Android ToggleButton, Switch, CheckBox, RadioButton controls

Table of Contents ToggleButton concept renderings Code Switch concept renderings CheckBox concept renderings Code RadioButton concept renderings Code ToggleButton Concept ToggleButton is a basic control in Android. It can switch between two states and is often used to represent functions such as switching and enabling/disabling. Some important features and usage of ToggleButton: Layout: In an […]

checkbox checkbox multi-select across pages, does not depend on back-end implementation

checkbox checkbox multi-select across pages, does not depend on back-end implementation 1. Demand Enable multiple selections across pages when the table is paginated. Refresh or change the number of pagination items, and still allow multiple selections to be made correctly. 2. Implementation plan Use sessionStorage to save the check box selection information on the client […]

vue3+antdesign completes the checkbox linkage of nested tables

computed: { rowSelectionFather() { return { // onChange: (selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) => { // this.selectedRowKeysFather = selectedRowKeys // }, selectedRowKeys:this.selectedRowKeysFather, onSelect: (record, selected, selectedRows) => { const setChildArr = this.dataFather.find(d => === => // The first step is to judge selected true: selected, false, unchecked if (selected) { // In the second step, […]

Multiple checkbox association issues in C#Winform

I am a novice who has changed careers. I am following the video to learn PC software development. After my own testing, I encountered some problems. Record it to prevent this kind of problem from happening again in the future. I also hope to get some advice from you guys. (This is the first time […]

A brief taste of ElementUI 35: Checkbox multi-select box

Multiple selection from a set of alternatives 1. How to use? Used alone, it can represent switching between two states. The content written in the label is the introduction after the checkbox button. //Define the v-model binding variable in the el-checkbox element. In a single checkbox, the default binding variable value will be Boolean, and […]

Based on echarts, polygons are drawn in the rectangular coordinate system; colors are randomly generated; show-overflow-tooltip style is modified; formatting time; websocket is used; checkbox view is not updated when used in el-table

Based on echarts, draw polygons in the rectangular coordinate system; randomly generate colors; modify the show-overflow-tooltip style 1. Draw polygons in the rectangular coordinate system based on echarts 1.1Introduce echarts dependency into the project 1.2Introduce echarts into the page 1.3html code 1.4js code 1.5 Optimization, add fill style js code 2. Randomly generate colors 2.1 […]

Qt 02 button + label + line editor + checkbox

0.General knowledge How qt works QT working principle: event-driven, signal and slot mechanism 1. Event: anything that happens on the control (mouse movement, click, control drawing, movement, keyboard press, etc.) 2. Signal: It is an incomplete function (only declared but not defined). It is provided by the system class library or declared by the programmer […]

Loop tree and checkbox related selection processing

<template> <div class=”container-wrap layout-padding”> <el-card shadow=”hover” class=”top-card”> <div class=”system-user-search”> <el-form :inline=”true” :model=”state.filters” ref=”searchConditions”> <el-form-item label=”Organization name” class=”row-padding-bottom”> <el-input v-model=”state.filters.org_name” size=”default” placeholder=”Please enter the organization name” clearable style=”width: 220px”> </el-input> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label=”” class=”row-padding-bottom”> <el-button size=”default” type=”primary” class=”ml10″ @click=”getTableData”> Query </el-button> <el-button size=”default” class=”ml10″ @click=”resetTableData”> Reset </el-button> </el-form-item> </el-form> </div> </el-card> <el-card shadow=”hover”> <div class=”header”> <div […]

Vue and element ui’s el-checkbox pit

1. The scene of the problem Traverse an array, use checkbox, click on a tag to achieve selected and unselected status 2. Example of official website By switching the checked value to true or false, the state switching of a checkbox <template> <el-checkbox v-model=”checked”>Alternatives</el-checkbox> </template> <script> export default {<!– –> data() {<!– –> return {<!– […]