Call opencv library programming under Ubuntu to display a picture and display characters

? 1. Internal code, location code encoding rules and glyph data storage format of Chinese characters The in-machine code, location code encoding rules and glyph data storage format of Chinese characters are concepts related to Chinese character information processing. Here is a brief description: 1. Internal code: Internal code is the binary encoding used internally […]

Echart polar coordinates, azimuth and distance diagram, icon symbol rotation and size, color gradient

Background: Participating in an interactive chart project, the customer had a need for polar coordinate comparison to display different types of indicator data in different directions and distances. Specifically, the attribute fields are: Source, distance, orientation, ID, rotation angle, size Let’s look at the renderings first: Technical points: Legend description: The distance is the radial […]

TrOCR model fine-tuning [Transformer-based optical character recognition]

The TrOCR (Transformer-based Optical Character Recognition) model is one of the best performing OCR models. In our previous article we analyzed their performance on single lines of printed and handwritten text. However, like any other deep learning model, they have their limitations. TrOCR doesn’t perform well with curved text out of the box. This article […]

Practical Data Analysis | K-means Algorithm – Analysis of Protein Consumption Characteristics

Table of Contents 1. Data and analysis objects 2. Purpose and analysis tasks 3. Methods and Tools 4. Data reading 5. Data understanding 6. Data preparation 7. Model training ?Edit 8. Model evaluation 9. Model tuning participates in prediction 1. Data and analysis objects txt file – “protein.txt”, mainly records 9 attributes of 25 countries. […]

Deep Neural Network (DNN) is an artificial neural network characterized by having multiple layers of neurons

Deep Neural Network (DNN) is an artificial neural network, which is characterized by having multiple layers of neurons, which can better handle complex nonlinear problems. In Java, we can use open source libraries such as Deeplearning4j (DL4J) to implement deep neural networks. In DL4J, a basic deep neural network consists of multiple layers, each containing […]

Demo of using chartjs in vue2

<template> <div> <div style=”display:inline-block”> <canvas id=”myChartBar” width=”600″ height=”400″></canvas> </div> <div style=”display:inline-block”> <canvas id=”myChartLine” width=”600″ height=”400″></canvas> </div> <div> <canvas id=”myChartPie” width=”600″ height=”400″></canvas> </div> </div> </template> <script> import Chart from ‘chart.js/auto’ export default { name: ‘ChartDemo’, data () { return {} }, methods: { initChartBar () { var ctx = document.getElementById(“myChartBar”); new Chart(ctx, { type: ‘bar’, data: […]

org.hibernate.QueryException: could not instantiate class [com.ak47.cms.cms.dto.TechArticleDto] from

Table of Contents org.hibernate.QueryException: could not instantiate class [com.ak47.cms.cms.dto.TechArticleDto] from tuple Abnormal background solution in conclusion org.hibernate.QueryException: could not instantiate class [com.ak47.cms.cms.dto.TechArticleDto] from tuple When performing Hibernate-based data query, you may encounter an exception similar to ??org.hibernate.QueryException: could not instantiate class??, especially when using DTO (Data Transfer Object) from When mapping data in query results. […]

Pytorch installation and configuration in pycharm and jupyter-CPU detailed version

1. Create a virtual environment conda create -n virtual environment name python=3.6 It prompts me that I have already created this virtual environment, select y. After creation, the following screen is displayed Check again whether the creation is successful Enter the following command conda env list From the picture below, you can see that it […]

Word2Vec word vector analysis (word similarity) based on the character story of Genshin Impact character Keqing

First get the character text of Keqing: raw_texts = [ “Emperor Yanwang brought prosperity to Liyue Port, and his reputation for governing the world was turned into novels and biographies that people talked about. However, as one of the people closest to God, Keqing seems to be the one who lacks the least awe. \ […]