Warning: mysqli_query(): MySQL server has gone away in /home/wwwroot/syntaxbug.com/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1924

Warning: mysqli_query(): Error reading result set's header in /home/wwwroot/syntaxbug.com/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1924
call – Page 2 – SyntaxBug

Vue dynamically adds routes

1. Idea Each user has his own role, and different roles have different asynchronous routes (each role has constant routes). At this time, it is necessary to calculate the routing information in all user information returned by the backend after the user successfully logs in. The routes owned by the user are filtered out in […]

The 2.5k ChatGPT-Java version SDK upgrade 1.1.2-beta0 supports GPT-4V, Dall-e-3 model, ToolCalls, fine-tuning Job, TTS…

1. Project Introduction Chatgpt-Java is the Java SDK of OpenAI’s official API, which can be quickly accessed for use in projects. Supports all official OpenAI interfaces. The current harvest will be 2500 + star. Open source address: https://github.com/Grt1228/chatgpt-java Official documentation: https://chatgpt-java.unfbx.com/ Latest version: 1.1.2-beta0 <dependency> <groupId>com.unfbx</groupId> <artifactId>chatgpt-java</artifactId> <version>1.1.2-beta0</version> </dependency> Currently supported features: Dall-e-3 FineTuneJob TTS […]

Python automatically sends emails

A recent project at work has the need to automatically send some information emails to a specified mailbox. So how to use Python to implement the function of automatically sending emails? Let’s talk about it briefly next. Python SMTP sends email SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a simple mail transfer protocol. To put it […]

WinForm application interface development practice – how to integrate external API interface calls in a hybrid framework

In our regular business processing, most of the internal processing interfaces are database-related and based on the Winform development framework of hybrid development. Although when the client calls, the general choice is also based on Web API calls, but the back-end We may not only process our business database, but also call other external interfaces, […]

Database|Binlog troubleshooting: drainer strikes periodically

Table of Contents 1. Background 2. Fault phenomenon 3. Analysis process 4. Solution 5. Thinking 6. Summary 1. Background Recently, users have reported that the drainer of our production environment TiDB cluster frequently fails. Failures manifest as service crashes and failure to start, or data being lost during operation, which brings great trouble to our […]

“Amazon Cloud Technology Product Review” event call for papers|Deploying JumpServer based on Amazon EC2 to achieve asset management

Authorization statement: This article authorizes the official Amazon Cloud Technology article to forward and rewrite the rights, including but not limited to Amazon Cloud Technology official channels such as Developer Centre, Zhihu, self-media platforms, third-party developer media, etc. Article directory Preface 1. What is EC2? 2. Deploy JumpServer based on Amazon EC2 1.EC2 environment initialization […]

Call opencv library programming to display pictures and student ID names under Ubuntu

Article directory 1. Principle of Chinese character dot matrix font library (1), Chinese character encoding 1. Location code 2. Internal code (2) Dot matrix font structure 1. Bitmap font storage 2. 16*16 dot matrix font library 3. 14*14 and 12*12 dot matrix fonts (3). Acquisition of Chinese character lattice 1. Use location code to obtain […]

Explore synchronous and asynchronous, Ajax, callback functions, Promise

Table of Contents 1. Introduction to Ajax 1. The concept of asynchronous and synchronized 2. Why is it said that synchronous requests will “reload the entire page”, while asynchronous requests “will only load part of the page”. What does this mean? 3. Functions and advantages of Ajax Function Advantage 4.Why is Ajax called asynchronous javascript […]

[Web Test] JavaScript function definition and call

Function 1. Definition and calling of functions 2. Anonymous functions 1. Definition and calling of functions 1. Function: also known as “method”, solves the problem: realizes the encapsulation of code blocks corresponding to different functions ?Example: Function/method—–>Encapsulated code block—–>Realize a certain function <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset=”utf-8″> <title></title> </head> <body> <script language=”javascript”> //Fun01 with […]

The principle of synchronized and the Callable interface

Table of Contents ?synchronized principle ?Lock upgrade ?Lock optimization ?Callable interface ?synchronized principle We know that synchronized locks can control multiple threads’ access to shared resources, and two threads will block and wait when accessing the same variable. The synchronized lock is not static, it will be upgraded according to the situation. ?Lock Upgrade JVM […]