Secure voting system based on blockchain and threshold password (Python+Django+Node+web3+SQLite3)

Table of contents Summary I Abstract I Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research background and significance of the topic 1 1.2 Research status at home and abroad 3 1.3 Contents of this article 8 1.4 Structural arrangement 10 Chapter 2 Related Knowledge and Technology 11 2.1 Blockchain related knowledge 11 2.1.1 Blockchain 11 2.1.2 Ethereum […]

Langchain-Chatchat project: 5.1-ChatGLM3-6B tool call

Evaluations on data sets from different perspectives such as semantics, mathematics, reasoning, code, and knowledge show that ChatGLM3-6B-Base has the strongest performance among basic models below 10B. ChatGLM3-6B adopts a newly designed Prompt format, in addition to normal multi-round conversations. At the same time, it natively supports complex scenarios such as tool calling (Function Call), […]

es hybrid retrieval and langchain retrieval enhancement

Langchain Retriever MultiQueryRetriever uses llm to generate three questions with similar meanings for the question, retrieves related documents based on the three questions and returns them all. MultiVectorRetriever, when the same document has multiple records in the vector library because different vectors are stored, deduplication is performed through id. The code implementation is very simple. […]

I use LangChain to build my own LLM application project

With the technological development of LLM, its application in business has become more and more critical. LangChain has greatly lowered the threshold for LLM application development. By introducing what LangChain is, the core components of LangChain, and how LangChain is used in actual scenarios, this article hopes to help everyone quickly get started with the […]

Application of Go language in blockchain development

Introduction Blockchain is a technology field that has attracted much attention in recent years. It not only changes the traditional data exchange and storage methods, but also provides new solutions for various application scenarios. As a simple and efficient programming language, Go language (Golang) is gradually becoming the first choice language for developing blockchain applications. […]

Langchain-Chachat project: 4.1-P-Tuning v2 implementation process

What are the common parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods (Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning, PEFT)? Mainly Prompt series and LoRA series. This article mainly introduces the P-Tuning v2 fine-tuning method. As follows: Prompt series, for example, Prefix Tuning(2021.01-Stanford), Prompt Tuning(2021.09-Google), P-Tuning(2021.03-Tsinghua), P-Tuning v2(2022.03-Tsinghua); LoRA series, for example, LoRA(2021.11-Microsoft), AdaLoRA(2023.03-Microsoft), QLoRA(2023.05-Washington). There are also things that I don’t know how to […]