centos7 installation and configuration openstack deployment (1)

Article directory Preface 1. Architecture introduction 2. Preparation 1. Configure hosts 2. Change the host name and configure hosts mapping 3. Turn off the firewall, core protection, and network management 4. Mount the CD 5. Configure local source files 6. Time server deployment 7. Time client deployment 3. Install auxiliary components (rabbittmq, memcached, mariadb) 1. […]

Linux environment Centos7 installation MySQL5.7 (rpm-bundle.tar)

Table of Contents 1.Download 2. Uninstall 3.Installation 4.Connect 1.Download Official website address: https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.7.html Download results cd /usr/local mkdir mysql rz Upload the downloaded mysql package to the new /usr/local/mysql in linux upload completed 2.Uninstall Clear pre-installed mariadb or mysql 1. Query the installed mariadb and mysql rpm -aq|grep -i mariadb;rpm -aq|grep -i mysql; 2. Uninstall […]

The difference between Centos6 and Centos7 systems

Table of Contents 1. System type 2. Service management 3. File system 4. File structure 5. Desktop system 6. Host name 7. Check the system version 8. Time synchronization 9. Firewall 10. Login prompt 11. Character set 12. Time zone setting 13. Regional settings 14. grub (GRand Unified Bootloader) 15. Kernel 16. Database 17. Network […]

CentOS7 Hadoop3.X pseudo-distributed environment construction

Build environment: windows10, VMware16.2.3, centOS7.9, jdk-8u162-linux-x64.tar.gz, hadoop3.1.0 Links to Hadoop for various versions of Hadoop jdk8 download link jdk 1. Basic configuration preparations 1.1 Static IP address and other configurations Note: If you are prompted for insufficient permissions, you need to use root permissions. 1.1.1 Non-clone machine configuration static IP address ####1.1.2 Configure a static […]

[MySQL] Teach you step by step how to download MySQL for centos7

centos7 download MySQL Preface Officially begin Uninstall unnecessary environments (you can skip if you have not installed database-related things before) download mysql Login mysql Log in to the FAQ [If not, click next] Log in to the FAQ [If not, click next] Login method three Foreword It is more convenient to install and uninstall MySQL […]

Centos7 install mysql

MySQL installation 1.1.1 DownloadwgetCommand yum -y install wget Unable to install wget: https://blog.csdn.net/YellowShite/article/details/115507120 1.1.2 Download the mysql installation package online wget https://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql57-community-release-el7-8.noarch.rpm 1.1.3 Install MySQL rpm -ivh mysql57-community-release-el7-8.noarch.rpm 1.1.4 Install mysql service First enter the cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory. cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ Install the MySQL service (this process may be a bit slow) yum -y install mysql-server […]

VMware Workstation 15 Pro install Centos7

Note: VMware Workstation 15 Pro + windows10 system is relatively stable Windows11 + VM15 may cause a blue screen. Windows11 recommends a higher version of VM; centos7 download address: centos-7-isos-x86_64 installation package download_open source mirror station-Alibaba Cloud (aliyun.com) Table of Contents 1. Install VMware Workstation 15 Pro virtual machine 2. Install Centos7 steps 3. Virtual […]

Centos7 deploys Canal and integrates it with Canal

1. Introduction canal [k?’n?l], translated as waterway/pipeline/ditch, its main purpose is to provide incremental data subscription and consumption based on MySQL database incremental log analysis In the early days of Alibaba, due to the deployment of dual computer rooms in Hangzhou and the United States, there was a business need for cross-computer room synchronization. The […]

centos7 configure network card sub-interface

Configure sub-interface Configuring subinterfaces in CentOS 7 can be used to implement virtualized networks or split a physical network interface into multiple logical interfaces to achieve different network segmentation or VLAN support. The following are the general steps for configuring subinterfaces in CentOS 7: Open a terminal: First, log in to the terminal of your […]