GIS Tool 01- [Gaussian Plume] Apply java in GIS to implement model calculations

1 Simulation effect example 2 Gaussian model 2.1 Gaussian smoke model In sudden leakage accidents, pollution sources often suddenly release a large amount of harmful gases in a short period of time. At this time, the Gaussian puff model is suitable for solving the ground pollution concentration. The puff model assumes that the volume of […]

Calculation process of multi-scale structural similarity L1 loss

Multi-scale structural similarity L1 loss SSIM Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) is an image quality measurement method used to evaluate the similarity between two images. SSIM is widely used for image quality assessment, performance evaluation of compression algorithms, image enhancement and restoration, etc. In application: The human eye perceives similarity between two images mainly based on […]

MySQL Lecture 8·How to perform mathematical calculations, string processing and conditional judgment?

Hello, I am safe and sound. Article directory How to perform mathematical calculations, string processing and conditional judgment? Math functions String functions conditional judgment function Summarize How to perform mathematical calculations, string processing and conditional judgment? MySQL provides many functions that are powerful and very convenient to use, including mathematical functions, string processing functions, and […]

HDU 1686: Oulipo ← KMP algorithm (overlapping calculations)

[Source of the question] [Title description] The French author Georges Perec (1936–1982) once wrote a book, La disparition, without the letter ‘e’. He was a member of the Oulipo group. A quote from the book: Tout avait Pair normal, mais tout s’affirmait faux. Tout avait Fair normal, d’abord, puis surgissait l’inhumain, l’affolant. son tapis, assailant […]

C++ code example: simple calculation tool for polynomial division

Article directory Preface code repository code illustrate core fragment result Summarize References Author’s words Foreword C++ code example: simple calculation tool for polynomial division. Code repository yezhening/Programming-examples: Programming examples ( Programming-examples: Programming examples ( Code Description Due to the large length of the code, it would be verbose to paste and present directly in the […]

[STM32 uses the HAL library to implement DMA mode serial port to send and receive data, logic simulator, and baud rate calculation]

Write the directory title here 1. Introduction to DMA 1. DMA four transmission paths 2. Core parameters 3. DMA channel resources in STM32 4. DMA workflow (1) Kernel workflow without DMA (4) DMA transfer mode (5) Arbiter and priority (6) DMA interrupt Create CubeMX project main code Effect demonstration! [Insert picture description here]( Logic simulator […]

Statistics | Python | Principal component analysis principal component score coefficient calculation

Foreword: Because spss cannot directly obtain the principal component score coefficient, refer to the articles written by other bloggers on csdn and sort out the code used to calculate the principal component score coefficient. Principle of principal component analysis Skip it first and add it later Principal component analysis code The libraries and file reading […]

[Numerical calculation method] Gauss elimination method and its Python/C implementation

Article directory 1. Basic theory 1. System of linear equations 2. Detailed steps of Gauss elimination method 3. Precautions 2. Specific calculation process 1. Use Gauss elimination method to find the LU decomposition of A, and solve the system of equations Ax =b from this a. Perform LU decomposition of A. b. Use LU decomposition […]