of pages) 3. External link style sheet (used in the project) 3. Style sheet characteristics 1. Stackability 2. Inheritance 3. Priority of […]

Master Caddy: Easily configure Naive proxy, accelerate BBR network, and unlock VPS traffic

Sharing of HTTP2 proxy technology principles This method is not for commercial use – it is for learning reference only – do not use it for illegal activities – there are consequences at your own risk This method tries to choose the server to run QA 1. Caddy configures Naive proxy Upgrading the system Install […]

Lightweight CAD drawing software based on Qt

1. Interface display 2. Function display Create a new canvas: (The dotted plaid flowers in the background are the reason why the screen recording is converted to gif. There are no flowers in the original video) Update: Previously, a drawing button could only draw one shape at a time. Later, it was implemented to draw […]

cad base map simulates click event

There is a requirement to draw multiple operable rectangles on the canvas. Each rectangle corresponds to a form and needs to be verified. When a form fails the verification, the corresponding rectangle needs to be selected. Fabric.js is used to draw pictures. Because I couldn’t find a way to select graphics in fabric at first, […]